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Stephen Hawking boycotts Israeli regime

Your achievements are pathetic compared to your population and funds available.

Ditch the Islamic theocracy and you'll achieve a lot.

You don't produce tech, you reverse engineer old tech and copy North Koreans/Chinese etc.

Your biggest export after oil is pistachios I believe.
it would much much better if we didn't have a dictatorship it is true.
but here i am speaking about people and still even with some bad conditions some people manage to build good or great.

sadly there is no change possible in our country.... see Syria ... what would happen in Iran would be much worst.
and nobody wants that. except MeK terrorist group.

we hope the people having some power in Iran wake up and work together to give the country everything it needs :
democracy, individual rights, a much better economy plan

but yeah.. instead of speaking to the right people and understand Iran wanted a change a decade ago... what was doing USA?
with Bush they said state of evil axis. that didn't help at all.
you know why?
people like Bush they just dream so much that all our countries destroy each other , keep fighting and let them take benefit of this.

the countries we need to work with are our neighbour countries : Turkey, Iraq, even GCC, Pakistan, Afghanistan...
when our country will better led without a spiritual leadership we need to work much stronger with them
and do like Europe but even better:
invest to make our countries a center of the world in all fields, from science to arts
or you can say the opposite , saddam with big army did not win 8 years long war against kids of iran

You could. I don't recall Saddam resorting to using Iraq's kids in war.

Saddam, a man with more morals than Iran's regime? it's a bad day when you lose to Saddam on morality :lol:
We Israelis fight enemies, you're fighting yourselves - and losing.

Yeah, what you call a fight, is a non-heroic fight IMO. The first time you guys met real resistance you guys did a poor job. I guess you missed this:

Complete shock. That is how friends of retired generals Menachem Einan and Chaim Nadel, two members of the Winograd Committee, described the generals' reaction to the Israel Defense Forces' performance during the Second Lebanon War.

Einan, who was charged with drafting the section of the panel's final report that deals with the army, was appalled to discover how badly the ground forces had deteriorated. His conclusions are expected to deal harshly with every level of the army, from the chief of staff to units in the field.

But while the report's harsh conclusions about the army have been widely anticipated, its conclusions about the government, and especially Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, remain a mystery that will be solved only with the document's publication at 6 P.M. on Wednesday night.

A few leaks indicate that Olmert will get off more lightly than he did in the committee's partial report last April. But given the vigorous campaign it has been waging, the Prime Minister's Office is evidently taking no chances - especially since leaks from the partial report seemed to indicate that Olmert would get off lightly in that as well.

The report's hundreds of pages will probably supply both supporters and detractors of the premier with quotes to support their views. But it is also possible that committee chair Eliyahu Winograd will borrow a leaf from Vardi Zeiler, head of another recent inquiry committee, and use Wednesday night's press conference to make harsher statements than can be found in the report.

The report's conclusions about the IDF are not expected to spark much controversy - both because most of those who were senior officers during the war have already resigned, and because the committee is unlikely to leave much room for doubt. Indeed, Nadel was so upset over the army's functioning that in private conversations recently, he reportedly wondered whether it is possible to believe the army's claim that it has learned the war's lessons and corrected the problems. Current senior IDF officers are very worried that the report will further undermine the army's public image.

Though the committee promised the High Court of Justice that its report would not include any personal criticism, two major generals are nevertheless awaiting the document tensely: GOC Northern Command Gadi Eizenkot, who was head of the Operations Directorate during the war, and Military Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin.

The military section of the report is likely to address several main issues. The first will be the army's single greatest failure during the war - its failure to halt the short-range rocket fire on northern Israel. In contrast, the IDF was relatively successful in taking out Hezbollah's medium- and long-range rockets.

Hesitancy and fear

The failure is attributable to hesitancy at every level of command, from the government down to brigade commanders, and to fear of heavy losses among the troops. In their questions to witnesses, committee members attacked both the delay in launching a major ground operation and the belated call-up of the reserves. The army will be particularly interested in finding out who the panel holds mainly responsible for these failures - the General Staff or Northern Command.

The committee is expected to be particularly critical of the years-long neglect of training, of both regular troops and reservists, and the shortfalls in stocks and equipment. On this issue, fingers will also be pointed at Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who was chief of staff and then defense minister during the eight years preceding the war, and Moshe Ya'alon, who followed Mofaz as chief of staff.

A related topic is the Home Front Command's failures in helping beleaguered northern residents cope with the rocket attacks. But since the state comptroller has already written a lengthy report on this issue, the Winograd Committee is expected to treat it cursorily.

The committee also promised to devote part of the report to the missile attack on the navy ship Hanit.

The report is unlikely to go into the details of the various land battles, but it is expected to be harshly critical of the army's normative failures: the many cases in which units did not stick to their assigned missions or avoided contact with the enemy.

