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Strength of alliance between India-Isreal

Learn to read.

The original troll post is all about Islam, albeit in the usual circuitous manner.
And then an Indian Muslim comes along and says he agrees with the relationship.

An Indian muslim will say what he wants to, its you deep obsession with india and indian muslims that makes you interfere and try to tell indian muslims what they can say and can not.

you have no say in what indian muslims say, learn to understand the basic realities, nobody considers you spokesperson for the ummah, except you. you post on topic and then everbody else will too, somehow any posts made as thekedars of islam are not considered trolling by you, but they are.
Learn to read.

The original troll post is all about Islam, albeit in the usual circuitous manner.
And then an Indian Muslim comes along and says he agrees with the relationship.

does indian muslims read different book or it's the difference in interpitation of it..?
As leader of the jingoistic trolls, you entirely miss the point that China and Uighurs are off-topic in this thread.

If you want to defend the India-Israel relationship despite Israel's human rights atrocities, do so on its own merit, not by lame excuses...

Let me guess, you will post more blabbering rubbish in sixteen different colors and fonts to attract attention to your troll posts...

wahahaha look whose talking now about atrocites,human right etc etc but on the other hand your PAF CHIEF IS IN DISCUSSTION WITH USA FOR MORE F16 AND IF POSSIBLE SOME PREDATORS DRONES TOO WHICH CREATED HAVOC IN THE MINDS OF POOR ,INNOCENT PEOPLE IN SWAT AND FATA !! Thats what called contradictory my friend ... Remember 1finger towards other ,4 fingers towards yourself..If you deal with devil then you are saint ,if we deal with devil ,then we are devil too.. :drag: :coffee:
An Indian muslim will say what he wants to, its you deep obsession with india and indian muslims that makes you interfere and try to tell indian muslims what they can say and can not.

you have no say in what indian muslims say, learn to understand the basic realities, nobody considers you spokesperson for the ummah, except you. you post on topic and then everbody else will too, somehow any posts made as thekedars of islam are not considered trolling by you, but they are.

You still don't get it.

The original article posted by XiNiX makes it clear the India-Israel alliance is part of an anti-Islam alliance. Of course, they say the usual fine print to say it's not really against Islam, only extremists, but by now everybody has learned to read between the lines. Nobody has any illusions about Israel's mentality towards Arabs and Muslims. Our good man, Solomon2, himself was kind enough to state it unequivocally in bold red font when he said Israeli Jews were civilizing the Arabs.

In that context, it is relevant to ask why is India joining an anti-Islam alliance?

does indian muslims read different book or it's the difference in interpitation of it..?


wahahaha look whose talking now about atrocites

Another diversion, eh? ;)
Somebody has to, when faced with hypocrisy.

No, it explains it. There is a difference between explaining something and justifying it.

India's relationship is very transparent: sacrifice humanitarian principles in exchange for Israeli military help against Pakistan.

TNT is not a well known acronym for anything other than dynamite. And what exactly is the relevance of that here? The debate is about respect for diversity in Indian national discourse.

It is amply documented by the Indian posts on every Israel-related thread. The militant jingoists like yourself drown out any dissent by shouting down anyone else in the name of 'national interests'. Implication being that anyone who dares to disagree with you is harming national interests and is not a true patriot.

The Presidency is a ceremonial post and, in any case, one person does not make foregn policy.

My stance on Israel is separate from religion. But it is a fact that Israel has turned it into a religious conflict and many Muslims respond as such.

Spare me the revisionist history. Millions of Muslims were displaced from India in 1947, and their land confiscated.

Once again, the subject is India-Israel, not India-Lebanon.

No, it is the leadup to 1947 that matters; the slow encroachment of Zionists over Palestinian land. The Zionists had been planning this thing for over a century.

Pratical by whose definition? That the Israelis get to keep what they stole by force?
Once again, you are showing your true colors by subjugating human rights to material gains.

No, the appropriate label for one such as yourself who characterizes a principled position as 'hateful' simply because it advocates the rights of Muslims.

It is appropriate to point out the eradication of Buddhism from India by Hindu extremists, to highlight your hypocrisy and selective historical view.

No, you were talking about the Samson doctrine and how Israel would wipe out the entire Middle East. Don't even try to weasel out of it.
You were reveling in your Islamophobia vicariously through Israel -- like a lot of Israeli supporters.

Will get back with a detailed reply later but your presumptuousness in trying to speak for the Arabs, Indians, Turks, Israelis, Chinese and everyone else is breathtaking.

Just get one thing straight, your pretensions to moral high ground doesn't hold water, your basic premise (of speaking for everyone) doesn't hold water and your hypocrisy in trying to be judgmental of others while ignoring your own actions is too transparent (apparently without you realizing it).

