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Strict Curfew Imposed In Most Of Indian Kashmir

Is there a reason, why a your brain can not process beyond a person's religious affiliation?

Dude, with religious customs as low as they can be where u believe u get purified by drinking cow urine,dipping in the world's most polluted river Ganges burning women when her husband dies along with his body. Where u have some 36 cror concepts of God etc etc etc.
It is understandable why u say ''why a your brain can not process beyond a person's religious affiliation'' to us.

We Muslims have our own state concept which is beyond this secularism,democracy etc etc which had approx all the things of Islamic sharia in it.

Our problem is that we only believe what we c but dont try to verify the info that we get specially what is shown to us in TV by west who also wants to protect its version of secularism n capitalism in their countries n stop people from converting to islam as its the fastest growing religion not just in west but in all over the world.
LOL ..you think..with your limited knowledge and cloured opinion..you are in any position to second judge a courts decision!!
Courts give judgment based on facts presented to them and not as per, whims of biased parties.
and do think with yr limited knowledge n colored opinion that Afzal Guru, Babri Masjid r given on pure judgement and on facts n figures:azn:
You axed your own feet here, because as per your own admission her non- Muslim friend was also arrested for a much lesser slight..clearly their religion had nothing to with their arrest!!
Im not talking about religion because if i were i would have excluded the non muslim part!!!

this example was give while yr logic of secularism and freedom of expression in mind!!!!!!
Had your bigotry not triumphed your judgment ..you would also mentioned...how both the girls were released and.how the local police were severely reprimanded by the center for their callous actions.

Mumbai: Police under fire for girls' arrest over anti- Thackeray FB post- Maharashtra- India-IBNLive

Mind yr language u non muslim indian! as next time yr post will be reported.

And i know they were released only after when they were traumatized n police made sure that an example is set for rest of the public!!!

As you have neither in your country nor a longing for one ..your opinion on it, matters very little.
Nor we make our country example for other or portray it as exemplary un like u.
Are you denying that an Islamic state is a theocratic state ??? Unless I am mistaken and Pakistan is not the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, I really cannot understand why you took offence to that statement. I never said that the Pakistani system is evil and that the Indian system is sinless. Contrary to your assumption, I conceded that the Indian system may have its flaws without discrediting the Pakistani system. Indeed you are mistaken about suppression of religious freedom in India. Imposing a curfew on a Friday due to the tension in an area of India is not the suppression of Islamic freedom to practise its religion. However imposing a permanent curfew every Fridays may indeed constitute such a suppression. Should such a situation arise, Kashmiris and indeed every Indian Muslim have the Supreme Court to turn to to enforce their freedom of religion. And the Indian Supreme Court has shown its strong hand in many situations when it comes to enforcing freedom of religion in India. No stress there for our Muslim or any other religious groups

ok ur right n im wrong enjoy oppression of Muslims n a foreign land.:laugh:
get rid of terrorists n their sympathisers from our land. cn I have a AK47 too?
Dude, with religious customs as low as they can be where u believe u get purified by drinking cow urine,dipping in the world's most polluted river Ganges burning women when her husband dies along with his body. Where u have some 36 cror concepts of God etc etc etc.
It is understandable why u say ''why a your brain can not process beyond a person's religious affiliation'' to us.

Your bigotry is most apparent in the above lines!! You want report it, go right ahead..but any person with a clear head, will see right your hatred of any custom other than your own.
Taking a potshot at some of your asinine customs would be most easy, but unlike you, my upbringing has not filled me with venomous hatred towards other religions.
We Muslims have our own state concept which is beyond this secularism,democracy etc etc which had approx all the things of Islamic sharia in it.

Whatever, I could not care less, with what you implement in your own country, but an impartial observation is in order..There are a group of people with guns and suicide vests, most anxious to upgrade your country from a semi -sharia to a full sharia.Considering the state of things now, one can only imagine, what would happen of if they are successful.
Our problem is that we only believe what we c but dont try to verify the info that we get specially what is shown to us in TV by west who also wants to protect its version of secularism n capitalism in their countries n stop people from converting to islam as its the fastest growing religion not just in west but in all over the world.

Irrelevant to me.
and do think with yr limited knowledge n colored opinion that Afzal Guru, Babri Masjid r given on pure judgement and on facts n figures:azn:
Unlike you, I won't be foolish enough to second judge, a courts decision.. especially when I know my limitations with regards to the facts of the case.
Im not talking about religion because if i were i would have excluded the non muslim part!!!

this example was give while yr logic of secularism and freedom of expression in mind!!!!!!

Freedom of expression..I can still understand, but pray tell me how does it reflect on Indian secularism..or is it so, that your vocabulary, limited by your education does not allow you find the right adjectives.
Mind yr language u non muslim indian! as next time yr post will be reported.

