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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

Israel sprung to India's aid for providing the desperately-needed imagery about Pakistani positions on the Kargil heights.

They were satellite imagery dude. :lol:

The alliance is ostensibly an anti-terror alliance which is reasonable enough. If this were other countries, I would take them at their word but, given the facts about Israel, there is every reason to suspect that Israel will push for a wider anti-Muslim agenda. This is not idle speculation, given the history of how the Israeli lobby in the US manipulates the war of terror.

Dont weasel away after you have been thoroughly exposed.

it is relevant to ask why is India joining an anti-Islam alliance?

Clear cut words that India is joining a anti-Islam alliance. Atleast be consistent in your words.

And I did not ask about your opinion of what Israel will do, can do. Talk facts or else save us the preaching.
The ancient Hebrews were evicted from Israel by the Romans long before Islam even existed. As for 20th century displacement of Jews from Arab countries, I am sure there was some arm-twisting, but I suspect the vast majority left voluntarily for the same reason Jews in Europe and Russia and the Americas left -- to reclaim the Promised Land.

It is all about religion my friend. And numbers. Especially when we take the two dominant religions of the world, both of whom believe in organic as well as inorganic growth through missionary zeal and conversion. The Jews and the Christians had no love lost for each other till the Muslims came along. Now you have the Christian world with the money (albeit on the wane in recent times) and the military power but comparatively low fertility. On the other hand you have the Muslim world with pockets of money, energy resources (albeit fast dwindling finite ones at that), near equal numbers, and high fertility rates, though without the military muscle.

The Christian world learned some time ago to put on a veneer of respectability and show to the world the apparent separation of the Church from the Senate so to speak. The Muslim world yet needs to learn that trick in the interests of greater acceptance and better assimilation into the global fabric. But make no mistake. The Christian world and its politics are as strongly driven by by the Church and with equal focused religious zeal, as is the Muslim world by the dictates of the Mosque and its keepers of the faith. The Christian world has always felt threatened by the Muslim one, in a race for world domination.

The Hindu religion in contrast never raised similar threat alarm bells because while the numbers keep growing, the for the most part over the millenia have been largely confined to the subcontinent and not displayed anywhere close to the same zeal for conquest and occupation of foreign lands. Plus the Hindus grow organically alone and do not convert. So they are out of the race for the collection of souls, though increasingly a dominant world force. The day may not be far when the Christian world takes on a different stance towards the Hindu one in contrast to the currently benign one of shared "democratic" interests.

On the stage of world domination, it is all a matter of threat perception of faiths. Cause never has and never can politics and religion be separated from one another. The came into existence joined at the hip, from the beginning of time. Then there is the Chinese world and the threat they present to the relevance of the Church in the world order of things. This in the days to come will throw up strange bedfellows. Of that I am sure. At the end of the day, Israel does not control the Arab world with the help of the Christian power centers. It is the Christian power centers that control the Arab world with their Jewish proxies.
But in your warped mind, that Islamic invaders' brutality was justified by what happened to Buddhism in the region?

So would the sack of Baghdad by Halaku Khan and murder of millions of Muslims by Mongols be justified by the internecine or inter sect warfare between Arabs as per your warped logic?

If the topic were about Buddhism or Mongols and I brought in the other subjects then you would be right.
But that is not the case.
What is the case is you bringing in Mughals and Taliban and China and neocons and 9/11 and God-knows-what every time you lose a point.

So some drones is what you were talking of! That won the war for India and not all the artillery and the infantry that sacrificed their lives to make those intruders run like the cowards they were?

Yup. India was flailing, unable to recapture the peaks, until the Israeli planes arrived.

Basically, you are saying that Israel can defeat Pakistan with loose change? Something it can spare while still keeping enough for Arabs?

Sure, that's exactly what the article says. Why not? :hang2:

No, when that person only blames non-Muslims and hides from all Islamic issues, that is when he qualifies.

You qualify. In first class.

That's the classic ruse of an apologist -- to avoid addressing an injustice by diverting the discussion to the history of the world and all the other events that happened by unrelated individuals.

