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Stephen Hawking's New Black Hole Theory: Scientists Remain Unconvinced


Jul 3, 2012
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Famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has shaken up the popular science world with his newest study about the basic nature of black holes, but is his idea revolutionary? Some scientists aren't convinced.

Hawking's new black hole study — entitled "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes" — was published Jan. 22 through the preprint journal arXiv.org and has not yet undergone the peer review vetting process typical for academic papers. It attempts to solve a paradox surrounding the basic building blocks of how the universe works.

"Hawking's paper is short and does not have a lot of detail, so it is not clear what his precise picture is, or what the justification is," Joseph Polchinski of the Kavli Institute wrote.

Current theories about black holes hinge upon what's known as the "firewall paradox." This paradox pits Einstein's theory of general relativity against quantum theory in the context of a black hole. The paradox, developed by Polchinski and colleagues about two years ago, is based upon a thought experiment about would happen to a person if he or she fell into a black hole.

If an astronaut fell into a black hole, according to Einstein's theory, he or she would simply float past a point known as the "event horizon" with "no drama." The event horizon refers to the point of no return at which not even light can escape from the black hole. The astronaut wouldn't realize he or she had drifted into the black hole at all. The black hole would then pull the astronaut apart before it crushed the space explorer into its dense core.

On the other side of the paradox lies quantum mechanics, the physics theory that explains the behavior of small particles. In the thought experiment, quantum theory suggests that an astronaut would not find a "no drama" area at the event horizon, but instead would encounter a "firewall" just inside the black hole that would destroy the unlucky traveler.

In 1974, Stephen Hawking found that matter and energy can escape a black hole through what is now known as Hawking radiation. However, he contended that the radiation would be so scrambled that scientists could never work backwards to understand what fell into the black hole in the first place. This violates a basic piece of quantum theory, the idea that information cannot be destroyed.

In 2004, Hawking had a change of heart and admitted he was wrong about information loss. However, no one is quite sure how information could escape a black hole. Information radiating out of a black hole is not compatible with general relativity, and destroying information isn't possible within the confines of quantum theory. So, who is right?

Hawking's two-page study attempts to resolve the issue by doing away with event horizons and replacing them with the idea of "apparent horizons."

"The absence of event horizons means that there are no black holes — in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity," Hawking wrote. "There are, however, apparent horizons, which persist for a period of time."

These apparent horizons shift with the behavior of quantum particles within the black hole. This theory suggests, then, that information can radiate from the black hole.

However, this idea doesn't seem to address the firewall paradox at all, said Raphael Bousso, a theoretical physicist at the University of California, Berkeley.

"It's not possible to have both of those things, to have no drama at the apparent horizon and to have the information come out," Bousso told SPACE.com. "Stephen just doesn't discuss this argument, so it's unclear how he means to address it."

Don Page, physicist at the University of Alberta in Canada, agreed. "I do not think that eliminating event horizons by itself solves the firewall problem, which is a subtle problem," he wrote in an email.

And an event horizon-free black hole isn't a new proposal, either, Page said.

"The idea that a black hole does not truly have an event horizon goes back more than a third of a century, and I would not be surprised if someone could trace it back even many years earlier," Page told.
A new paper released late last month in which famed British physicist Stephen Hawking contradicts his own theory and says that Black Holes - in the real sense - do not actually exist has startled the world science community.

But Abhas Mitra, a theoretical physicist at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai, is not at all surprised. "I said more than a decade ago that the Black Hole solutions found in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity actually correspond to zero mass and are never formed. This implies that the so-called Black Hole candidates must be Grey Holes or quasi-Black Holes," Mitra said, adding, "Hawking is saying the same thing now."

Mitra's papers, published in peer reviewed journals since 2000 - that still remain unchallenged - maintain that there can be objects in the universe that are quasi-static or "eternally collapsing" but not exactly Black Holes. "This work was largely ignored by mainstream physicists as well as the media while Hawking's recent two-page online paper saying exactly the same thing has become hot international news," Mitra has expressed.

He said this happened even though several American astrophysicists verified his prediction that such quasi-Black Holes must have strong magnetic fields unlike the real Black Holes, adding that even Harvard University issued a press release to this effect in 2006.

A Black Hole, according to its proponents, results from gravitational collapse of a massive star after it runs out of fuel for nuclear fusion. A Black Hole is all vacuum except for an infinitely dense central point called "singularity," Mitra said.

