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Stop giving millions in aid to countries like China and India: Kofi Annan

India desperately needs aid.
It's still a net debtor country.

Britain is doing Indians a favour by freeing you from poverty.
You should be happy you get aid to feed the malnourished.
But don't you Chinese have even a little bit of shame? You guys keep shouting from the rooftops that yours is a 'rich' country but still keep begging for aid? :P This sucks! And how! :angry:

Reminds me of a beggar who keeps begging because that's all he knows, even though he can do without it and make a living from an honest day's work without indulging in fakery and aggression against his neighbors.
Western Europe and Japan.

Yes, but they had the most essential ingredients. Literacy and a relatively equal society. Its only the infrastructure they had to build back. Not saying that was easy, but what India and China to a lesser extent face today is totally different.
Govt.s in general are bad in distributing aid money. I am ok to accept aid if it is administered by NGOs and private charities and intended beneficiaries are the poor and not the middle men.

Also why is Kofi Anan advocating one country over other. Does he not know that more of world's poor live in India than all of Sub Saharan Africa. We may not have war strife, aids, famine and grinding poverty like in Africa, but our poor would appreciate clean water, one square meal etc as much as any other person in this situation.
India desperately needs aid.
It's still a net debtor country.

Britain is doing Indians a favour by freeing you from poverty.
You should be happy you get aid to feed the malnourished.

US has the highest debt in the world , does that mean it needs foreign aid you dumb chinese? India might not need aid but China definitely does. Your post shows that chinese kids don't have basic knowledge of economics. India and the west should contribute money into your education system to make you people less dumber than you are.
From what I understand the USSR had many poor region as well, expecially when compared to the western world. Yet it was still clasified as a superpower.

China in my opinion is likely similar.
Forget aid. Reparations for the colonial era rape of Indias resources are required.
India has more poor people than all of African continent. But having said that, they keep on spending billions on buying unnecessary weapons for the military.
lol``india is 'transparent' is like saying N.Korea is democracy...you have 80% of people dont know jack about how to read and write``and yes your government is really transparent where clueless indians like you have no idea where did those trillion money in Siss bank come from

you just live with your China conspiracies while others look at you as a retard

A retard who calls others retard ..

Indian litercay rate is almost 75% .

Talking about swiss banks , Wen Jiabao Family Linked to Billions in Assets, NYT Reports - Bloomberg
India has more poor people than all of African continent. But having said that, they keep on spending billions on buying unnecessary weapons for the military.

who says those are unnecessary....these are essential...the most important is defending country from possible attacks. This country is rising we have flaws and we have all type of problems but the good news is problems are reducing and Govt is spending money in every field and results are good. This is not a joke that Country like India with large population, Caste system, Different communities, religions is rising rapidly. India is been considered as a rapidly growing countries in only 60 years. I feel very funny when Pakistani does flaw picking in Indian System. Pakistan is loosing its place in world community, Its loosing confidence of Muslim world too. Its policies are taking it in wrong direction , Pakistan needs to change its view about India to make better development .......:)
Who is asking for Aid in India??

US and West have their own way of doing illegal things in the name of aid. These NGO's funded by these countries are a bigger problem for reforms in some circumstances.

India has more poor people than all of African continent. But having said that, they keep on spending billions on buying unnecessary weapons for the military.

Take care of your country no need for you to worry on Indian weapons, unless you have plans to invade India.:devil:
China has a 7.3 trillion GDP, and India has a 1.6 trillion GDP. And both have a similar population size.

The criteria in terms of aid is different.

Indian gdp is 1.9 trillion $ as of now. On Topic> We dont need aid and its some NGOs in India which receive aid not GOI. agmmmpmmjlwx
you just live with your China conspiracies while others look at you as a retard

Rich coming from a nation , where you can't even question the Govt where some Trillions of dollars have disappeared over the last decade.

Top 10 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2009 were:

China: $2.74 trillion
Mexico: $504 billion
Russia: $501 billon
Saudi Arabia: $380 billion
Malaysia: $350 billion
United Arab Emirates: $296 billion
Kuwait: $271 billion
Nigeria: $182 billion
Venezuela: $179 billion
Qatar: $130 billion

Global Financial Integrity - Reports - Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009 - Overview

The others will look at you are cowardly CCP-certified retard :D
India has more poor people than all of African continent.

How this retardation keep spreading

But having said that, they keep on spending billions on buying unnecessary weapons for the military.

You really want me to compare Pakistani spending on health , education , defence comapred to India ? :lol:
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