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Stop romanticising Maoists, they are terrorists, says Jairam Ramesh

OK, If some people are so sensitive to call them terrorists, call them murderers.

Those who are sensitive must be scanned and surveyed by intelligence agencies for supporting and indirectly abetting unrest in the country. Whether it is media personalities or politicians or self-appointed intellectuals, all their sources of funds must be scanned top to bottom and all their communications must be tapped without informing by CBI and RAW (whichever).

It would be interesting to know why are corrupt and already ****** rich elements supporting rag-tag lunatics who have nothing to offer themselves other than gore and violence.

Once that is proven and established that the support is against the country, shoot them all without any further trial. Because anti-national elements are a threat to the peace and stability of our country. Simple.
Those who are sensitive must be scanned and surveyed by intelligence agencies for supporting and indirectly abetting unrest in the country. Whether it is media personalities or politicians or self-appointed intellectuals, all their sources of funds must be scanned top to bottom and all their communications must be tapped without informing by CBI and RAW (whichever).

It would be interesting to know why are corrupt and already ****** rich elements supporting rag-tag lunatics who have nothing to offer themselves other than gore and violence.

Once that is proven and established that the support is against the country, shoot them all without any further trial. Because anti-national elements are a threat to the peace and stability of our country. Simple.
LOL! have some chai pani....you must be tired after such a long break and go easy on that keyboard :yay:
LOL! have some chai pani....you must be tired after such a long break and go easy on that keyboard :yay:

Yeah. I had my share of rest as I saw country dip into more chaos, scams and security threats both internal and external. While I may not be able to fight physically for my country, at least I can do is to inform and caution others and make many others understand what dangers we are facing as a nation.

Wb,tshering bro.Where have u been?

Been off on some key projects around the globe, mate. Got married, took a break and am back now. :) Thanks for the welcome.


I too wanted to ask the same Q .

Tashi delek

Bhai, I am not a Tibetan but the same to you. May all good things come to you too.. more importantly to all of us Indians as a whole.

Been away for some international projects and marriage and stuff man.
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‘Treat naxalism as a national problem’

Three days after Maoists ambushed a convoy of Congress leaders in Bastar district, killing 27 people including top leaders of the party in the State, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh spoke to Raipur Correspondent Suvojit Bagchi on what he sees as the shortcomings of the anti-Maoist policies and strategies designed by the Central government. The Bharatiya Janata Party leader underlined the need for better coordination between the States and the Centre and more focussed and intense handling of the situation.

What are the steps your government is planning to ensure that such incidents do not recur?

First, we have to find out the details about these people — who were they, which States did they come from, who carried out this act? Secondly, we have to take precautions…we need 100 per cent implementation of a standard operating procedure (SOP). Elections are nearing and the activities of political parties will increase. So we have to station forces at critical locations and ensure road-domination exercises. I have ordered these things. Two new battalions [of the CRPF] are coming, policing will get better.

You mean politicians will also come under some sort of SOP?

We’ve to do it for all. So that everyone is safe in the area.

You’ve enough forces in the State to do that?

Yes. Some forces are also coming after training, some CRPF and State forces are joining as well.

You spoke about security lapses…

If everything was in place, such a big incident would not have happened. Now what went wrong and where, we will look into that in a judicial inquiry, so that we can clear everything in front of everyone and the guilty are punished.

We talk of judicial inquiries, but the conviction rate is very low.

Lack of evidence. In any tribal area, where any incident takes place, there is an atmosphere of fear. People get picked up but they cannot talk against them [Maoists]. They know they’ll have to stay in Bastar. So while people get identified, it’s a problem to make them talk in court.

One issue of discontent among the tribals is arrests. They are picked up randomly and remain for four, five, six years in jail as undertrials. The judicial process is slow and families suffer, they get frustrated. Maoists campaign that innocents are kept in jail for no reason…

The Chief Secretary and a former Chief Secretary of Madhya Pradesh have come together and a three-member team is reviewing this. They are identifying cases of those who have been in jail for years. We have wrapped up all the cases related to small violations under the Forest Act and Excise cases. We are reviewing naxal-related cases.

Still a huge number of tribals are languishing in jail…

Yes. The number is huge…

Another contentious issue is this: when the forces go inside, they don’t know who is a Maoist and who isn’t — and they sometimes resort to huge human rights violations. And it is going to increase, as more forces will go inside now…

Now so many people have died, and there was no human rights violation? Nobody is thinking that father and son have been killed together, drivers and police personnel have been killed. What happens when people are killed in village courts and are chopped to pieces? A small violation by the police goes a long way, but what about the Maoists…? Will this continue in a democracy, will they not be criticised by society? Human rights violations should not be one-sided.