As the theory goes, a Black Hole is surrounded by an imaginary boundary called "Event Horizon" that shuts everything within, allowing nothing - not even light - to escape. An object crossing the Event Horizon gets forever trapped and crushed at the singularity, destroying all the information about the object as well. This directly conflicts with the laws of quantum physics that say information can never be completely wiped out. This is the Black Hole "information loss paradox". (Read More: Stephen Hawking debunks Albert Einstein's black hole theory )

The Black Holes also pose a "Firewall Paradox" which arises from the claim that Event Horizon, under the quantum theory, must actually be transformed into a highly energetic region, or firewall, that would burn any approaching object to a crisp. Although the firewall obeyed quantum rules, it flouted Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, Mitra said.

Hawking's latest paper attempts to resolve the Firewall Paradox by proposing that gravitational collapse produces only an Apparent Horizon but not an Event Horizon that is the hallmark of a true Black Hole. He said the absence of Event Horizons means there are no Black Holes in the sense they are usually visualized.
Mitra said he has shown before that there can be no Event Horizon by using the classical theory without invoking uncertain quantum physics as Hawking has done.

In fact, in a series of peer reviewed papers, Mitra has shown that no true Black Holes can ever form. The so-called Black Holes observed by astronomers are actually radiation pressure supported Eternally Collapsing Objects (ECOs). These balls of fire are so hot that even neutrons and protons melt there and whose outward radiation pressure balances the inward pull of gravity to arrest a catastrophic collapse before any Black Hole or 'singularity' would actually form.

"Incidentally, our Sun is also a ball of fire hot enough to melt atoms," Mitra noted.

"Thus, the realization that there can be no true Black Holes and the so-called Black Holes are actually ECOs resolve both the Information and Firewall paradoxes," Mitra said.

"Hawking has now arrived at the same conclusion from tentative arguments while our results are based on exact calculations and were published in a series of peer-reviewed papers over 13 years ago," Mitra added.

Read more at: This Indian physicist disproved black holes 13 years before Hawking : Technology, News - India Today
A new paper released late last month in which famed British physicist Stephen Hawking contradicts his own theory and says that Black Holes - in the real sense - do not actually exist has startled the world science community.

But Abhas Mitra, a theoretical physicist at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai, is not at all surprised. "I said more than a decade ago that the Black Hole solutions found in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity actually correspond to zero mass and are never formed. This implies that the so-called Black Hole candidates must be Grey Holes or quasi-Black Holes," Mitra said, adding, "Hawking is saying the same thing now."

Mitra's papers, published in peer reviewed journals since 2000 - that still remain unchallenged - maintain that there can be objects in the universe that are quasi-static or "eternally collapsing" but not exactly Black Holes. "This work was largely ignored by mainstream physicists as well as the media while Hawking's recent two-page online paper saying exactly the same thing has become hot international news," Mitra has expressed.

He said this happened even though several American astrophysicists verified his prediction that such quasi-Black Holes must have strong magnetic fields unlike the real Black Holes, adding that even Harvard University issued a press release to this effect in 2006.

A Black Hole, according to its proponents, results from gravitational collapse of a massive star after it runs out of fuel for nuclear fusion. A Black Hole is all vacuum except for an infinitely dense central point called "singularity," Mitra said.

As the theory goes, a Black Hole is surrounded by an imaginary boundary called "Event Horizon" that shuts everything within, allowing nothing - not even light - to escape. An object crossing the Event Horizon gets forever trapped and crushed at the singularity, destroying all the information about the object as well. This directly conflicts with the laws of quantum physics that say information can never be completely wiped out. This is the Black Hole "information loss paradox". (Read More: Stephen Hawking debunks Albert Einstein's black hole theory )

The Black Holes also pose a "Firewall Paradox" which arises from the claim that Event Horizon, under the quantum theory, must actually be transformed into a highly energetic region, or firewall, that would burn any approaching object to a crisp. Although the firewall obeyed quantum rules, it flouted Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, Mitra said.

Hawking's latest paper attempts to resolve the Firewall Paradox by proposing that gravitational collapse produces only an Apparent Horizon but not an Event Horizon that is the hallmark of a true Black Hole. He said the absence of Event Horizons means there are no Black Holes in the sense they are usually visualized.
Mitra said he has shown before that there can be no Event Horizon by using the classical theory without invoking uncertain quantum physics as Hawking has done.

