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Stephen Hawking boycotts Israeli regime

Or when whole organisations are set up like the EDL specifically to get rid of Muslims and UK is suffering from "white flight" in areas that are Muslim.

So? In the end, anti-Semitism is more prominent present in the UK and many other western countries, than in Iran. Ask your own Mizrahi Jews about it.
From what I've seen, the EDL isn't really anti-Semitic, and sometimes even host radical Rabbis and waves Israeli flags.

TBH I really don't know much about EDL. I guessed they where like all the other neo-Nazi parties who hate Jews. Now I see they are specifically against Islam and even have Pakistani christian members etc...

In that case I guess they don't have a problem with me either, again shows Controlled Pairs desperation.
TBH I really don't know much about EDL. I guessed they where like all the other neo-Nazi parties who hate Jews. Now I see they are specifically against Islam and even have Pakistani christian members etc...

In that case I guess they don't have a problem with me either, again shows Controlled Pairs desperation.

Some pics of EDL:



With such friends, who need enemies?

Neither are you Shlomo. :D

I dig Schmoolie as a name. Seriously, who have come up with such name? :D
To such extent that you have actually worked for a Iranian employer. He should have made Shoawarma of your Jewish ***.

Iranians are very poor at fighting.

I mean, they sent their kids to do the fighting during the Iran-Iraq war.

95,000 kids killed.

8 years and you couldn't beat Saddam's men? the USA did it in one night with shock & awe.

Iran :omghaha:

@Controlled Pair

You are picking on wrong set of people. Neither surenas nor shahin vatni belongs to mullah brigade.

Bro, just having a laugh.

I like Iranians - but I hate extremist Islam and loathe political Islam.

Unfortunately Iran is now almost the definition ...or the face of Islamic extremism. Shame.

I like some Arabs and most Iranians that I have met - but at the end of the day I know what most of these guys think about Israel and Jews.

I am Israeli and will defend my country until my last breath.

These cavemen will not take my country. Not on my watch.
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Iranians are very poor at fighting.

I mean, they sent their kids to do the fighting during the Iran-Iraq war.

95,000 kids killed.

8 years and you couldn't beat Saddam's men? the USA did it in one night with shock & awe.

Iran :omghaha:

You are one funny dude, bro. 95% of Iranians who have fought that war where grown men.

Perhaps, we should mention the fact that whole Israeli brigades deserted, or refused to go on the offensive, during the Lebanon 2006 war, and were completely paralyzed by the death of one of their fellow soldiers. Israeli reports even concluded that the Hedonistic Jewish culture in Israel is allergic to making sacrifices on the battle front. Perhaps because you guys have been fighting stone-throwing Palestinians and thirld-world Arab armies since you European Jews ever set one foot in the shithole called Israel/Palestine.
Debunked: link

I'll add that it's really low to put words in the mouth of a famous scientist who, because of his disability, can not easily correct or counter such falsehoods. This is what the "Boycott Israel" movement has fallen to! (Last week they even lost Berkeley).

Any better link? I understand PressTV is not good either, but Guardian and BBC are pretty much more reliable.
Iranians are very poor at fighting.

I mean, they sent their kids to do the fighting during the Iran-Iraq war.

95,000 kids killed.

8 years and you couldn't beat Saddam's men? the USA did it in one night with shock & awe.

Iran :omghaha:

Bro, just having a laugh.

I like Iranians - but I hate extremist Islam and loathe political Islam.

Unfortunately Iran is now almost the definition ...or the face of Islamic extremism. Shame.

I like some Arabs and most Iranians that I have met - but at the end of the day I know what most of these guys think about Israel and Jews.

I am Israeli and will defend my country until my last breath.

These cavemen will not take my country. Not on my watch.

or you can say the opposite , saddam with big army did not win 8 years long war against kids of iran
You are one funny dude, bro. 95% of Iranians who have fought that war where grown men.

Perhaps, we should mention the fact that whole Israeli brigades deserted, or refused to go on the offensive, during the Lebanon 2006 war, and were completely paralyzed by the death of one of their fellow soldiers. Israeli reports even concluded that the Hedonistic Jewish culture in Israel is allergic to making sacrifices on the battle front. Perhaps because you guys have been fighting stone-throwing Palestinians and thirld-world Arab armies since you European Jews ever set one foot in the shithole called Israel/Palestine.

Bro, Pakistanis are being blown up at an alarming rate by their own people.

Not a day goes by without another bomb.

Bro, Israel will be here long after Pakistan has collapsed under sectarianism and inner terrorism.

We Israelis fight enemies, you're fighting yourselves - and losing.

Any better link? I understand PressTV is not good either, but Guardian and BBC are pretty much more reliable.

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