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Strike package of PAF F-16 - Fear Factor

The only ppl scared of f16 are ppl are tribal areas of pakistan being bombed by f16s indian airforce double in numbers and having potent aircrafts like mig29 su30mki mirage 2000 all superior to old aged less manevourabke f16 has no need to worry I bet they would be laughing at you and your post when they read it
I bet you have been thus forum for a long time u must know a lot of things explain how f16 can trouble iaf can it strike deep in india?
No. Can it bypass s300 and enter indian airspace no.is. it more advanced than su 30 or mig29 no if u dont agree come up with some facts figures logics otherwise its a useless tgreads with words which hold no weight

Eight f16 are not going to change anything indian has 200 su30 mki thats more than ourf16 and jf17 together not talking about jaguare mirage2000 mig29. So which world u r living in man the f7s and mirage paf has should be in museams they would be flying coffins incase of war
Have respect for senior members even if you are trolling. Dont make yourself look like an Idiot. Pakistan passes camels,Pigeons,infiltrators,drones and god know what through that border according to Indian media. Anyways welcome to the forum and chill ax dude if bad times come our Mushaqs can go through undetected by smoked up S300s f16 is whole another monster. There is fine line between criticism and paranoia
I hope our mushaks could go throuh undetected but I m realistic not optimistic I am crticising f16 is f16 a member on this forum I didnt know that I will talk to seniore members as they talk to me us is never gonna give you something lethal or something that could give you an edge over india past has past they could have given you f16 v with aesa with aim9x ,off boresight missiles instead you get an insignificent aircraft in insignifcent numbers and there are 16 threads for 8 f16 pathetic it shows we really dont have anything to talk about
Look man we ain't invading India so why worry? On the other hand if India does try anything adventerous and PAF is given green light you bet they have plans for S300s. You are already assuming that PAF would send f16 to destroy S300s lol. My friend in a bigger picture of war S300 is merely a small dot. But for your sake so you could calm down i can give you one example how these mere 8 F16s can make a difference.Now first thing you will ask me how to track an S300
well send in couple of armed drones, have cruise missiles ready to follow up and let the Electronic warfare begin and follow it up with F16s to smoke up your intended target. S300s will engage drones while cruise missile will be raining down on to the location from where it was engaging while electronic warfare platforms will be jamming S300s which will be now trying to look out for its own As*. At this point my friend you can send in not only your F16s but Mushaqs as well. India is not thousand miles away so don't look at this as Israel Iran situation and neither Turkey and Syria openly at war. So all of this will be happening quickly. I hope from this day onwards until S400s come you wont have nightmares about S300s and you wont have to worry about we not having BORESIGHT missile which in itself sounds more Indian. lol
Seems you have just come out of a coma after four years, obviously your little mind is all confused and maybe even messed up, why don't you first get use to civilization before you hit the kerb.

Apropos to the post, for those who think the F16 era is over, talk to a viper
And one more thing none of our jf17 and f16 are equipped with off boresight missiles ans its a force multiplier india has r73 on mig31 basin mig29 and su30 f16 would be toasted and pakistani wind hence be jammed and damned

none of our JF17 are equipped with HOBS AAM "YET" ;) This doesn't mean it is not coming to a website near you sometimes in the future?

Look man we ain't invading India so why worry? On the other hand if India does try anything adventerous and PAF is given green light you bet they have plans for S300s. You are already assuming that PAF would send f16 to destroy S300s lol. My friend in a bigger picture of war S300 is merely a small dot. But for your sake so you could calm down i can give you one example how these mere 8 F16s can make a difference.Now first thing you will ask me how to track an S300
well send in couple of armed drones, have cruise missiles ready to follow up and let the Electronic warfare begin and follow it up with F16s to smoke up your intended target. S300s will engage drones while cruise missile will be raining down on to the location from where it was engaging while electronic warfare platforms will be jamming S300s which will be now trying to look out for its own As*. At this point my friend you can send in not only your F16s but Mushaqs as well. India is not thousand miles away so don't look at this as Israel Iran situation and neither Turkey and Syria openly at war. So all of this will be happening quickly. I hope from this day onwards until S400s come you wont have nightmares about S300s and you wont have to worry about we not having BORESIGHT missile which in itself sounds more Indian. lol

I love the senior vs. junior member fight...reminds me of the old days..nonetheless, no actual strategy will be discussed here, and this remains to be an opinion blog, where people with real information will always withhold it, and nay sayers will always ask for a "source."