In fact, in a series of peer reviewed papers, Mitra has shown that no true Black Holes can ever form. The so-called Black Holes observed by astronomers are actually radiation pressure supported Eternally Collapsing Objects (ECOs). These balls of fire are so hot that even neutrons and protons melt there and whose outward radiation pressure balances the inward pull of gravity to arrest a catastrophic collapse before any Black Hole or 'singularity' would actually form.

"Incidentally, our Sun is also a ball of fire hot enough to melt atoms," Mitra noted.

"Thus, the realization that there can be no true Black Holes and the so-called Black Holes are actually ECOs resolve both the Information and Firewall paradoxes," Mitra said.

"Hawking has now arrived at the same conclusion from tentative arguments while our results are based on exact calculations and were published in a series of peer-reviewed papers over 13 years ago," Mitra added.

Read more at: This Indian physicist disproved black holes 13 years before Hawking : Technology, News - India Today

So Hawking stole the idea and claimed it as his own.
Bumping up your thread with this news.....

What Escapes A Black Hole?
Now that's dark

Kate Baggaley


Black Hole
As illustrated, a black hole pulls gas and plasma off a nearby star. That matter rotates around the hole in an accretion disk. Interacting with magnetic fields, the matter accelerates to tremendous speeds and then shoots from the disk’s center.

Black holes have a bad rap. They’re known for sucking in everything around them, but matter can actually break away from their grasp, in the form of jets. Although astronomers have been aware of this for half a century, they didn’t know what exactly the jets were made of until last fall. After observing a black hole in the Milky Way estimated to be 10 times the mass of our sun, an international team of astrophysicists discovered that the jets are composed primarily of electrons and atomic nuclei, including those from heavy metals, such as iron and nickel. With heavier nuclei, the jets carry large amounts of mass and energy from the black hole into space. In some cases, they’re so powerful that they can create shock waves that collapse surrounding gas clouds—triggering the birth of new stars.

This article originally appeared in the March 2014 issue of Popular Science.

What Escapes A Black Hole? | Popular Science
Bumping up your thread with this news.....

What Escapes A Black Hole?
Now that's dark

Kate Baggaley


Black Hole
As illustrated, a black hole pulls gas and plasma off a nearby star. That matter rotates around the hole in an accretion disk. Interacting with magnetic fields, the matter accelerates to tremendous speeds and then shoots from the disk’s center.

Black holes have a bad rap. They’re known for sucking in everything around them, but matter can actually break away from their grasp, in the form of jets. Although astronomers have been aware of this for half a century, they didn’t know what exactly the jets were made of until last fall. After observing a black hole in the Milky Way estimated to be 10 times the mass of our sun, an international team of astrophysicists discovered that the jets are composed primarily of electrons and atomic nuclei, including those from heavy metals, such as iron and nickel. With heavier nuclei, the jets carry large amounts of mass and energy from the black hole into space. In some cases, they’re so powerful that they can create shock waves that collapse surrounding gas clouds—triggering the birth of new stars.

This article originally appeared in the March 2014 issue of Popular Science.

What Escapes A Black Hole? | Popular Science

The other interesting aspect of the Black holes is that time travel is possible with the phenomena and the energy that is getting generated in Black holes.

But finding an exact location of "Event Horizon" is a challenge.
The other interesting aspect of the Black holes is that time travel is possible with the phenomena and the energy that is getting generated in Black holes.

But finding an exact location of "Event Horizon" is a challenge.

Somehow I am skeptical about it.
How do we even enter a black hole when it can crush anything(well almost anything)??
But isnt there a hypothesis by Einstein on time travel which is based on e=mc2???
Somehow I am skeptical about it.
How do we even enter a black hole when it can crush anything(well almost anything)??
But isnt there a hypothesis by Einstein on time travel which is based on e=mc2???

The theory is that if one can get into black hole with out getting crushed, he can travel at speeds greater than light since Black hole gives away energy at high speeds as shown below in the fig.


Traveling at speeds of light will make it possible for time travel.
The theory is that if one can get into black hole with out getting crushed, he can travel at speeds greater than light since Black hole gives away energy at high speeds as shown below in the fig.


Traveling at speeds of light will make it possible for time travel.

But then how do we escape the crushing force??
May be now theres hope as the scientists do know that heavier nuclei can infact escape the crush.
The theory is that if one can get into black hole with out getting crushed, he can travel at speeds greater than light since Black hole gives away energy at high speeds as shown below in the fig.