You excuse the Palestinians' suffering because, by gosh, some Muslims somewhere else on the planet committed other crimes at some point in time.

You label people "Indian" who have no Indian flag. Another lie exposed.

Guilty as charged. :D
I love exposing false flaggers, most of whom are Indian.

Indian troll? You are one of the biggest troll. Converting this topic into an issue about Islam and Indian Muslims. And showing your hypocrisy consistently.

When military activity of Israel is mentioned, Islam comes into the picture. And since the other party is India, Indian Muslims come into the picture.

I already said it was to expose your moral pretensions and it worked like a charm.

You are a legend in your own mind.

It is you who makes every inconvenient issue "off topic". It doesn't work. Sorry.

I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure Turkey, China, Egypt, neocons, and 9/11 are off-topic in a thread about India-Israel military alliance.
The Israeli position is that, out of 5000 years of history, the period of Jewish control of Palestine/Israel is 'special' and entitles the Jews to 'reclaim' that land. Evidently the Arabs living there for the last 2000 years doesn't count.

You also want to "force" them out. For you their last 100 years don't matter? What makes the Arab occupation of any land so special?

Exactly. The India-Israel military relationship is Pakistan-centric.

You want to think so. Your choice. You are too insignificant for both of us.

Was expecting something like that... ;)
I never said IAF helped you out, I said Israel supplied you with high altitude aircraft.
You guys ridiculed my claim, and I proved you wrong.
Now I will sit back and enjoy as you try to wiggle out of it.

So these drones were your "high altitude aircraft"? It has been replied already. Won't add to your misery.
Oh, I understand perfectly well that India is looking after its national interests. I never denied that.
My point is that India is sacrificing a moral stand for national interests.
Of course you are happy with the bargain, and of course it is beneficial to you -- that part was never under debate.

As much as we are sacrificing "a moral stand" by keeping relations with Pakistan. I already explained above why.
They were satellite imagery dude. :lol:

Oh, for the love of god...
Do I have to quote the entire article?

Here: IntelliBriefs: How Israel helped India win the Kargil War

New Delhi: There were those who applauded the Indian restraint in Kargil War, and pressured Pakistan to blink and pull back after three months of combat. And there were those who actually jumped into the war zone to help India hunt down the aggressors.

Israel sprung to India's aid for providing the desperately-needed imagery about Pakistani positions on the Kargil heights.

"The terrains where they came from was all stones. The intruders merged in the background and it was not very easy to locate them. Secondly the targets where they had occupied the peaks, were also on the other side of the hills," Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia told CNN-IBN.

Tel Aviv stepped in with unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or drones in the battle zone to assist India direct its war effort. This was one force multiplication Pakistan had not reckoned with.

"Unmanned UAVs make a lot of difference. They fly for much longer - up to 24 hours and are able to sense even simple movements on the ground,” he said.

The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs were critically useful for target information, as most of India's aerial surveillance aircraft were either too quick, or vulnerable to enemy missile fire.

An Indian Air Force Canberra snooping over the Batalik was hit by a Pakistani stinger on May 21, exposing the limitations of India's photo reconnaissance platforms.

Did the operation show India’s desperation? “In war you have to try everything and come across with whatever methods you have got,” said Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia.

The Israeli Heron and Searcher UAVs are now flown by the Indian Armed forces. And strategic ties with India's undeclared war ally are on fast track.

Clear cut words that India is joining a anti-Islam alliance. Atleast be consistent in your words.

Given that most (all?) of Israel's enemies are Muslim, just who do you suppose will be the target of Israel's military preparedness?
At the end of the day, Israel does not control the Arab world with the help of the Christian power centers. It is the Christian power centers that control the Arab world with their Jewish proxies.

Agree with everything you wrote except the last part. I have my doubts about who is controlling whom in that equation. The Zionists have convinced the evangelical Christians that supporting Israel is their duty in preparation for Jesus' return and the 'rapture'.
Good Lord!
Another litany of off-topic diversion attempts...