For people who misunderstood this post, Windjammer correct me if I am wrong, this was a SATIRE post. Do you know what satire and sarcasm is? F16 is a non-issue being made into an issue. It exposes India's domestic political agenda, where acquisition of hitech weapons makes the current regime look weak on international front, despite whatever they are posing. Then off course the F16 lovers and haters come out, and start talking about how F16 is the best thing since Muldul and Scully in X-files, or how it is inferior piece of junk when compared to the might of the Indian air armada ready to pummel Pakistan on the first bugel.

The F16 is one of the finest aircraft and there is no doubt about that---and the BLK52 with its special package for pakistan is the most potent aircraft in the arena and will stay in that position for awhile.

The issue is not that of its availability---the issue is of the strings attached---.

What most of the " thick headed " pakistanis don't want to hear or understand is---that it is not only the sanctions that are an issue----it is the operation of the aircraft's sesnors and electronics package as well.

In the late 80's we got sanctions for other reasons---but now we will get sanctions and to top that of---as there is a big HATRED amongst some of the U S senators and congressmen against pakistan---our F16 can be made in-operable to their fullest---.

See---the more technology that you have from uncle Sam---more control he has over his technology----.

Your equipment can simply start to work at a snails pace----you may only have 50 % thrust available to the aircraft---your BVR missile may suddenly lose the lock on---shut down---and simply fall down----.

This is not science mythology----and this is not a work of fiction---this is real life---.

Here is a link to a live hack on a 2015 Jeep vehicle---and these are just regular hacker guys----

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It | WIRED

" Instead, they merely assured me that they wouldn’t do anything life-threatening. Then they told me to drive the Jeep onto the highway. “Remember, Andy,” Miller had said through my iPhone’s speaker just before I pulled onto the Interstate 64 on-ramp, “no matter what happens, don’t panic.”

" As the two hackers remotely toyed with the air-conditioning, radio, and windshield wipers, I mentally congratulated myself on my courage under pressure. That’s when they cut the transmission.

Immediately my accelerator stopped working. As I frantically pressed the pedal and watched the RPMs climb, the Jeep lost half its speed, then slowed to a crawl. This occurred just as I reached a long overpass, with no shoulder to offer an escape. The experiment had ceased to be fun ".

Read the rest in the link----.

The problem is not with the U S military and defence dept----U S military would never want to see the top notch U S aircraft act impotent or incompetent in a fight----it is the politicians who will decide what the F16 can do.
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The F16 is one of the finest aircraft and there is no doubt about that---and the BLK52 with its special package for pakistan is the most potent aircraft in the arena and will stay in that position for awhile.

The issue is not that of its availability---the issue is of the strings attached---.

What most of the " thick headed " pakistanis don't want to hear or understand is---that it is not only the sanctions that are an issue----it is the operation of the aircraft's sesnors and electronics package as well.

In the late 80's we got sanctions for other reasons---but now we will get sanctions and to top that of---there is a big HATRED amongst some of the U S senators and congressmen against pakistan---our F16 can be made in-operable to their fullest---.

See---the more technology that you have from uncle Sam---more control he has over his technology----.

Your equipment can simply start to work at a snails pace----you may only have 50 % thrust available to the aircraft---your BVR missile may suddenly lose the lock on---shut down---and simply fall down----.

This is not science mythology----and this is not a work of fiction---this is real life---.

Here is a link to a live hack on a 2015 Jeep vehicle---and these are just regular hacker guys----

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It | WIRED

" Instead, they merely assured me that they wouldn’t do anything life-threatening. Then they told me to drive the Jeep onto the highway. “Remember, Andy,” Miller had said through my iPhone’s speaker just before I pulled onto the Interstate 64 on-ramp, “no matter what happens, don’t panic.”

" As the two hackers remotely toyed with the air-conditioning, radio, and windshield wipers, I mentally congratulated myself on my courage under pressure. That’s when they cut the transmission.

Immediately my accelerator stopped working. As I frantically pressed the pedal and watched the RPMs climb, the Jeep lost half its speed, then slowed to a crawl. This occurred just as I reached a long overpass, with no shoulder to offer an escape. The experiment had ceased to be fun ".