Traveling at speeds of light will make it possible for time travel.
no thing can travel faster than light....
or we have change every equation in our quantum mechanics.....
But then how do we escape the crushing force??
May be now theres hope as the scientists do know that heavier nuclei can infact escape the crush.

Bodies go into the black hole and then they escape in the form of radiation, through the center of the spiral as shown in the figure

Black hole is like a giant crusher which pulls the matter and then converts into energy or radiation and lets it out through the beam from its center.

no thing can travel faster than light....
or we have change every equation in our quantum mechanics.....

It is a hypothesis, if even light cannot escape the gravity of the black hole then the emerging radiation should be travelling at the speed of that is greater than the speed of light.
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Bodies go into the black hole and then they escape it through the center of the spiral as shown in the figure, the velocity of the beam which is emerging from the center of the spiral is greater than light.

Black hole is like a giant crusher which pulls the matter and then converts into energy or radiation and lets it out through the beam from its center.

It is a hypothesis, if even light cannot escape the gravity of the black hole then the emerging radiation should be greater than light.
yes thats the point.....its a hypothesis......
but light not able to escape the black hole is because of the enormous gravity of the black hole......
but we know that by general theory of relativity....if anything approaches the speed limit of light then time will slow down.....
thus the whatever travelling at speed limit of light .....will have time travel.....and not because it will travel faster than light...
yes thats the point.....its a hypothesis......
but light not able to escape the black hole is because of the enormous gravity of the black hole......
but we know that by general theory of relativity....if anything approaches the speed limit of light then time will slow down.....
thus the whatever travelling at speed limit of light .....will have time travel.....and not because it will travel faster than light...

Black holes are arguably the strangest and most mysterious objects in the universe. Their bizarre properties can challenge the laws of physics and even the very nature of reality itself. To understand black holes, we must learn to think "outside the box" and use a little imagination. Black holes are formed from the cores of super massive stars and can best be described as regions of space where so much mass is concentrated that nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull. It is an area where the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. The more massive an object is, the faster you have to travel to escape its gravity. This is known as the escape velocity. Black holes are so massive that their escape velocity is faster than the speed of light. Since nothing can travel faster than light, nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. It was Einstein's general theory of relativity that provided the first clue to understanding black holes. His theory also states that gravity affects time. The more massive an object is, the more it can slow down time. The gravity of a black hole is so great that time nearly stands still. If you were on the outside of a black hole watching a spaceship fall in, you would see the spaceship appear to slow down until it finally disappears. A common myth about black holes is that they will suck in all matter around them. This is not true. They will suck in matter within a certain distance from them, but beyond that, they act no differently than a massive star. If our Sun could become a black hole, the planets would continue to orbit around it the same as they do today

Black Holes - Celestial Objects on Sea and Sky

@levina "the escape velocity of a back hole must be greater than light.

I am searching for the source about the speed of the radiation that is emerging from the center of the back hole. I will confirm it when I find it.
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Black holes are arguably the strangest and most mysterious objects in the universe. Their bizarre properties can challenge the laws of physics and even the very nature of reality itself. To understand black holes, we must learn to think "outside the box" and use a little imagination. Black holes are formed from the cores of super massive stars and can best be described as regions of space where so much mass is concentrated that nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull. It is an area where the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. The more massive an object is, the faster you have to travel to escape its gravity. This is known as the escape velocity. Black holes are so massive that their escape velocity is faster than the speed of light. Since nothing can travel faster than light, nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. It was Einstein's general theory of relativity that provided the first clue to understanding black holes. His theory also states that gravity affects time. The more massive an object is, the more it can slow down time. The gravity of a black hole is so great that time nearly stands still. If you were on the outside of a black hole watching a spaceship fall in, you would see the spaceship appear to slow down until it finally disappears. A common myth about black holes is that they will suck in all matter around them. This is not true. They will suck in matter within a certain distance from them, but beyond that, they act no differently than a massive star. If our Sun could become a black hole, the planets would continue to orbit around it the same as they do today

Black Holes - Celestial Objects on Sea and Sky
exactly....what I said......
hence when the time slows down we do the time travel......:tup:
@@levina "the escape velocity of a back hole must be greater than light

Though it is logically possible but our scientists have again and again reiterated that its impossible.
Or may be they call it impossible because they can prove it.

Btw I didnt get the alert for this one.:(
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