Are you happy with the level of Central assistance?

Central support, as in paramilitary support… that is fine. I told the Prime Minister I would like to go beyond this. We need an Integrated Action Plan to increase inter-State coordination and the Government of India should encourage that.

You mean to say there are shortcomings in the integrated plan?

There are shortcomings. All the resources like planning, intelligence, etc., should integrate [to fight Naxalism]. There should be one centre from where all information regarding Naxalism should be disseminated to the States. There should be some long-term strategy, which will be decided together. So far, there is no success in this coordination.

Naxalism should be treated [by the Central government] as a national problem. The way they [the Central government] engaged themselves, with all the force and strength, in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir, they should do that in Chhattisgarh.

Politically speaking, is the BJP on the backfoot after the incident?

Over the last three years we worked hard and moved forward. This one incident has slightly… (trailing off). The incident surely will scatter us for a while, but we will fight with all our ability and strength.

But the Congress is aggressive. How are you going to deal with that?

Some talk about President’s Rule! If for such an incident President’s Rule is imposed, then will any Indian State survive? One should not try to take political advantage of the situation

Yeah. I had my share of rest as I saw country dip into more chaos, scams and security threats both internal and external. While I may not be able to fight physically for my country, at least I can do is to inform and caution others and make many others understand what dangers we are facing as a nation.

Been off on some key projects around the globe, mate. Got married, took a break and am back now. :) Thanks for the welcome.

Bhai, I am not a Tibetan but the same to you. May all good things come to you too.. more importantly to all of us Indians as a whole.

Been away for some international projects and marriage and stuff man.

Congratz on the marriage mate.Honeymoon kaisa raha?:azn:
Biggest supporters of Naxalism is the corruption within the Indian govt;Think about it. I hve heard many rumors of massive corruption involving the BJP Chief Minister of Chattigarh
Biggest supporters of Naxalism is the corruption within the Indian govt;Think about it. I hve heard many rumors of massive corruption involving the BJP Chief Minister of Chattigarh

The following is an excerpt from HISTORIC EIGHT DOCUMENTS – CHARU MAZUMDAR. This is the base of their revolution - violence. And no, supporter of Naxalism is not corruption. Corruption is merely one of the excuses used to legitimise their savagery. It was the class conflict and reprehensible desire to control resources. It is true that govt is not clean, never has been. But these people are terrorist.

And note all the love for 'Chairman Mao' right after 62'.

