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Strike package of PAF F-16 - Fear Factor

Pakistani's are ever eager to glorify themselves. And we can always trust them to miss the forest for the woods.

India's unprecedented actions against an impending sale of F-16's is not about F-16's at all. Pakistani Airforce today stands as a joke in front of the IAF in terms of weapons capability, technology and numbers. 8 F-16's don't even change an iota of that.

Its about how today India has unprecedented global clout compared to its past - this is in effect a test for the Govt of India. Does India have enough global clout now to change the course of international action?

Its a yes/no answer. If no, then we would have a credible assessment of what India can not manage and where do we need to invest more - to attain more clout. If yes, then we would have a credible assessment of what we can manage.

Basically it is a self assessment test.

but still crying over 8 f16s :( whyyy :P
Then why this all rona dhona just for eight jets....when you have numbers of superior Jets already in service with you..why you people humiliate your nation just over 8 technically inferior jets...please stand in front of a mirror and ask the same question to your self..u will find a moron a dehati aurat in mirror..

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Your enemy will do every thing to keep you on back foot that's what enemy do your crying won't help India will do this in future too no matter if it's is successful or not there are big things at stake here if you know what I mean
Your enemy will do every thing to keep you on back foot that's what enemy do your crying won't help India will do this in future too no matter if it's is successful or not there are big things at stake here if you know what I mean

Bhai woh sab thek hai per apnay aap ko tamasha tu na banao. Hamein lagg raha hai hum bandar naach dekh rahay hain.
Bhai woh sab thek hai per apnay aap ko tamasha tu na banao. Hamein lagg raha hai hum bandar naach dekh rahay hain.
Koi tamasha nahi bana raha janaab,every country do diplomatic protest China do the same when it come to Taiwan SK & japan or kaio ka Bandar nach PDF pay jaror ho raha hai 8 f 16 ane ki khushi may :lol:
Pakistan became the 2nd country to successfully use F-16s in combat after Israel when Soviet & Afghan fighters were shot down over Afghanistan, PAF used F-16 before US or any NATO country did in combat, so I can understand Indian whining !!!
Then why this all rona dhona just for eight jets....when you have numbers of superior Jets already in service with you..why you people humiliate your nation just over 8 technically inferior jets...please stand in front of a mirror and ask the same question to your self..u will find a moron a dehati aurat in mirror..

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In these types of circumstances we are advised to show Sabr-i Jemil (Gracious Patience)...

No, but they have major influence on the government and the biggest anti-taliban faction, the norther alliance. As much as Pakistanis may hate to admit it, India is actually quite important to solve Afghanistan's problem. Even if a deal is brokered, India will no doubt try and break any deal, or start a new proxy group to further their objectives. As such, India must be given SOME sort of peace offering, otherwise, Afghanistan's peace will be an unfinished project.

Pakistan's current standing in the Islamic world is low, make no mistake about that. The Gulf have decided to divest from Pakistan, and invest in India. I have no doubt that India is willing to (at least secretly) send troops to secure the Arab monarchies in, at least the UAE (if you asked me a few years back, I may have laughed at this very notion).

Pakistan's rejection of joining the Yemen war, has damaged relations between the Arab world and Pakistan (personally? I think that's completely fine).

The role of mediator no longer applies to Pakistan. This isn't the 60s or 70s, when Pakistan brokered talks between the two. Pakistan is more in the Chinese camp, and the US will never accept Pakistan's role as mediator.

No one said that the US will dump Pakistan, but it IS true that currently, the US considers India a stronger and more important ally. China's expansion has made the US and India strategic allies, something that Pakistan can never offer. The best thing Pakistan can try and do is remain neutral, but with increasing Chinese interest in Pakistan's economic potential, that is unlikely to remain. Remember, it was because of the US that China was never allowed to invest in Gwadar for years (since 2003).

My point is that, India will not replace Pakistan, but the opposite is also true.