Yeah, what you call a fight, is a non-heroic fight IMO. The first time you guys met real resistance you guys did a poor job. I guess you missed this:


A Pakistani/Iranian who has never won a war, talking about Israel who've won several wars. :omghaha:

India kicked your Samosas hard bro. You threw kids at Iraq to try and win - and failed.

Try and win a war before mouthing off, you pathetic Islamist.
A Pakistani/Iranian who has never won a war, talking about Israel who've won several wars. :omghaha:

Never won a war? Go take some history classes. At least we never run from the battle front. Coward.

Wars? Against stone throwing Palestinians equipped with home-made rockets you mean?
it would much much better if we didn't have a dictatorship it is true.
but here i am speaking about people and still even with some bad conditions some people manage to build good or great.

sadly there is no change possible in our country.... see Syria ... what would happen in Iran would be much worst.
and nobody wants that. except MeK terrorist group.

we hope the people having some power in Iran wake up and work together to give the country everything it needs :
democracy, individual rights, a much better economy plan

but yeah.. instead of speaking to the right people and understand Iran wanted a change a decade ago... what was doing USA?
with Bush they said state of evil axis. that didn't help at all.
you know why?
people like Bush they just dream so much that all our countries destroy each other , keep fighting and let them take benefit of this.

the countries we need to work with are our neighbour countries : Turkey, Iraq, even GCC, Pakistan, Afghanistan...
when our country will better led without a spiritual leadership we need to work much stronger with them
and do like Europe but even better:
invest to make our countries a center of the world in all fields, from science to arts

Excuses, excuses.

Look bro, your country is a mess. Isolated, sanctioned mess.

No one got freedom for free. Millions died in Europe for freedom. You will not get it in Iran for free.

If you can't put up a fight for your own freedom - I have little respect.

34 years after the Islamic coup, and you still live under it.

You got rid of Savak and replaced it with Basij.

Iran will only be free and part of the world community when the Iranians have dropped extremism and told their regime to f@ack off.
A Pakistani/Iranian who has never won a war, talking about Israel who've won several wars. :omghaha:

India kicked your Samosas hard bro. You threw kids at Iraq to try and win - and failed.

Try and win a war before mouthing off, you pathetic Islamist.

Funny man... why dont ur indian brothas from other mothas dont celebrate 48,65 wars? while we do... funny isnt it? we evil Pakistanis even shot down ur flyboys in israeli arab wars? what abt them?

Or this :
the President of Israel, Ezer Weizman, who was also the Commander of the Israeli Air Force and the Minister of Defense of Israel, wrote in his autobiography about Airchief Marshall Nur Khan...that: "He was a formidable fellow and I was glad that he was Pakistani and not Egyptian".
Never won a war? Go take some history classes. At least we never run from the battle front. Coward.

Wars? Against stone throwing Palestinians equipped with home-made rockets you mean?

India sent you back to Karachi with your tails between your legs bro.

Your pathetic tin-pot, bankrupt country proclaims Israel and America as its enemies, but your enemy is YOU. Your enemy is YOUR religion.

Keep getting blown up in markets and blaming everyone bar yourself dude. Keep surrounding police stations like savage baboons wanting to rip apart mentally handicapped girls in there because of rumours they 'blasphemed'

Israel keeps progressing whilst your bankrupt nations keep regressing.
India sent you back to Karachi with your tails between your legs bro.

Your pathetic tin-pot, bankrupt country proclaims Israel and America as its enemies, but your enemy is YOU. Your enemy is YOUR religion.

Keep getting blown up in markets and blaming everyone bar yourself dude. Keep surrounding police stations like savage baboons wanting to rip apart mentally handicapped girls in there because of rumours they 'blasphemed'

Israel keeps progressing whilst your bankrupt nations keep regressing.

Just dont put the sheeny curse on us...:laughcry:
India sent you back to Karachi with your tails between your legs bro.

Your pathetic tin-pot, bankrupt country proclaims Israel and America as its enemies, but your enemy is YOU. Your enemy is YOUR religion.

Keep getting blown up in markets and blaming everyone bar yourself dude. Keep surrounding police stations like savage baboons wanting to rip apart mentally handicapped girls in there because of rumours they 'blasphemed'

Israel keeps progressing whilst your bankrupt nations keep regressing.

Good luck with your ban bro.
Whatever kike.

You're still sore over OBL dude. Don't take it out on me that the Americans slipped in and slotted two in his cannister before slipping out again whilst the Pakistan armed forces were sleeping.

That was uncalled for mate..I hate İslami extremism as much as you do..But Islam and extremism are 2 different things

I don't think it's that clear cut.

Islam produces violence like no other religion.

Good luck with your ban bro.

Crying your eyes out?

Pathetic little grass.
You're still sore over OBL dude. Don't take it out on me that the Americans slipped in and slotted two in his cannister before slipping out again whilst the Pakistan armed forces were sleeping.

Dont give a eff abt tht salafi terrorist..
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