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Stop romanticising Maoists, they are terrorists, says Jairam Ramesh

He is quoting a news paper article of 2006 which is ancient news.

This 'policy; has been in vogue as long as anyone can remember. Appeasing minorities began even before the Mandal Commission unleashed by VP Singh.

Whats new & what has changed ?

Well exactly.And I particularly don't blame mamo for this but the successive governments and the rulling elites.In this case,the statement might be old but it was made never the less.And when the pm,the strongest persion in India makes that kind of remark,it can't be just his personal opinion;but the stated policy of the government as whole.which is apparent by now.
they were terrorists in past too why blind eye is past?

naxals were not considered terrorists before because they do not attack civilians or do mass casualty. They target specific persons.(politicians, businessman, contractors, police, etc)
naxals were not considered terrorists before because they do not attack civilians or do mass casualty. They target specific persons.(politicians, businessman, contractors, police, etc)

Maoists are well led with pro-people policies everywhere. Their cadre and leaders at all level appear well trained and totally motivated to the cause. They select targets carefully so that popular support continues.
Maoists are well led with pro-people policies everywhere. Their cadre and leaders at all level appear well trained and totally motivated to the cause. They select targets carefully so that popular support continues.

Pro people policies? You mean setting schools and hospitals on fire? Setting farmers on fire who dont support them?
Pro people policies? You mean setting schools and hospitals on fire? Setting farmers on fire who dont support them?
they use it as a tactic to make people anti govt, these schools were used as camps of police/crpf. They are brutal to their adversaries, one cant disagree.
How they are terrorists when our President has just shaken the hand with their leader? :coffee:

naxals were not considered terrorists before because they do not attack civilians or do mass casualty. They target specific persons.(politicians, businessman, contractors, police, etc)
your forgot school teachers, farmers, labourers etc
wonder how many businessmen, politicians, contractors died in gyaneshwari train derailment
Sry but the real terrorists are political parties who do nothing to curb corruption. Until you do that, then you not the Maoists will be publice enemy #1. This is the result of gov't incompetence in the first place.
they use it as a tactic to make people anti govt, these schools were used as camps of police/crpf. They are brutal to their adversaries, one cant disagree.

Sir kidnapping tribal girls and using them for sexual pleasure of Naxal leaders, blowing up phone towers and preventing road construction is hardly pro-people activity.

Historically the Congress party has been very soft towards these Maoists, may be they are giving a share of the extorted funds to Maino.
How they are terrorists when our President has just shaken the hand with their leader? :coffee:

A terrorist is a terrorist , just because your president shakes hand with them doesnot change that fact.

As for Nepal , maoists there have laid down their arms and joined the political mainstream.
Sir kidnapping tribal girls and using them for sexual pleasure of Naxal leaders, blowing up phone towers and preventing road construction is hardly pro-people activity.

Historically the Congress party has been very soft towards these Maoists, may be they are giving a share of the extorted funds to Maino.

How is that any different from govt politicans who engage in the same behavior. Have you seen any rape laws passed yet? Did Nirbhyha's family get any financial relief yet? Any jobs? Any support? NOooooo!

Its easy to point out the Maoist's flaws but it is expected as they are a brutal anti- gov't group. But what about the legitimate gov't of India?

Historically, the gov;t has been very lenient with Maoists because the world and the gov't know that the gov't has been in the wrong for a long, long time. Ask yourself why this group is not on US State Department of Banned Terror Organizations?

I don't agree with their tactics but we need to know what led them to this path. If we truly wanted to reduce their base of support, we need to work overtime to create opportunities for them. Why haven't we made Akash Tablets available to everyone yet? We could create an entire industry based of quality education.....where everyone has an equal chance. From enormous pool of youngsters in the population, we could develop and pick and choose the best minds to further educate and help India. Yet, we still do not have the Akash tablets. We haven;t even made this mandatory. The biggest problem ppl will say is to place the blame on the local gov'ts. No not at all. The gov't is not adept at using PR and media resources. One only has to look at CHina to see how it has propeled China to the world limelight. Enlighten the ppl and they will break any barriers/walls to progress down.
OK, If some people are so sensitive to call them terrorists, call them murderers. They have slaughtered 27 humans and must be punished for their shameful act.

Police has been hunting killers in past and they must do it in their case and if required get them dead or alive.

Killer do not have any place or respect in our society.

this post gave me cancer :cuckoo:

Sir learn to read sarcasm!!

This is a bitter truth!!
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