History, however, shows that Afghans have a tendency to solve problems for Muslims in India like the third battle of Panipat. When all the past and present superpowers have repeatedly failed to solve problems in Afghanistan who else has the audacity to try?
mate he must be saying that about our mirage 3 and their mig 21 bison not su 30 or he might be comparing mirage 2000 with su 30.because otherwise it don't make sense and it is impossible for a senior paf official to give such statements.

No dear, i have been following defence matters for last 13 years and i am not mistaken here. it was a surprise for me as well but i know Mirage ROSE upgrades gave them such capabilities in air interception and ground attacks which are unparallel. Even PAF f16s are cannot replace them so easily and even JFT Block 2 is just able to match them. hope JFT block 3 will surpass these capabilities in future.
Can India provide an alternative to the role Pakistan fills in the region which are

1. An ally which is a conduit to Afghanistan which major influence on Taliban.
2. A major power of Islamic community with strong ties to Gulf and thus an alternate pressure point to manage things in ME.
3. A mediator with strong ties to China which will come into factor if things turn bad enough b.w US and China.

I don't think so! India has it's uses but then again so does Pakistan and it's an exercise in stupidity to assume that US will dump Pakistan without an viable alternative which India is unable to offer.
Just to add one thing in this Pak is also the only nuke power in Islamic world its not the ME we are talking off its all the muslim world
Pakistan wants these 8 F-16 Block 52s to complete a squadron. Next order would either be for F-16Vs or Block 52s with AESA radar. Plus they would want MLUs for AESA for all their F-16s.

First rational statement from across the border.

F16 is and remains to be a formidable asset of Pakistani Air Defence and tactical strike doctrine. While I don't expect if it has the same psychological and deterrent value as the Star Fighter did, Pakistan is a trained and experienced operator of the Viper. Just technology on the paper means nothing. It is airforces that train, train, train, and PAF is one of those operators. Having seen the aircraft, its operators and maintainers up close, the F16 fleet of Pakistan is an incredible force to reckon with.
First rational statement from across the border.

F16 is and remains to be a formidable asset of Pakistani Air Defence and tactical strike doctrine. While I don't expect if it has the same psychological and deterrent value as the Star Fighter did, Pakistan is a trained and experienced operator of the Viper. Just technology on the paper means nothing. It is airforces that train, train, train, and PAF is one of those operators. Having seen the aircraft, its operators and maintainers up close, the F16 fleet of Pakistan is an incredible force to reckon with.
Personally I dont see the SABR radar in any future the future buys of 16s. I think the next acquisition of 16s will again if possible be more of the same. I think the developments in AESA and other goodies may well come from Chinese sources in future block JFT and next acquisition.
Its good to have 8 F16s for free almost. However, what about the recent offer of lockheed Martin to produce F 16s in india. If indians accept the offer, how long will it take to make the F 16 manufacturing plant operational? How may planes can be produced in a year by indians? How long will it take indian pilots to master F 16?

Last but not the least, what are options for Pakistan in such case?
Its good to have 8 F16s for free almost. However, what about the recent offer of lockheed Martin to produce F 16s in india. If indians accept the offer, how long will it take to make the F 16 manufacturing plant operational? How may planes can be produced in a year by indians? How long will it take indian pilots to master F 16?

Last but not the least, what are options for Pakistan in such case?
Your question is answered in two scenarios .
1. What if LM transfer production to India for F16 .This is simply very bleak chances as F16 is at the last stage and inducting now means commiting for 30 Years atleast which by the time itself is 6th Gen era .So it doesnt make sense .
2. If IAF decided to go knowing Indian burecracy it will take time just to finalize TOT and other stuff .
3. If every thing went well for India with every thing in time ,mastering a plan will take time like 4-5 years atleast .
4. Similarly we know F16 inside out so Indians will always be many steps behind .
5. When this will happen we will go for another option just like Mirage 3/5 we operate and IAF operate Mirage 2000 so each AF has its own doctrine .
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