Read the rest in the link----.

The problem is not with the U S military and defence dept----U S military would never want to see the top notch U S aircraft act impotent or incompetent in a fight----it is the politicians who will decide what the F16 can do.
Sir they don't plant Kill Switches but they have developed a system friend and foe to avoid accidental lock on friendly aircraft and all this news comes to light when Turkish aircraft during exercise tries to lock on Israeli F-16 but he failed to do so...Then turkey remove this system with locally developed one.
It is friend and Foe system not a Kill Switch....
The only ppl scared of f16 are ppl are tribal areas of pakistan being bombed by f16s indian airforce double in numbers and having potent aircrafts like mig29 su30mki mirage 2000 all superior to old aged less manevourabke f16 has no need to worry I bet they would be laughing at you and your post when they read it
I bet you have been thus forum for a long time u must know a lot of things explain how f16 can trouble iaf can it strike deep in india?
No. Can it bypass s300 and enter indian airspace no.is. it more advanced than su 30 or mig29 no if u dont agree come up with some facts figures logics otherwise its a useless tgreads with words which hold no weight

Eight f16 are not going to change anything indian has 200 su30 mki thats more than ourf16 and jf17 together not talking about jaguare mirage2000 mig29. So which world u r living in man the f7s and mirage paf has should be in museams they would be flying coffins incase of war

Firstly congratulations on your reincarnation, as much as you must be ashamed of your nationality, sadly for you despite the effort, like a bad smell you can not hide your true identity hence your post is as ridiculous as your credentials and isn't worth a reply.....none the less, if the F-16 is not a threat then one wonders why the Indian or rather your establishment are behaving as if some one has slaughtered a cow on the steps of Lok Sabha.

And one more thing none of our jf17 and f16 are equipped with off boresight missiles ans its a force multiplier india has r73 on mig31 basin mig29 and su30 f16 would be toasted and pakistani wind hence be jammed and damned
Ya, whatever happens to the Pakistani wind, only time will tell but with the obvious reaction on the forum and your people in India, some one must be doing a booming trade in selling Lungis....
Sir they don't plant Kill Switches but they have developed a system friend and foe to avoid accidental lock on friendly aircraft and all this news comes to light when Turkish aircraft during exercise tries to lock on Israeli F-16 but he failed to do so...Then turkey remove this system with locally developed one.
It is friend and Foe system not a Kill Switch....


IFF is an old system----has nothing to do with kill switches----.

All current aircraft in u s inventory---military---if they can exchange data----they have a kill switch---be it a fighter aircraft or a late model helicopter----.

IFF is an old system----has nothing to do with kill switches----.

All current aircraft in u s inventory---military---if they can exchange data----they have a kill switch---be it a fighter aircraft or a late model helicopter----.

Its called Denial...denial for a system to be used in an area, or not be used another. These F16s will not be usable in any area, situation, or scenario where the seller thinks they are not serving her interest.

Many Pakistani Nations mention of Teaching a Lesson to Indian Su30/Mirages in 2008....

If it was reality the 'Radar Intercept Report" & El/R would have been demonstrated with Vectors across the Globe

Such reports if submitted in UN could have made a point....

Havent seen any, so consider this as a Fluke....

please start banning all trolls on the suject
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@MastanKhan you are constantly talking about " kill switches " , for first time readers like me it does make sense that US can go to any extent to protect its Technology to fall into his enemy hands, but if you think a bit deeper . it actually makes more damage to US than it will do to a country using US hardware, Specially in case of Pakistan .

lets assume Pakistan is at full scale war with India and US push the mysterious Red button to make our F-16's practically useless like Mehran . now we will be kinda left with a potent fighter to defend our air Space Right ? but than what other option we have ? think ................ yeah the Mushroom cloud . US and not just them any country with little bit of sense know that nukes are there make to balance CONVENTIONAL WARFARE . as soon as Pakistan realize that US ditched us, and we are losing than Nukes comes into play, yeah we conventionally lost the war but still can scare the shit out of Indians, but than think about the outcome , PAF will share their experience with world, how their F-16 with red mysterious button pressed by Pentagon become useless, you really think any other nation will order more US arms ? ? or those who are operating US stuff will be panicked . the US arm sale can drop to a dangerous level, because it may not seems that Pakistan does not care for their National security but for other countries , National Security is a serious matter ..

so do you really think that US and its Thinkers can be that fool that they will put some kill switches, and used them in most anticipated times ( war ) , to embarrass and humiliate a country, may risk a full out Nuclear war , by just pressing One Fcuking Red Mystery button ?

