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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

Mr. peanut brain, you also claimed this:

So, not all enemies of Israel seem to be Muslims!

Also as not all Muslims are Israel's enemies, it can't be anti-Islam.

Try again. ;)

Boy, I will make some allowance since I assume English is not your first language.
Read my statement again. Then read it again. Then read it a third time.
Then go get an English tutor and have him explain it to you.

This is sad...
Once again, China doesn't kill Uighurs just because they are Uighur. They kill certain Uighurs who commit crimes.

The situation is not at all analogous, as much as Indians want to make it sound that way.

Alas! When it comes to China, they always have a logical reason for all their actions but Israel? No way! Right?
What makes you think both statements cannot be true? They are not incompatible and are both true.
No flip flop. One is a subset of the other.

Ahh, so Islam is Pakistan and Pakistan is Islam (or at least the fortress of it)?
Boy, I will make some allowance since I assume English is not your first language.
Read my statement again. Then read it again. Then read it a third time.
Then go get an English tutor and have him explain it to you.

This is sad...

Is it yours? Anyway, you seem to have nothing new and all your mental gymnastics have already failed.

The original topic was: Indo-Israel relations. Islam is not a factor in it. Pakistan is but a minor one.

So take it easy. You are not that important you know.
The basic premise is very straightforward.

When the Nazis did their Holocaust, the principled approach was to defeat the Nazis, not "We will work with the Nazis, but also donate money to Jewish charities".

When South Africa had apartheid, the principled approach was to boycott the apartheid regime, not "We will work with the South African government, but also donate money to black charities".

When Israel ethnically cleanses Palestinians, the principled approach is to boycott the Israelis, not "We will work with the Israelis, but also donate money to Palestinian charities".

You claimed that your issue with Israel is discrimination on the basis of religion.

let me spell it out for you.

Israel discriminates against people on the basis of religion.
One of those religions is Islam.
Hence, Israel is anti-Muslim.

So should all countries that discriminate on the basis of religion (many legally) face what you suggest here?

Or is it just for the kaffirs?

The final and perfect ones get a bye?
Once again, China doesn't kill Uighurs just because they are Uighur. They kill certain Uighurs who commit crimes.

The situation is not at all analogous, as much as Indians want to make it sound that way.

The subtle buttering of the Chinese and making it clear to them that Indian are their enemies? ;)

You are the thekedaar of Islam. Obviously people are only pointing out your hypocrisy. The Uighur terrorists are trained in Pakistan by the Taliban, not in India.
I am glad to see that we have a reliable friend in that part of the world who does not have to be pandered to needlessly to retain trust in the mutual relationship unlike some others.
Once the Palestinian issue is resolved equitably Muslim-Jewish relations will probably return to very close as in the past.
Your own country and almost all Islamic countries discriminate on the basis of religion. You seem to have a trouble seeing that?

All countries have discrimination in one form or another; some have even codified such discrimination into laws (France, Switzerland, Germany), but that does not equate to what the Nazis, the apartheid regimes, and the Israelis do/did. Yes, there are troublesome laws in Pakistan and some Muslim countries, but minorities are not summarily herded up and shipped off to ghettos and refugee camps, the way they were in the Nazi/apartheid/Israeli case.

The situation during partition in 1947 was bad in both India and Pakistan; neither country has a moral high ground.

I asked for a credible link for your assertion.

I know you did. For someone who claims to know 'all about Zionism' to not know such a basic fact is hilarious. I think I will let you dangle there. This one's just too good...

It is you who made a fool of yourself. You said the Jews were there for only 60 years. Who fought off the 7 Arab countries in 1947 then (before 1948)?

What are you smoking, manjambo?
You do realize the 1947 conflict was a civil war within Palestine?
The first Arab-Israeli war was in 1948 and, at that time, Jews numbered about 600K
After 1948 it ballooned to several million.
Hence, I repeat my statement taht the vast majority of Jews came to Palestine after Israel was formed in 1948.

To say that the Jews had a presence in Palestine beforehand is a meaningless statement. Of course, there were some Jews living there throughout history and there was some preemptive migration. But the big migration started after 1948.

But they were evicted from Palestine, no?

Not by the Arabs. Why blame them?

Karthic has made a good summary of your misery already. No point repeating it.

Already explained why Pakistan-centic is a subset of anti-Islam. No contradiction involved.

Well, if you insist. OK, it was the Israeli kaffir who helped kick your arse. That makes you feel better?

So you are finally conceding the point that Israel saved your bacon? Well, it's progress...

BTW, again Karthik has alreadu exposed you is post #410.

Uh no. First you guys denied that Israel saved you in Kargil, then Kathric claimed it was just some LGBs and whatnot, and finally you guys conceded that Israel did supply the aircraft as I had alluded.

Only in your dreams. You have been exposed thoroughly and made a total fool of yourself.

Let's see...
You were wrong on Kargil.
You were ignorant on Turkey.
You were wrong on China.
You were ignorant on Egypt.
You were ignorant on Israel's wars.
The list goes on and on...

Okay then, let's finish this:

- Israel has a territorial dispute with Palestine.
- Israel is a victim of terrorism carried out by Hamas.
- Israel, a much larger and more advanced military can curb these terrorists easily.
- According to you, this makes the state of Israel "anti-Islamic".

- Pakistan is an Islamic republic.
- India is a secular state.
- India and Pakistan have a territorial dispute.
- According to you, this makes India "anti-Islamic".

