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Stop arming terrorists in Syria, Iran tells US


Dec 5, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

The file photo shows ISIL Takfiri militants.

Iran has warned against the continuation of mistakes by the US and its allies in arming militants in Syria, saying such wrong policies violate international regulations.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Marzieh Afkham, said on Sunday that training and arming the so-called moderate opposition forces in Syria is a repetition of previous strategic mistakes which have led to the creation of the ISIL terrorist group and al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front.

“Under the circumstances that the threat of terrorist groups poses a serious danger to regional and global security, the insistence of the United States of America and some countries on the continuation of this wrong policy and [their] insistence on a wrong approach will bear no fruit but destruction and victimization of more innocent people,” Afkham added.

She said the UN silence on this move by the US and some regional countries is in contravention of the body’s efforts to stop conflicts in Syrian city of Aleppo.


Afkham also urged the US and its allies to respect the UN Security Council’s resolutions, particularly the recently-approved Resolution 2199, and take serious action to stop financial and logistic support to terrorists.

On February 12, the Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2199 which urges member states to take steps to prevent terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria from benefiting from trade in oil, antiquities and hostages as well as from receiving donations.

Source of conflict in Syria

Syria has been grappling with deadly violence since March 2011. The Western powers and their regional allies – especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – are arming and funding militants to fight against the Damascus government.

Reports show that the violence fueled by the militant groups has claimed the lives of an estimated 210,000 people so far.

Washington says it is striking ISIL positions in both Iraq and Syria, but there is skepticism on both sides of the border about the real objective of the airstrikes.

The US and its regional allies had been the leading supporters of the ISIL and other affiliated militant groups operating against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

PressTV-Iran: Stop arming terrorists in Syria
Well, Iran is the principal reason behind the prolonged civilian carnage in Syria, and that too purely due to radical sectarian reasons. Iran supports all the Shiite regimes around the world irrespective of their barbarian and brutal practices, and Syrian regime is the top client of Iranian radical expansionism. Not a single analyst can dare denying the brutalities of the Assad regime that it has been perpetrating on its our population purely because it has no right whatsoever to rule the majority Sunnis in the country. Assad regime is infamous for using inhumanely draconian measures to silence its critics, yet Iran is not only supporting the regime rather Iran is sending its forces to fight for Assad. The world 'political legitimacy' doesn't exist in Iranian dictionary; if you are a Shiite then you have all the right to bludgeon and butcher every soul in the country that is not with you. Assad is not even a mainstream Shiite, rather he belongs to an extremely fringe offshoot of Shiite radicalness called Alawite who are a small minority sect in certain villages of Syria. Alawites elevate the credentials of Hazrat Ali AS to the level of God (Ma'azAllah); whereas, Iranians are mainly mainstream Shiites and their believes are only remotely connected to Alawites, yet Iran is hell bent to support that barbarian called Assad! Its not the question of supporting ISIS - they are equally bad - its the question of supporting the freedom fighter Sunnis who have sacrificed millions of children, husbands, wives, parents, sons, and daughters. Freedom has to be supported so Assad could be removed from the helm of Syrian affairs, or humanity will be doomed for ever in the region. God Help Freedom Fighters and destroy ISIS and ASSAD!
It's the US's arms. It's the US's loss. The US is losing billions per year sending weapons to FSA. Well, guess what, it's not going to change a darn thing. The US will never topple Syria. Go Syria! Go secularism! :yes2:
It's the US's arms. It's the US's loss. The US is losing billions per year sending weapons to FSA. Well, guess what, it's not going to change a darn thing. The US will never topple Syria. Go Syria! Go secularism! :yes2:
Since when Assad government is secular? Its a radical government thats being backed by extreme Shiite fundamentalist regime of Mullahs in Iran!
Since when Assad government is secular? Its a radical government thats being backed by extreme Shiite fundamentalist regime of Mullahs in Iran!

Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Syria. :agree: That speaks volumes about Syria's secularism. Syria and Egypt are now both secular countries.
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