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STM Prepared Feasibility Report for Turkish Indigenous Helicopter


Feb 20, 2008
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A feasibility report for the construction of the Turkish Indigenous Helicopter, which is included among the targets planned for meeting the requirements of the Turkish Defence Industries with national means, was prepared and submitted to the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) by STM.

In the report, which was completed in quite a short time as a result of the interviews made with various agencies and organizations and analyses of national and international publications in the field, Turkey’s military and civic helicopter inventory was created and user-based numbers, models and ages of the helicopters were identified. Surveys were made regarding the needs of Turkish users, and the class and specific design features of the helicopter is preferred were identified.

Furthermore, in the report that takes a detailed look at the trends in world markets and the industry, it was assessed that a double-engine light/mid class general-purpose helicopter would be a good choice for starting helicopter

In the comprehensive report, procurement methods were examined, and “national development”, “co-development with a foreign partner”, “licensed production and system integration rights” and “comparison of direct purchase methods” were analyzed, and it was pointed out that except for the national development option, the national industry will not have the necessary knowledge and experience for any of the other methods. It was expressed that in case the national development option is considered, the design infrastructure will be more critical compared to the production infrastructure.

In the report prepared by field experts of STM, the gaps of the Turkish helicopter Industry were identified and it was stated that the priority areas for improvement are the helicopter powertrain, rotor roots and impellers and hydraulic systems.

In the report, the current situation of Turkey’s helicopter industry infrastructure in terms of production and design capabilities was identified, using as a reference the information requested from national companies on the basis of a refractive tree for helicopters. It was emphasized that reaching the target of building an Indigenous Helicopter will be possible if all works are controlled from a single point and if with a realistic planning the facilities of the Turkish Defence Industry are used with some additional investments in deficient areas.

The report also includes a time schedule and a human resources plan and distribution of roles for Turkish Indigenous Helicopter.

STM has prepared a lot of Feasibility and Strategy Documents in many areas in the past for the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. Identifying hi-tech platforms/systems/devices fitting the national concept/strategies for the defence requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces and offering solutions to increase national contribution or all-national production is a part of the mission undertaken by STM. that may be seen as the initial target in case design and production of an indigenous design and production activities in Turkey and also for potential markets.

Short URL: STM Prepared Feasibility Report for Turkish Indigenous Helicopter | TRDEFENCE
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