Agrarian revolution is the task of this very moment; this task cannot be left undone, and without doing this, nothing good can be done for the peasants. But before carrying out agrarian revolution, destruction of State power is necessary. Striving for agrarian revolution without destruction of State power means outright revisionism. So, destruction of State power is today the first and principal task of peasant movement. If this cannot be done on a country-wide, State-wide basis, will the peasants wait silently? No, Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought has taught us that if in any area the peasants can be roused politically, then we must go ahead with the task of destroying State power in that area. This is what is known as peasants’ liberated area. The struggle for building up this liberated area is the most urgent task of the peasant movement today, a task of this moment. What shall we call a liberated area? We shall call that peasant area liberated from which we have been able to overthrow the class enemies. For building up this liberated area we need the armed force of the peasants. When we speak of the armed force we have in mind the arms made by the peasants. So also we want arms. Whether the peasants have come forward to collect awns or not is the basis on which we shall judge whether they have been politically roused. Wherefrom shall the peasants get guns ? The class enemies have guns and they live in the village. Guns have to be taken forcibly from them. They will not hand over their arms to us voluntarily. Therefore, we shall have to seize guns forcibly from them. For this, peasant militants will have to be taught all tactics, right from setting fire to the houses of class enemies. Besides, we shall secure guns from the armed forces of the Government by attacking them all on a sudden. The area in which we are able to organise this gun-collection campaign shall quickly be transformed into a liberated area. So, for carrying out this task it is necessary to propagate extensively among the peasants the politics of building up armed struggle. It is, moreover, necessary to organise small and secret militant groups for conducting the gun-collection campaign. Simultaneously with propagating the politics of armed struggle, members of these groups will try to successfully implement specific programme of gun-collection. Mere collection of arms does not alter the character o f struggle–the guns collected have to be used. Only then will the creative ability of the peasants develop and the struggle will undergo a qualitative change. This can be done only by poor and landless peasants, the firm ally of the working class. The middle peasant is also an ally, but his fighting consciousness is not as intense as that of poor and landless peasants. So he cannot be a participant in the struggle right at the beginning–he needs some time. That is why class analysis is an essential task for the Communist Party. The great leader of China, Chairman Mao Tsetung had, therefore, taken up this task first and was able to point out infallibly the path of revolutionary struggle. So the first point of our organisational work is establishing the leadership of poor and landless peasants in the peasant movements. It is in the process of organising peasant movement on the basis of the politics of armed struggle that the leadership of the poor and landless peasants will be established. Because, of the peasant classes, they are the most revolutionary. A separate organisation of agricultural labourers will not help this task. Rather, a separate organisation of agricultural labourers encourages the trend towards trade union movement based on economism and intensifies conflicts among peasants. The unity of the allied classes is not strengthened, because in our agricultural system the exploitation of feudal classes is foremost. Another question that comes up in this very context is that of compromise with small owners. What shall be the Communists’ outlook in this regard? In regard to compromises we shall have to consider whom do we support. So, we cannot support any other class as against them. In the peasant movement (in India) the Communists have always been compelled to give up the interests of poor and landless peasants in the interest of the petty-bourgeoisie. This weakens the fighting determination of the poor and landless peasants. In regard to middle and rich peasants also we should have different stand. If we look upon rich peasants as middle peasants, the poor and landless peasants will be frustrated. Again, if we look upon middle peasants as rich peasants, the fighting enthusiasm of the middle peasants will diminish. So, the Communists must learn to make class analysis of peasants in every area in accordance with Chairman Mao’s instructions.
Again and again the unrest among the peasants of India has burst forth. They have repeatedly sought guidance from the Communist Party. We have not told them that the politics of armed struggle and the gun-collection campaign constitute the only path. This path is the path of the working class, the path of liberation, the path of establishing a society free from exploitation. In every State throughout India the peasants are today in a state of unrest, the Communists must show them the path. That path is the politics of armed struggle and the gun-collection campaign. We must firmly uphold this one and only path of liberation. The great cultural revolution of China has declared a war on all kinds of selfishness, group mentality, revisionism, tailism of the bourgeoisie, eulogy of bourgeois ideology–the blazing impact of that revolution has reached India also. The call of that revolution is–”Be prepared to resolutely make all kinds of sacrifices, remove the obstacles along the path one by one, victory shall be ours.” However terrible the appearance of imperialism, however ugly the snare laid by revisionism, the days of the reactionary forces are numbered, and the bright sunrays of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung thought shall wipe off all darkness.

The following is an excerpt from HISTORIC EIGHT DOCUMENTS – CHARU MAZUMDAR. This is the base of their revolution - violence. And no, supporter of Naxalism is not corruption. Corruption is merely one of the excuses used to legitimise their savagery. It was the class conflict and reprehensible desire to control resources. It is true that govt is not clean, never has been. But these people are terrorist.

And note all the love for 'Chairman Mao' right after 62'.


Even if this started like so, don;t you think they were able to gain so many supporters due to the rampant corruption in India? Being from the lower and shunned classes, would have made their live smore miserable than anyone else. Don;t you agree?
Do you people think without involvement of politicians naxals can exist. Latest case they killed all congress leaders in attack but they let go congress MLA of bastar, who was sitting with Nand kumar patel.Guys from only C.G. naxals gets Rs 600 cr per year. If you will include all states that goes to thousands of crore. No party is serious to uproot this problem congress, BJP or any other regional parties.

All these bla bla that they are opressed people is just BS.
Even if this started like so, don;t you think they were able to gain so many supporters due to the rampant corruption in India? Being from the lower and shunned classes, would have made their live smore miserable than anyone else. Don;t you agree?

It is easy to pick up violence. Think for a moment, what kind of adults the children would be, who were raised playing with a gun. There are others fighting against corruption. IAC comes to mind, this is the way.
Do you people think without involvement of politicians naxals can exist. Latest case they killed all congress leaders in attack but they let go congress MLA of bastar, who was sitting with Nand kumar patel.Guys from only C.G. naxals gets Rs 600 cr per year. If you will include all states that goes to thousands of crore. No party is serious to uproot this problem congress, BJP or any other regional parties.

All these bla bla that they are opressed people is just BS.

Classic story with different players! Remember Veerappanin South India who got "killed" during an encounter. He was able to operate for decades without problems. He himself stated he had connections to politicans that;s why they can't touch him. When he started boasting too loudly and getting media attention, then a major taskforce was formed.

Chattisgarh has major corruption. The only reason such groups can ever operate in such areas of India with no problems is becuase of corruption and very little law/order. Gov't is at fault because it allows to manifest into a much larger problem.
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