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Strategic Bomber for IAF

A trick question: What was the most decisive weapon of the Second World War? If your answer, as expected, is the atom bomb, you are wrong. It was the B-29 Superfortress bomber that delivered it. Without the plane, the A-Bomb would have been only a novelty. The flip side of this question is: What was the most egregious policy failure of Imperial Japan (besides the surprise raid on Pearl Harbour)? It was the delay in developing its Nakajima G10N Fugaku strategic bomber with the range to hit American island bases in the western Pacific and the US west coast early enough in the war to make some difference. Often, the means of delivery are as important as what’s delivered.

These historical thoughts were prompted by the statement of the new Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Arup Saha, who talked of his service achieving a “strategic” profile in terms of its ability to pull “expeditionary” missions. While the growing numbers in the inventory of C-17 and C-130J transport planes, and of aerial tankers able to extend the range of combat aircraft, make expeditionary actions easier to mount, such tasks in the past (Operation Cactus in the Maldives, Operation Pawan in Sri Lanka) were adequately managed with the old An-32s. The Saha statement revealed an eagerness to sidestep the traditional criterion — a fleet of bombers capable of long range attack — that distinguishes a strategic air force from a theatre-oriented one, such as the IAF.

How and why did the IAF, despite a palpable need, not become strategic? The fault lies in the natural shrivelling of missions beginning in the 1950s that accompanied the dimming of the strategic vision and the narrowing of the military focus, laughably, to Pakistan as main threat, and the quality of leaders helming the air force. The 1947 era of service brass, mostly Group Captain-Air Commodore rank officers fast-forwarded to the top, having loyally served the Raj and imbibed British ways of thinking, configured the service in the manner their old bosses had planned. It resulted in the IAF emerging as a creditable tactical force.

Short-legged fighter aircraft with a leavening of fighter-bombers became its calling card with the UK-built Lysanders, Tempests, and Spitfires of the 1940s replaced by the French Dassault Ouragans and Mystere-IVs, and the Hawker-Siddeley Hunters which, in turn, were succeeded by the Russian Mig-21s, MiG-23s, MiG-27s, MiG-29s, and the Su-30MKIs. The odd Western import during this latter phase — the Jaguar and Mirage 2000, were also only short to medium range aircraft. The only dedicated bomber the IAF ever acquired was the medium-range Canberra in the Sixties. But highlighting its limited operational mindset was the air force’s choice of the Folland Gnat, a local area air defence aircraft, for licence-production in the country.

It was different early on. When Jawaharlal Nehru’s government first approached the United States for arms aid in 1948, it was the war-tested B-25 Mitchell bomber which topped the procurement list. During the Second World War the Walchandnagar aircraft company (precursor to the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd), among other planes, built the Avro Lancaster bombers in Bangalore. Most of these aircraft were shipped back to Britain. But a significant number, which could have constituted an embryonic bomber component of the IAF, was deemed “surplus to the need” and deliberately destroyed by the departing British at the Maintenance Command in Kanpur by hoisting these aircraft, one by one, up by their tails to considerable height and dropping them nose down on the hard ground.

The IAF brass at the time — Subroto Mukherjee, M.M. Engineer, Arjan Singh, et al — did not protest against this dastardly deed by the British, apprise Nehru and the Indian government of the strategic cost of the loss of long range air power, and otherwise failed to prevent these wanton acts of sabotage. True to form, after the 1962 Himalayan military fiasco, the IAF sought not bombers able to reach distant Chinese targets as deterrent but the US F-104 for air defence, before settling on the MiG-21.

What showcased the IAF’s apparent institutional reluctance against transforming itself into a strategic force, however, was the decision by the Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal-led regime to reject in mid-1971 the Soviet offer of the Tu-22 Backfire strategic bomber. The reasons trotted out verged on the farcical.

As Wing Commander (later Air Marshal) C. V. Gole, member of the Air Marshal Sheodeo Singh Mission to Moscow and test pilot, who flew the Tu-22 informed me, he was appalled by the fact that he had to be winched up into the cockpit, and that the plane would have to takeoff from as far east as Bareilly to reach cruising altitude over Pakistan! (This and other episodes are detailed in my book ‘Nuclear Weapons and Indian Security’.) Evidently China didn’t figure in the threat perceptions of the Air Headquarters at the time, nor has it done so since then.

IAF’s doggedly defensive-tactical thinking married to theatre-level capabilities have ensured its minimal usefulness in crises and conflicts.

Forty years on, while China is bolstering its already strong strategic bomber fleet (of Xian H-6K aircraft) by buying off the production line of the most advanced Backfire, the Tu-22 M3, and prioritising the indigenous development of the four-engined, wing-shaped, H-18 strategic stealth bomber, IAF hopes its Su-30s assisted by aerial tankers will be a credible deterrent and counter against the Chinese bomber armada.

It will be prudent for the IAF, even at this late stage, to constitute a Bomber Command and cadre, lease ten or so Tu-160 Blackjacks from Moscow and, rather than the fifth-generation fighter, invest the Rs 35,000 crores in a programme jointly to design and produce with Russia the successor aircraft to the Blackjack — the PAK DA, which is expected to fly by 2025. I have long advocated acquisition of a bomber because, compared to strike fighters and ballistic and cruise missiles it has far more strategic utility, including in nuclear signalling, crisis stability, and escalation control. It is a conclusion also reached by a recent RAND report extolling the virtues of a new “penetrative bomber”.


