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Stop giving millions in aid to countries like China and India: Kofi Annan

Rich coming from a nation , where you can't even question the Govt where some Trillions of dollars have disappeared over the last decade.

Global Financial Integrity - Reports - Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009 - Overview

The others will look at you are cowardly CCP-certified retard :D

lol``low IQ simpleton indian``does it say that the illicit financial outflows are from politicians or private sector? as far as my business is concerned for last few years I at least 'transfered' around $1.5m to oversease to buying properties and other investments``

in China the annual allowance is $50,000 per person pr year```so it isnt the secret that 99% of Chinese businessmen are doing my 'ways' of 'transfering' money to oversease, and this way will easily save up to 10% of every transactions costs taken place

and all of those transactions will not be monitored by any national or international regulatory institutions, so it becomes illicite

and also dont worry about how we questioning our politicians, we simply expose them on internet, which always lead them to justice`every year we brought down thousands of corrupted officials``

`whereas in the joke India, those high caste owners dont give a jack*** of what citizens think or complain about their dirty money````because no matter what nothing will ever happen to those high caste owners
Rich coming from a nation , where you can't even question the Govt where some Trillions of dollars have disappeared over the last decade.

Top 10 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2009 were:

China: $2.74 trillion
Mexico: $504 billion
Russia: $501 billon
Saudi Arabia: $380 billion
Malaysia: $350 billion
United Arab Emirates: $296 billion
Kuwait: $271 billion
Nigeria: $182 billion
Venezuela: $179 billion
Qatar: $130 billion
Global Financial Integrity - Reports - Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009 - Overview

The others will look at you are cowardly CCP-certified retard

Global Financial Integrity - Reports - Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009 - Overview

if india is not on the list, it MUST BE WRONG!
lol``low IQ simpleton indian``does it say that the illicit financial outflows are from politicians or private sector?

How should i know, i didn't prepare that list. :lol:

as far as my business is concerned for last few years I at least 'transfered' around $1.5m to oversease to buying properties and other investments``

in China the annual allowance is $50,000 per person pr year```so it isnt the secret that 99% of Chinese businessmen are doing my 'ways' of 'transfering' money to oversease, and this way will easily save up to 10% of every transactions costs taken place

and all of those transactions will not be monitored by any national or international regulatory institutions, so it becomes illicite

If buying external properties done in compliance to your Govt's policies or procedures, why will be flagged as an illicit transaction.

and also dont worry about how we questioning our politicians,we simply expose them on internet, which always lead them to justice`every year

What mechanism do you follow? Hacking to these politicians private accounts, then letting an independent audit committee performs analysis and give conclusions? :lol:

we brought down thousands of corrupted officials``

Since you mention thousands i am assuming at the minimum more than one thousand that is atlest 2000, can you post those politicians or provide a source for that?

`whereas in the joke India, those high caste owners dont give a jack*** of what citizens think or complain about their dirty money````because no matter what nothing will ever happen to those high caste owners

:lol: :lol: :lol: Typical CCP-certified Indo-phobic perverted retardation without factual or logical basis

Since you state high caste owners, can first atleast jot down the heads of Indian state and how many of them belong to high caste?

Next you state, "what citizens think or complain about their dirty money````because no matter what nothing will ever happen to those high caste owners" . Can you show cases where a case or corrupution against an individual of high caste has lead he/she going away scott-free?

I'm not denying catching those responsible is going well, but atleast ability to detect and seems good considering the transparency in Govt and Media.
1. not equal basis . how could 2009 missing for india?
2. so, I said I am very surprised india is not in the TOP 10 list!

Its because in India they have legal means to do it.Go and learn what Illegal and legal capital flows means.:lol:
Some data for people thinking poverty exists only in India,

India has 290 000 000 people under poverty line
while China has 150 000 000 people under poverty line. (I dont think so 150 million number is less)

And morever both are just developing countries with less resources per capita but their Total GDPs are huge. The HDI of both countries is also very bad CHina 100th rank while India 134th rank.
Definitely China is far ahead of India
lol``low IQ simpleton indian``does it say that the illicit financial outflows are from politicians or private sector? as far as my business is concerned for last few years I at least 'transfered' around $1.5m to oversease to buying properties and other investments``

in China the annual allowance is $50,000 per person pr year```so it isnt the secret that 99% of Chinese businessmen are doing my 'ways' of 'transfering' money to oversease, and this way will easily save up to 10% of every transactions costs taken place

and all of those transactions will not be monitored by any national or international regulatory institutions, so it becomes illicite

and also dont worry about how we questioning our politicians, we simply expose them on internet, which always lead them to justice`every year we brought down thousands of corrupted officials``

`whereas in the joke India, those high caste owners dont give a jack*** of what citizens think or complain about their dirty money````because no matter what nothing will ever happen to those high caste owners

1.5m, not bad. What is your business?
Again on topic, we need money and China as a rich nation should begin to give some money back.
they should give these millions to kofi anan instead,,thats what he is actually trying to say
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