These self serving cliched arguments don't really impress one.
For few billion dollars AID and used F16, Pakistan allowed USA to bomb its people. It has no moral ground of talking as a takidhar of Islam.
Nonsense. In response to your anecotal piece by one IDF propagandist, I posted an article quoting nationwide public polls showcasing widespread Jewish bigotry against Arabs. Bigotry which you yourself appropriated. And proudly so.

No, it is Indians who are obsessed with Islam and Pakistan. The topic here was about India-Israel until an Indian came in proclaiming his support for Israel despite being as an Indian Muslim.

Pakistan is relevant to the equation because the India-Israel relationship centers around an anti-Pakistan agenda.flags?
1st thing I need to clarify that I dont support Muslims killings done by Israel . But like always every action has a reaction .
Shame on u ppl for supporting Hamas killings of Jews .
Palestines could have solved the conflict by taking peaceful means . As US was with Israel , Palestines could have taken tge help of UN and Soviet Russia that time .
Instead of resorting to violence means .
Indian muslims condemn the terrorist activities done by Hamas .

As far as u r 2nd question , why the hell on earth will India think of considering u r agendas , when u ppl dont care .
U r alliance in 1960s with USA and then China ..
India had always warned u abt u r alliance with China which was totalling against India .
So if u dont care abt us why would we care abt u .
Pakistanis have zero right to tell us and give their suggestions regarding our alliance and partnerships

Indian alliance with Israel could be one if the best alliance atleast wrt Defence ties
We alrdy have strong economic ties with ME even better than Pakistan ..
anyone who thinks indian relations with israel are anti muslim, is wrong. indian govt has provided training to paletinian people. several palestinian people have been trained in indian defence institutiions like NDA.

our alliance is based on mutual strategic interests. and yes we do not support israeli attack on harmless palestinians.
You still don't get it.

The original article posted by XiNiX makes it clear the India-Israel alliance is part of an anti-Islam alliance. Of course, they say the usual fine print to say it's not really against Islam, only extremists, but by now everybody has learned to read between the lines. Nobody has any illusions about Israel's mentality towards Arabs and Muslims. Our good man, Solomon2, himself was kind enough to state it unequivocally in bold red font when he said Israeli Jews were civilizing the Arabs.

In that context, it is relevant to ask why is India joining an anti-Islam alliance?

You are reading whats in your head because of your obsession with India. When the article says its anti terrorism, we take it as that. israel and india have been one of the biggest victims of terrorism in the world. you are automatically taking that as anti islam, something people not suffering from islamophobia fail to see.

Your islamophobia and hinduphobia and judaphobia is getting the better of you, you are reading whats not written and then you want us to discuss it :disagree::disagree::disagree:

Why don't u just read our replies and the entire debate in your head only, instead of asking us to type it out? just assume we said it like u r assuming what the article REALLY says?
Learn to read.

The original troll post is all about Islam, albeit in the usual circuitous manner.
And then an Indian Muslim comes along and says he agrees with the relationship.

So what exactly is your problem ?? Are you a mind-police for Indian Muslims ?

Save your hypocrisy and blatant double standards for some one else. And start pointing fingers at INdia when you develop some thing to point fingers at China for their Uighur repression or paying blood money to the US in the form of purchase of F-16s.
1st thing I need to clarify that I dont support Muslims killings done by Israel . But like always every action has a reaction .
Shame on u ppl for supporting Hamas killings of Jews .
Palestines could have solved the conflict by taking peaceful means . As US was with Israel , Palestines could have taken tge help of UN and Soviet Russia that time .
Instead of resorting to violence means .
Indian muslims condemn the terrorist activities done by Hamas .

As far as u r 2nd question , why the hell on earth will India think of considering u r agendas , when u ppl dont care .
U r alliance in 1960s with USA and then China ..
India had always warned u abt u r alliance with China which was totalling against India .
So if u dont care abt us why would we care abt u .
Pakistanis have zero right to tell us and give their suggestions regarding our alliance and partnerships

Indian alliance with Israel could be one if the best alliance atleast wrt Defence ties
We alrdy have strong economic ties with ME even better than Pakistan ..

How dare you, an Indian Muslim, speak against the 'Thekedars of Indian Muslims - Pakistanis ?? :lol:

And BTW why bother - you will be accused of trying to prove your patriotism.
I get it very clear now...the stronger the ties between india and israel get....more a$$es are bound to burn especially our enemy's. ;)
This has been one the prized false-arguments of malicious ,to insinuate India-Israel alliance as anti-Islamic .

We have been as critical about Israel's disproportionate military response,as rest of the world.

We made clear the relations with Israel wouldn't mean dilution on our stance towards Palestinians .

We have even voted against Israel in the UN(Goldstone report)

We have even supported Syria by saying Israel must vacate Golan heights.

However all this will fall on deaf ears of those ,who ,like the medieval role-models used religion as a tool to justify their slaughters,wars,occupying lands etc. and use people as cannon fodder for their political agendas.

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