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Strict Curfew Imposed In Most Of Indian Kashmir

There is seperatism but not on the scale of Kashmir in any region. This is proof:

“63 percent Baloch oppose independence” | The News Tribe

Personally I see this situation as very grave in Balochistan despite majority being against freedom. ^^^^^^
I mean 37% of all Baloch is not a small number. @Irfan Baloch.

In Kashmir 87% want freedom and 4% ascension with Pakistan- that is only according to one survey though there are more in this regard, one stating 92%

However India is so large it can easily absorb a secessionist region like Kashmir fully. Kashmiris are only 7 Million in India and the total population of India is a billion plus so ignore them or choose to help them it does not matter. This is why the Kashmiris wanting freedom will only dream. Reality can only be made with a nation like Pakistan's help which itself is in a situation. So thats a neutral take though given my Ansari heritage I do feel the need to say things like callous oppression which I will not allude to in respect for you Ayush.

Give them rights. 60 years is enough for them to stop wanting freedom.
hahaha lets see who's talking... lets go back to 71..when 90% of your "eastern province population" wanted freedom..did you gave them??? or instead massacred them??? see no country wants to shrink in size,and that refers to the landmass and not population.So, if any nation directly "mediates" into kashmir ( like we did in 71)and forcefuuly liberates it,fine.otherwise very slim chance
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There is seperatism but not on the scale of Kashmir in any region. This is proof:

“63 percent Baloch oppose independence” | The News Tribe

Personally I see this situation as very grave in Balochistan despite majority being against freedom. ^^^^^^
I mean 37% of all Baloch is not a small number. @Irfan Baloch.

In Kashmir 87% want freedom and 4% ascension with Pakistan- that is only according to one survey though there are more in this regard, one stating 92%

However India is so large it can easily absorb a secessionist region like Kashmir fully. Kashmiris are only 7 Million in India and the total population of India is a billion plus so ignore them or choose to help them it does not matter. This is why the Kashmiris wanting freedom will only dream. Reality can only be made with a nation like Pakistan's help which itself is in a situation. So thats a neutral take though given my Ansari heritage I do feel the need to say things like callous oppression which I will not allude to in respect for you Ayush.

Give them rights. 60 years is enough for them to stop wanting freedom.

That was only for Kashmir valley. It was less than 1 % in Jammu division which has a sizable muslim population and in Ladakh it was around 20% and BTW 44% voted for independence in P@k and 43% in J&K so are you giving them independence ;)
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That was only for Kashmir valley. It was less than 1 % in Jammu division which has a sizable muslim population and in Ladakh it was around 20% and BTW 44% voted for independence in P@k and 43% in J&K so are you giving them independence ;)

Survey wasn't done in Pakistani Kashmir but in Pakistan so shows you how benevolent Pakistanis are as a whole. At the same time fewer % of Indians said Kashmir should be independent. I wrote that earlier. Jammu's hindu population indeed was in favor of India but there is no proof of the muslim population doing the same unless you bring substansive proof otherwise. Ladakh has a muslim population somewhat known to favour India though there is no survey or major piece of proof here either.
Survey wasn't done in Pakistani Kashmir but in Pakistan so shows you how benevolent Pakistanis are as a whole. At the same time fewer % of Indians said Kashmir should be independent. I wrote that earlier. Jammu's hindu population indeed was in favor of India but there is no proof of the muslim population doing the same unless you bring substansive proof otherwise. Ladakh has a muslim population somewhat known to favour India though there is no survey or major piece of proof here either.

They did the survey in Pakistani Kashmir too according to BBC

Jammu region has around 30% muslim population and even if the 1% that did vote for Independence were muslims that still makes it nearly 3% of the muslim population.

Ladakh has a shia majority among muslim and they would not like to be a part of Pakistan given the condition of shias in gilgit baltistan and nor would many of them like an Independent J&K and be at the mercy of fanatic sunnis of the valley.
Havi, the Kashmir numbers do not make sense to me. Is it IOK? If so, I can understand. But most Kashmiris in Azad or Pakistan adminsitered Kashmir are well-intgrated because there is not compulsion upon them that they have to be forced to be a part of Pakistan. I have come across Kashmiris wanting to be independent of both Pakistan and India, but apart from some activity from Yasin Malik's JKLF on our side, there is hardly any voice calling for separation from Pakistan.

