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Story about the event in Chinese social network and Chinese casualities

hard to believe this story

while on one hand 20 army personnel of india dead and not one single PLA personell even injured, the injured are only construction workers?

The commanding officer of the Indian unit was captured. That shows they lost cohesion and were defeated.

If the PLA has been defeated then the Indian side is welcome to release evidence of captive commanding officers.
It is possible, PLA are super human. They eat special diet.
Now I agree, CCP is better than bollywood script/drama.
one can only speculate on china's version, when the entire story has been buried by the CCP.


officially there has been no story from china, only from the indian side, the story has been buried by the CCP.

I heard news today that PLA had soldiers be killed in the battle and the body had been transported back by a helicopter, but the specific number of deaths is unknown, I think it may 1 or 2.
China wins because they have good training, good weapons and high fighting spirit
Tell this B.S. chinese bravery to japanse. Pic available in wiki.

I heard news today that PLA had soldiers be killed in the battle and the body had been transported back by a helicopter, but the specific number of deaths is unknown, I think it may 1 or 2.
Now 50 cents trolls will say you are not chinese. Careful if you are inside china, anytime CCP death van will arrive at your door steps.
hard to believe this story

while on one hand 20 army personnel of india dead and not one single PLA personell even injured, the injured are only construction workers?

why is china hiding the story?

sources in china have already admtted there have been casualties of chinese soldiers.


China is 100 times more credible than the alternate source of information (India), where 70 deaths of their soldiers are announced as 3!

China had anticipated an ambush and they prepared after the first incident. Being prepared, at height and informed about the upcoming ambush, what is strange that they dissipated incoming attack effectively without suffering?
Tell this B.S. chinese bravery to japanse. Pic available in wiki.

Now 50 cents trolls will say you are not chinese. Careful if you are inside china, anytime CCP death van will arrive at your door steps.
Forgive me frankly, the vast majority of Pakistanis don't understand to China. The reality is that everyone(Including Uighurs and Tibetans) is very free in China unless you break the law. The Chinese police are much kinder than the U.S. I live in Shanghai, a very large city of China. I have been to many countries in the last ten years, such as the U.S, Europe, India, Philippines and Japan. Each country has its own unique culture and positive aspects,The same is true in China. If you are interested in China, I think it is necessary to learn Chinese or travel to China. I will invite you to taste Chinese food.
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Forgive me frankly, the vast majority of Pakistanis don't understand to China. The reality is that everyone(Including Uighurs and Tibetans) is very free in China unless you break the law. The Chinese police are much kinder than the U.S. I live in Shanghai, a very large city of China. I have been to many countries in the last ten years, such as the U.S, Europe, India, Philippines and Japan. Each country has its own unique culture and positive aspects,The same is true in China. If you are interested in China, I think it is necessary to learn Chinese or travel to China. I will invite you to taste Chinese food.

The guy you are replying to is Indian not Pakistani, check his flags.
It sounds plausible.

IA suffered 70 odd casualties including 23 at least dead and tens captured.

And the PLA suffered 0 casualties but a few construction crews got some cuts and bruises.

And don't forget your soldiers' heroic act of carrying back the barbed clubs just to take pictures for BBC. Did they think those were trophies or something? More important than their wounded/dead countrymen? How did they manage not to capture a single soldier of ours? Plausible you say? Okay I rest my case your honor:enjoy:
I heard news today that PLA had soldiers be killed in the battle and the body had been transported back by a helicopter, but the specific number of deaths is unknown, I think it may 1 or 2.

Which news? source please
The guy you are replying to is Indian not Pakistani, check his flags.
Thank you so much, I didn’t pay attention to it, I am not very skilled in using this forum. and even though he is from India, I have no hostility towards him. I am sorry that my English is not very good, I hope you can understand and point out my grammatical errors.
It is possible, PLA are super human. They eat special diet.
Now I agree, CCP is better than bollywood script/drama.

Thinking of a simple strategy as outnumbering your opponent 4 to 1 is indeed considered super human to low IQ Indians, no wonder your commander was too dumb to realize he should have brought many more additional soldiers.
hard to believe this story

while on one hand 20 army personnel of india dead and not one single PLA personell even injured, the injured are only construction workers?

why is china hiding the story?

sources in china have already admtted there have been casualties of chinese soldiers.

There have been confrontations in which hundreds of soldiers were killed on one side versus none for the other ... why would not that many PLA casualties be hard to believe? Had India evacuated their wounded in timely fashion like the Chinese, their casualties would have been a lot less. The deaths are as much on the incompetence of the local Indian command as it is on the Chinese forces who caused this.

Tell this B.S. chinese bravery to japanse. Pic available in wiki.

Now 50 cents trolls will say you are not chinese. Careful if you are inside china, anytime CCP death van will arrive at your door steps.
The Chinese held out against the Japanese for 8 years? I'm not sure what you are talking about?
The Chinese held out against the Japanese for 8 years? I'm not sure what you are talking about?

Japan are wolves in sheep skin. They are very patient. In the past, they studied the culture of the Tang Dynasty. In the 19th century, they began to study Western civilization. And then they attacked China and challenged the west. Today, Americans are their teachers, but tomorrow they will behead Americans if given the chance
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