- India and Israel have diplomatic ties.
- Israel has provided India with key technologies, both in the field of military and agriculture.
- Currently, India and Israel enjoy a good relationship which is based on mutual trust.

- India opposes Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians and advocates a peaceful resolution.
- India also has diplomatic ties with the Palestinian government.

...So, what is your claim exactly? That, Indo-Israeli relations stem from an anti-Islamic motive? If so, aren't you ignoring some of the facts that I have stated above?

Going by your logic, every state that has diplomatic ties with Israel is "anti-Islamic", no?

let me spell it out for you.

Israel discriminates against people on the basis of religion.
One of those religions is Islam.
Hence, Israel is anti-Muslim.

OK, let's take it further.

What would you say about a country that teaches in it's school textbooks that the followers of the religion of their forefathers worship in dinghy dark places where only one person can enter at a time. That all of them are cowards and it is their destiny to rule them again (?)!

What about that the followers of other religions are apes and pigs?

Would this discrimination be bad enough in your book? To warrant the censure you have been demanding?
Nothing is permanent in this world, if the Palestinian issue is resolved, you could have friendly relations with all the Muslim countries, I have dealt with Israeli's - most I believe want friendship with Muslim countries, I have even met Pakistani-Israeli's they still have love for Karachi and Pakistan.
They want passionately for you to understand their point of view.
All countries have discrimination in one form or another; some have even codified such discrimination into laws (France, Switzerland, Germany), but that does not equate to what the Nazis, the apartheid regimes, and the Israelis do/did. Yes, there are troublesome laws in Pakistan and some Muslim countries, but minorities are not summarily herded up and shipped off to ghettos and refugee camps, the way they were in the Nazi/apartheid/Israeli case.

OK, just troublesome. An understatement? Islamic countries have the worst freedom of religion and gender. You can check any neutral reputed study on this.

You want to get into what that troublesome means?

Anyway, I had an issue only with your anti Islam alliance issue and you have not proven how India and China and USA and the vast majority of the world is being anti Islam by having relations with Israel.

The situation during partition in 1947 was bad in both India and Pakistan; neither country has a moral high ground.

You have almost completely ethnically cleansed your country goddammit. Can't you see the facts when they stare you in the eye!

I know you did, and I am enjoying how you make a spectacle of yourself. For someone who claims to know 'all about Zionism' to not know such a basic fact is hilarious. I think I will let you dangle there. This one's just too good...

I knew. You have no legs to stand on here. Just like your 9/11 wide eyed conspiracy theories that all Islamists float.

You can enjoy and it shows how much you are cut off from the real world. You are a funny man, fun to toy with.

What are you smoking, manjambo?
You do realize the 1947 conflict was a civil war within Palestine?
The first Arab-Israeli war was in 1948 and, at that time, Jews numbered about 600K
After 1948 it ballooned to several million.

So there were 600 K Jews before the 1948 war who took on the much bigger Arab numbers and secured their lives from the genocidal thugs? I didn't claim anything else. I just said there were migrations even before 1948.

Hence, I repeat my statement taht the vast majority of Jews came to Palestine after Israel was formed in 1948.

You can't repeat what you never said. This "vast majority" is a new word in this discussion. The Balfour declaration is almost 100 years old and that is what I said earlier.

To say that the Jews had a presence in Palestine beforehand is a meaningless statement. Of course, there were some Jews living there throughout history and there was some preemptive migration. But the big migration started after 1948.

No point in stating the obvious.

Not by the Arabs. Why blame them?

Who blamed the Arabs?

Already explained why Pakistan-centic is a subset of anti-Islam. No contradiction involved.

Only for you. The world laughs at this pathetic equation of Pakistan with Islam.

So you are finally conceding the point that Israel saved your bacon? Well, it's progress...

I won't repeat what has already been discussed. The deal was old and IAF had only marginal role in the Kargil war. Israeli supplies were useful.

Uh no. First you guys denied that Israel saved you in Kargil, then Kathric claimed it was just some LGBs and whatnot, and finally you guys conceded that Israel did supply the aircraft as I had alluded.

The "high altitude" one? Sure! :coffee:

Let's see...
You were wrong on Kargil.
You were ignorant on Turkey.
You were wrong on China.
You were ignorant on Egypt.
You were ignorant on Israel's wars.
The list goes on and on...

Making a list of your follies and ignorance. Sure, go on.

You were proved ignorant in each of them.

You only tried to foolishly justify their relations with Israel while labeling Indian relations as anti-Islam. You think that is victory!

But I can't undo all the decades of Madressa education with heads popping up and down in one day!
Yes, there are troublesome laws in Pakistan and some Muslim countries, but minorities are not summarily herded up and shipped off to ghettos and refugee camps

And that is good enough?

Israel treats its minority Arab citizens far better than this. They are even allowed full legal equality. Still not good enough for you?

Same for India? You always find issues there?

But a vastly different double (and lower) standard for Islamic countries? Your hypocrisy has no bounds and that is why your moral pretensions are so amusing.
Boy, I will make some allowance since I assume English is not your first language.

This actually describes your pretensions quite well. You are a fake. A fake too full of yourself and in "mugalatas" about his own supposed abilities and moral superiority.

But a funny fake nevertheless. You fake to have English as your first language and you fake to be more Arab than the Arabs.
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