US earn billions of dollars from its arm industry , and a conflict between India and Pakistan ( conventional ) hold a insignificant importance to US arm dealers and Exporters .

rest , i leave it to you to the maths, and @Windjammer @araz @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 your opinions are well needed here .
@MastanKhan you are constantly talking about " kill switches " , for first time readers like me it does make sense that US can go to any extent to protect its Technology to fall into his enemy hands, but if you think a bit deeper . it actually makes more damage to US than it will do to a country using US hardware, Specially in case of Pakistan .

lets assume Pakistan is at full scale war with India and US push the mysterious Red button to make our F-16's practically useless like Mehran . now we will be kinda left with a potent fighter to defend our air Space Right ? but than what other option we have ? think ................ yeah the Mushroom cloud . US and not just them any country with little bit of sense know that nukes are there make to balance CONVENTIONAL WARFARE . as soon as Pakistan realize that US ditched us, and we are losing than Nukes comes into play, yeah we conventionally lost the war but still can scare the shit out of Indians, but than think about the outcome , PAF will share their experience with world, how their F-16 with red mysterious button pressed by Pentagon become useless, you really think any other nation will order more US arms ? ? or those who are operating US stuff will be panicked . the US arm sale can drop to a dangerous level, because it may not seems that Pakistan does not care for their National security but for other countries , National Security is a serious matter ..

so do you really think that US and its Thinkers can be that fool that they will put some kill switches, and used them in most anticipated times ( war ) , to embarrass and humiliate a country, may risk a full out Nuclear war , by just pressing One Fcuking Red Mystery button ?

US earn billions of dollars from its arm industry , and a conflict between India and Pakistan ( conventional ) hold a insignificant importance to US arm dealers and Exporters .

rest , i leave it to you to the maths, and @Windjammer @araz @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 your opinions are well needed here .


It could be a " stairstep " type of sabotage----. A glitch here---a glitch there at the critical moment---which mean that there is no way of telling the base what happened---before it gets into a full DENIAL mode.

About the nuclear issue---they will be neutralized----for the last 14 years---that has been on the top of the list for the U S---there are " sniffer " satelites " on top of pakistan all the time---they sniff for any signs of radiation---also any place and anything that could remotely seem to look like a launch pad or launch base.

That is why I have written many a times---build up conventional force so much that you can reach south india and do some major destruction.

That is the only saving grace for pakistan---you kids need to thinks with your brains----you kids need to think about the lives of your children----you need to give them a place to live and cherish---.

You don't want to leave behind a nuc wasteland and incinerated children. That is why I keep saying---pakistan's salvation lies in conventional strength---.

Pakistan needs to spend about 3-4 billion dollars for its HEAVY air assets.

Pakistanis need to get out of the mindset of survival thru defensive doctrine---. It has never happened before---it will never happen again.

By the way---do you have children---?

The U S is not worried about its technology falling into the wrong hands---it will have its own people on the ground to collect the broken pieces----.

The F16 is one of the finest aircraft and there is no doubt about that---and the BLK52 with its special package for pakistan is the most potent aircraft in the arena and will stay in that position for awhile.

The issue is not that of its availability---the issue is of the strings attached---.

What most of the " thick headed " pakistanis don't want to hear or understand is---that it is not only the sanctions that are an issue----it is the operation of the aircraft's sesnors and electronics package as well.

In the late 80's we got sanctions for other reasons---but now we will get sanctions and to top that of---there is a big HATRED amongst some of the U S senators and congressmen against pakistan---our F16 can be made in-operable to their fullest---.

See---the more technology that you have from uncle Sam---more control he has over his technology----.

Your equipment can simply start to work at a snails pace----you may only have 50 % thrust available to the aircraft---your BVR missile may suddenly lose the lock on---shut down---and simply fall down----.

This is not science mythology----and this is not a work of fiction---this is real life---.

Here is a link to a live hack on a 2015 Jeep vehicle---and these are just regular hacker guys----

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It | WIRED

" Instead, they merely assured me that they wouldn’t do anything life-threatening. Then they told me to drive the Jeep onto the highway. “Remember, Andy,” Miller had said through my iPhone’s speaker just before I pulled onto the Interstate 64 on-ramp, “no matter what happens, don’t panic.”