Note: We may not need Tu-160 and Russians may not sell them but we need strategic bombers.

I have explained why we need them in this thread.

Does India need Fleet of Strategic Bombers?

@Capt.Popeye @sancho @SpArK @Manticore @XiNiX
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The most important part of article.

What showcased the IAF’s apparent institutional reluctance against transforming itself into a strategic force, however, was the decision by the Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal-led regime to reject in mid-1971 the Soviet offer of the Tu-22 Backfire strategic bomber. The reasons trotted out verged on the farcical.

I did not know that Soviets offered us backfire that early.


What is your opinion?
In the era of Missiles why would India need to have 'Strategic Bomber' .... ??

Now India can deliver 'Strategic payload' to the range of 4000+ KM .....
well,Strategic Bomber is always a debatable topic..some says that their age has gone.some say they're "Dinosaurus".but I think they're still necessity,especially if you're fighting against a capable opponent.nothing,I repeat nothing will help more than few of these in case some brute force is needed.and if it is "Stealthy",then we've whole lot of example of B-2 and F-117 which always gets used for preemptive strike and to cripple any opposing country's airforce as well as air defence.
In the era of Missiles why would India need to have 'Strategic Bomber' .... ??

Now India can deliver 'Strategic payload' to the range of 4000+ KM .....

If we get dozen of such bombers, we can use them to launch ALCM versions of Nirbhay and its upcoming longer range versions.

Such bombers will act as force multipliers as each aircraft will be able to carry 6 to 8 Nirbhay ALCM (with 1000/ 2,000 KM range :Nirbhay 2).

MKI at max can carry only 2 Nirbhays (SU-30 can carry 2 KH-55s) and it doesn't offer that much range.

The idea is attack enemy shores or bases while remaining far out side their defensive zones, if war takes place.
We can convert Super sukhois or PAKFA into a strategic bombers. US type bombers need a lots of stealth to survive. This huge bombers are effective only against the country against whom we enjoy full air superiority and the other country has very poor or No air defense.
What showcased the IAF’s apparent institutional reluctance against transforming itself into a strategic force, however, was the decision by the Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal-led regime to reject in mid-1971 the Soviet offer of the Tu-22 Backfire strategic bomber. The reasons trotted out verged on the farcical.

I guess OP is referring to Tu-22.
The strategic bombers was good choice up to late 80s. But in current scenario they are of very little importance due to evolution in the air defence and interseption in A To A combat. Instead of long range strategic bombers I will prefer SU 30 MKI assisted with tankers.
A strategic bomber today would be a total waste of money, now there are several means of delivery at a commanders disposal than the old, clumsy and vulnerable strategic bomber. An army today is served more by strategic, precision missile systems, cruise missiles and other misc force multipliers than strategic bombers....
Longer range bombers are useful only after complete air superiority has been achieved and all surface stations has been taken out during SEAD operations.

Invest in long range cruise missiles and smart stealth drones with capable sensors. Your job would be done.


Honestly I think Chinese didnt ask ur opinion when they are designed and developed their strategic Bomber.

Strategic bomber for China makes sense, dumbo.

Also, we are on defense forum...and talk about indian military, Pakistani military, Arab military, American military, Chinese military etc.

NONE of these militaries asked us for our opinions...So why not just pack up and leave? lol

These are the kinds of self defeating troll posts that make my day. When you call somebody retarded, at least make sure you know the word you are using, so that you don't become what you are calling others. In future, say ''retardation'' instead of ''retardness'', so that you don't expose your own mental retardation.


You think I don't know the 'actual' word? Are you THAT "retarded"?

Adding "ness" at the end is a pretty desi thing....and we all know that it is not correct angraiziii...but thats not the point. Take your wanna be coolness somewhere else...opps...
Lets rephrase the Question,
Does IAF need Strategic bombers
Answer is No
Do we need capable Ground Attack Aircrafts
Answer is yes

IAF has 90 Mig27 for CAS and 140 Jaguars Dedicated for Ground Attack and Anti Shipping
We also have 50 odd Mirage 2000s, which are also used for Ground Attack and Nuke Delivery
thats 280 Aircrafts, which would be required to be replaced between 2017-33

Thats the reason why Rafale Deal is important
Because Rafale alone can perform Ground Attack , CAS, Nuke Delivery, Anti Shipping and that too without Mig 29 escort, it can even perform SEAD currently deputed with MKI
IAF hopes to induct 126 Rafale starting 2016-17 and 150 AMCA starting 2030 to replace this fleet
Strategic bomber for China makes sense, dumbo.

Also, we are on defense forum...and talk about indian military, Pakistani military, Arab military, American military, Chinese military etc.

NONE of these militaries asked us for our opinions...So why not just pack up and leave? lol

You have been playing dumbo quite long. Read ur idiotic comment first. Bomber do not make any sense. A bomber do not make any sense even if it was for China or Russia according to yu. Then why the Chinese need it? To attack US? My @$$.
Do not troll in threads where u do not have any idea of retard
You have been playing dumbo quite long. Read ur idiotic comment first. Bomber do not make any sense. A bomber do not make any sense even if it was for China or Russia according to yu. Then why the Chinese need it? To attack US? My @$$.
Do not troll in threads where u do not have any idea of retard

Best way is to ignore him.
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