I hope Ayush understands that Pakistan's approach towards Kashmiris on this side has been better. I have never come across any report of violence on Azad, or Pakistan administered Kashmir.

We have less problems in our section of Kashmir because the ISI is excellent at oppressing even the slightest squeaks before they come out. Also you have to realize that the only form of media allowed into *** is the Pak media which is controlled by the army. They would not let news of protests in Kashmir be spread, but rather deal with it silently. They have also brainwashed several of them into thinking they are nothing but *****. There are people who have tried to rebel; check them out on google, they have been paid lovely visits by the ISI and MI.
We have less problems in our section of Kashmir because the ISI is excellent at oppressing even the slightest squeaks before they come out. Also you have to realize that the only form of media allowed into *** is the Pak media which is controlled by the army. They would not let news of protests in Kashmir be spread, but rather deal with it silently. They have also brainwashed several of them into thinking they are nothing but *****. There are people who have tried to rebel; check them out on google, they have been paid lovely visits by the ISI and MI.

Mr. Greek Albanian, or Mr. Albanian Greek, I have not come across anything like what your mention. Can you give any proof? Any citation from someone credible would do.

If you can demonstrate even 1% of what has happened in IOK, I would concede that your POV is relevant.
Mr. Greek Albanian, or Mr. Albanian Greek, I have not come across anything like what your mention. Can you give any proof? Any citation from someone credible would do.

If you can demonstrate even 1% of what has happened in IOK, I would concede that your POV is relevant.

LOL I am from Azad Kashmir. My friend family, who is also from there, has been involved in a lot of protests against the pak government. In fact, his uncle was jailed and then forced to leave the country. I can't post links but check out the story of muhammad saeed asad as well.
Some links would be valuable. Mentioning a name does not help. You may well be correct, but I have my doubts. You choice of location and nationality flags is confusing. Some people might take you to be a stealth Indian trying to troll.
kashmiris have too much venom now. these people cannot be brought into mainstream. not sure what to do with them but the status quo surely isn't working
kashmiris have too much venom now. these people cannot be brought into mainstream. not sure what to do with them but the status quo surely isn't working

Grant a Semi-Autonomous status.. they only want a feign of governance..
keep the military and foreign relations.. let them have the rest.
Grant a Semi-Autonomous status.. they only want a feign of governance..
keep the military and foreign relations.. let them have the rest.

no that cannot be done. atleast not in whole state of jammu and kashmir. I am from jammu and we are definitely party of the mainstream. We are patriotic and completely different from kashmiris, same with ladakhis. Maybe create two states, Jammu and Kashmir valley with Ladakh as Union territory. I think that would work well.
There is already autonomy in J&K and btw it's the most corrupt state in India with majority of corruption done by kashmiri politicians. I don't want my city (Jammu) to part of this corrupt, failed state. Let kashmiris enjoy corruption, backwardness and their kangris. I want nothing to do with it.
kashmiris have too much venom now. these people cannot be brought into mainstream. not sure what to do with them but the status quo surely isn't working

Its easy, stop all the government handouts, start making them pay for electricity, water, and other facilities( They get it all free now), get rid of the reservation they get, get them to pay taxes. You ll see them fall in line straight away.

Appeasement never works.
Its easy, stop all the government handouts, start making them pay for electricity, water, and other facilities( They get it all free now), get rid of the reservation they get, get them to pay taxes. You ll see them fall in line straight away.

Appeasement never works.

It's true. Many kashmiris I saw were bragging that they never paid electricity bill for years and nothing happens. Can you imagine, there are people starving in this country and these ungrateful sobs enjoy such high standard of living? Is there any logic in that? If India was Russia, Kashmir would be populated with biharis, orissaites and upites by now and all rebellion crushed with an iron fist. Instead we have a ***** state. I would say India is a failed state...
Its easy, stop all the government handouts, start making them pay for electricity, water, and other facilities( They get it all free now), get rid of the reservation they get, get them to pay taxes. You ll see them fall in line straight away.Appeasement never works.
And start rehabilitation and return of Kashmiri pundits in the valley. they need to be settled back as they are living life of refugee in their own country.
The title is wrong the real title is Strict Curfew Imposed In Most Of illegally occupied Kashmir.

Kashmir’s will INSHAALLAH be freed from illegal occupier India.
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