" As the two hackers remotely toyed with the air-conditioning, radio, and windshield wipers, I mentally congratulated myself on my courage under pressure. That’s when they cut the transmission.

Immediately my accelerator stopped working. As I frantically pressed the pedal and watched the RPMs climb, the Jeep lost half its speed, then slowed to a crawl. This occurred just as I reached a long overpass, with no shoulder to offer an escape. The experiment had ceased to be fun ".

Read the rest in the link----.

The problem is not with the U S military and defence dept----U S military would never want to see the top notch U S aircraft act impotent or incompetent in a fight----it is the politicians who will decide what the F16 can do.
so question is will any country be stupid enough to even touch US technology again if this happens?
In the 80's Sabre had lost it's place and edge in the air wars due to new and advanced tech. F-16 has not yet lost its place or edge in the air wars as of yet, it is still a very potent and modern aircraft and it's largest operator USA itself has not and is not going to retire all its F-16 force in the near future. LHM is still producing them, modernizing them and selling them, the day they dismantle its production line and the day USA retires all of it's F-16, then one can say the F-16 era is over, and that day is still some years out for the US.

Add 15/20 years to that for other operators as all the retired F-16 in thousands would be available for cannibalization and use as spares.

During the 80s why did you switch to F-16? Pakistan should have kept flying the sabres. At that time they hadn't mastered the F-16 for it was new. Do you see the hollow side of your logic?
so question is will any country be stupid enough to even touch US technology again if this happens?


You got to ask that from the Paf---. As for other nations with F16's---they are not facing an open threat of sanctions---.

Its called Denial...denial for a system to be used in an area, or not be used another. These F16s will not be usable in any area, situation, or scenario where the seller thinks they are not serving her interest.


When paf bought the aim120 BVR missile---some in the congress and senate were extremely concerned---there question was how can we control the missiles and what if the missile is launched against us---.

Whatever the answer was behind closed doors----was good enough for the sale to go thru and deliveries made in a timely manner---500 of them.

I would like the posters to think about it---that what transpired between the congress and pentagon---that the approval was made---.

Just think about it---500 bvr missiles at one time is a very large order.
We should have the ability and capacity to hit india if india does any ariel surgical strikes in pakistan we should have something like su35 or j16 to hit any target anywhere in india why always play defensve offence is the best defence remember?
As per sounding like indian everybody praising heref16 makes this forum boring I want to see more mustan khans on this forum eith ideas and better suggestion I like your answer regarding s300 but some members are too egoistic to give you a reasonable answer and get personal with you

Many thanks for your warm welcome I am deeply touched by the way I am pakistani not an indian .I had to be reincarnated because some senior member could,nt tolerate my criticism and and instead of giving me a reasonable answer got me blocked its not a rocket science ti make and id and register it so I m cool man I never expected an answer from you coz u havnt got one :-) so do what you are best at open another thread and keep praising f16 :-) good luck

So you are saying incase u.s invades paakistan (lets suppose) all these f16 would be useless

Oh the What IF scenarios...So if the US or NATO does invade Pakistan, a lot of other things will also be useless, including our political leadership...


You got to ask that from the Paf---. As for other nations with F16's---they are not facing an open threat of sanctions---.


When paf bought the aim120 BVR missile---some in the congress and senate were extremely concerned---there question was how can we control the missiles and what if the missile is launched against us---.

Whatever the answer was behind closed doors----was good enough for the sale to go thru and deliveries made in a timely manner---500 of them.

I would like the posters to think about it---that what transpired between the congress and pentagon---that the approval was made---.

Just think about it---500 bvr missiles at one time is a very large order.

This is an open secret, and well known in defence procurement circles. US origin weapons have safeguards, so that they cannot be used against US or NATO troops. However, I am sure Pakistani engineers are also crafty and have evaluated such checks.

AIM120 Block 5 is an effective weapon system, and will serve PAF well in defence of Pakistan's aerospace against known adversaries. However, it may not work again Iron Man, Super Man, Spider Man, and other US based attackers.

Pakistan will also have another and more widely deployed weapon, called SD10A, which will be used in all areas where "denial" becomes a possibility.

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