Look, if you can't address the topic at hand -- based on your demonstrated lack of knowledge on everything from Israel to Turkey to Egypt to China to whatever -- just say so. There's no need to go on dragging out the discussion by bringing in one irrelevant canard after another and then crying 'hypocrite' when I refuse to play your silly game of derailment.

You are acting like a child who doesn't want to eat the food in front of him and then throws a tantrum because he can't eat the food on the parents' plate.

Lol. I know people like you are subconsciously trained to cry "off topic" to everything they want to avoid.

Bringing in Indian Muslims and Buddhism was on topic but when you are confronted with facts, it becomes off topic.

Let me tell you this. Once and for all.

You don't decide what is off topic or not. When a topic is discussed, it is the arguments and counter arguments that matter more than some fuzzy definition of "topic" that you want to use as a shield.
There you go, exposed once again : These are some of your posts that claimed that India is joining an anti-Islam alliance.

Go eat your words fanboi.

This is on first glance. If I read the posts once again there might be a dozen more.

All the mental gymnastics came to naught? ;)

Even he is confused what he wanted to say. Contradicting himself all over the place.

Also, didn't he earlier claim that Israel had nothing to gain from India? So how can India reward Israel or it's behavior? ;)

Also which was the anti-Islam alliance that India supposedly joined? Who else were part of it (since a pre existing alliance would suggest more than one member)? Was it China and USA (who are not anti Muslims now)?
If the topic were about Buddhism or Mongols and I brought in the other subjects then you would be right.
But that is not the case.

You had brought in Buddhism when trying to justify what happened in Iran and the subcontinent.

What is the case is you bringing in Mughals and Taliban and China and neocons and 9/11 and God-knows-what every time you lose a point.

For the last time, don't declare your own victory.Only make you look stupid.

Yup. India was flailing, unable to recapture the peaks, until the Israeli planes arrived.

Lol. The drones could only have hurried things up. No more.

They were unarmed drones (even if they did come in time), they didn't kick the intruder's arse, the Indian army did.

Sure, that's exactly what the article says. Why not? :hang2:

And you believe every word of every Indian article? I am not saying we didn't buy anything from Israel. You are over-hyping it's importance to again explain your own failures.

You are OK to lose to Jewish kaffirs but not Hindu kaffirs. Apparently. ;)

The 10:1 rule doesn't apply to them?

That's the classic ruse of an apologist -- to avoid addressing an injustice by diverting the discussion to the history of the world and all the other events that happened by unrelated individuals.

Exactly what you did by bringing in your warped claims about Buddhism in India. I never justifies anything by that barbarism in India. I used to expose you and your ilk.

You excuse the Palestinians' suffering because, by gosh, some Muslims somewhere else on the planet committed other crimes at some point in time.

Again mental gymnastics. I never condoned Palestinian issues. I already clarified my position which is exactly the position of India.

Guilty as charged. :D
I love exposing false flaggers, most of whom are Indian.

You only end up exposing yourself. As a jingoist Islamist. ;)

When military activity of Israel is mentioned, Islam comes into the picture. And since the other party is India, Indian Muslims come into the picture.

You are again tying knots all around you. Just now you claimed it was their "discrimination on the basis of religion" that was you problem!

You are a legend in your own mind.

That is the first step. ;)

Being copycat, aren't we?

I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure Turkey, China, Egypt, neocons, and 9/11 are off-topic in a thread about India-Israel military alliance.

They help in describing what one is dealing with.
Given that most (all?) of Israel's enemies are Muslim, just who do you suppose will be the target of Israel's military preparedness?

Israel's enemies are Arabs, not all Muslims.

Those Arabs happen to be Muslims as well but most Muslim countries are not Israel's enemies.

So you fail.

Yet again.
That's the classic ruse of an apologist -- to avoid addressing an injustice by diverting the discussion to the history of the world and all the other events that happened by unrelated individuals.

And there is no one bigger than you and your ilk. You are trained to play this role for your own invaders.

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