I find it extremely amusing, that you had to quote me as non- muslim Indian..why not use your regular word.. uses to describe
us non Muslim Indians..is it Kafir eh?
And i know they were released only after when they were traumatized n police made sure that an example is set for rest of the public!!!

If that was the plan, why were the police officials involved reprimanded for not following the law, why not a pat on the back for great service to the nation?
Nor we make our country example for other or portray it as exemplary un like u.

Ohh, you have certainly made an 'example' out of your country, but I am not sure if other would like to follow in your footsteps.
Your bigotry is most apparent in the above lines!! You want report it, go right ahead..but any person with a clear head, will see right your hatred of any custom other than your own.
Taking a potshot at some of your asinine customs would be most easy, but unlike you, my upbringing has not filled me with venomous hatred towards other religions.

Whatever, I could not care less, with what you implement in your own country, but an impartial observation is in order..There are a group of people with guns and suicide vests, most anxious to upgrade your country from a semi -sharia to a full sharia.Considering the state of things now, one can only imagine, what would happen of if they are successful.

Irrelevant to me.

Unlike you, I won't be foolish enough to second judge, a courts decision.. especially when I know my limitations with regards to the facts of the case.

Freedom of expression..I can still understand, but pray tell me how does it reflect on Indian secularism..or is it so, that your vocabulary, limited by your education does not allow you find the right adjectives.

I find it extremely amusing, that you had to quote me as non- muslim Indian..why not use your regular word.. uses to describe
us non Muslim Indians..is it Kafir eh?

If that was the plan, why were the police officials involved reprimanded for not following the law, why not a pat on the back for great service to the nation?

Ohh, you have certainly made an 'example' out of your country, but I am not sure if other would like to follow in your footsteps.

LOL :rofl:
I didnt knew i was wasting my time with a teen age fellow!!!

Logical statements doesnt suit yr maturity Kiddo.

Whatever i wrote is TRUE n is a fact!!!

Live with it!!!
LOL :rofl:
I didnt knew i was wasting my time with a teen age fellow!!!

Logical statements doesnt suit yr maturity Kiddo.

Whatever i wrote is TRUE n is a fact!!!

Live with it!!!

"The kind of man who always thinks that he is right, that his opinions, his pronouncements, are the final word, when once exposed shows nothing there. But a wise man has much to learn without a loss of dignity."
"The kind of man who always thinks that he is right, that his opinions, his pronouncements, are the final word, when once exposed shows nothing there. But a wise man has much to learn without a loss of dignity."

same can be said about yr gov, who still thinks she is sinless n cute little angel n all evil comes n is from a evily place known as Pakistan.:lol:

What ever floats yr boat!
Another social topic :(
Come on Indienne government, keep it classy with the curfews, i understand its your country but I thought the reason pakistanie and indienne spilit was because of the two nation theory(controversial theory) and now what is the difference left between islamic republic of pakistan and indienne republic, see the inherit contradiction. Anyways election time are around for both nations, it will be interesting to observe the political implication this case may have on the both sides as far ruling government go.

Though curfew on friday may not be a good idea, that is one prayer where the whole communitie, man,women and children congregate and doing a curfew will only enrage the local population, a similarity could be made to the canadienne government being carless with the execution of terroriste Louis riel and expecting natives and quebecois to sit back and watch, while the laws of the nations are being made to accommodate only protestant settlers and their respective langue, while french based catholic church was excluded.
how history always seem to repeat itself, interesting parallel eh.
I think you guys should both contact your local MPs and raise the issue at the UN platform, let see the past history, dozens of minor skirmishes, 4 wars I believe and countless lives lost. Can't both countries simply withdraw their troops approach UN like east timor situation, its simply ridiculous to have so many wars with each other for a little piece of land and based on opinions, the locals do not like either country. Anyways hopefully this is last kashmir thread, too much hate on these threads and not enough learning.
Curfew is very common everywhere... even in our city, when the mass entered into streets (most probably political parties pay them money) will cause trouble to the others.... We know that Kashmir holds thousands terrorists ... so it is obvious to stop them.... and morons will claim and try to show, this things happens in kashmir only....
Curfews and r@pes. Indians do have some fascination with these two words.
Curfews and r@pes. Indians do have some fascination with these two words.

hmm I don't know that no body in pakistan raped girls or ladies... and they never faced curfew in pakistan.... i am amazed...
hmm I don't know that no body in pakistan raped girls or ladies... and they never faced curfew in pakistan.... i am amazed...

We don't impose curfew after hanging someone to satisfy the collective conscious of idiots.
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