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Stealthy J-10C confirmed

You are obviously new to this place. Things don't work like this in China. First an anonymous source tells us about a latest secret development that will come out XX/XX/XXXX. Then all the Chinese members rejoice over their country having achieved this and that without any help.
Then we finally come to realize that there was no such things as the source predicted but the Chinese members still under the influence of opium refuse to acknowledge the truths and then and we all just go look at some other forum to kill our time.
The United States exposed the stealth F-10C amazing improvement


U.S. military rebellion: Chinese Cheng Fei has developed the latest improved version of the J10 – J10C fighters. The successful development of this fighter as early as the U.S. military expected, because the J10 aircraft from its official official public its been fitted out as many as dozens of front-line troops.
J10C equipped with more advanced radar equipment on its radar and have a greater detection range than the J10 radar to simultaneously track 12 targets and against the ability of the six targets which pose the greatest threat.
its cockpit set up more advanced domestic diffraction HUD. In addition, the J10C in addition equipped with air-to-air missiles outside will be equipped with more advanced moment in the more advanced the PL12 PL-13 long-range air-to-air missile, this missile has the ability of anti-AWACS. Fitted with laser guidance pod J10C, but also launch a variety of laser-guided bombs, fighter-to-ground precision strike capability.

J10C and J10 with a larger difference in appearance, which uses a more mature design of the inlet, the original bone ribs the installation of a larger thrust engines, additional design will cease to exist, replaced by a more The streamlined design.
In addition to the inlet, the maximum difference in the appearance J10C and J10 is, J10C the same as the F16E installation of a similar “hump Falcon two king-size drop tanks. This does not surprise the U.S., the United States that the J10 aircraft design success in its digestion and absorption of the advantages of the F16 fighter, so J10C increase the voyage with the F16E similar design approach is not accidental.
J10 fighter performance over the F16A/B, but the J10C fighter’s performance will have to exceed the U.S. active duty one of the main fighter plane F-16 all models. But the United States also believes that the J10 aircraft engines still rely on Russia, so J10C only Russia’s AL-31FN improved engine.

United States further noted that the the J10C the successful development of China’s significance not only is J10C fighters, but rather in its important mission of China’s fourth-generation fighter F-20 demonstrator.
It is reported that, J10C stealth coatings, infrared suppression of the stealth technology to reduce infrared radiation and radar reflectivity, the U.S. military has successfully developed the fourth generation fighter F35 is the first in the F16E fighter stealth design validation, and Russia’s launch of the S-37 golden eagle fighter is also served on the same task.
early as available in the Chinese domestic third-generation new fighter F -10, the Western media rendering its attack power, foreign arms dealers is worried about the impact they dominate arms market in the J-10 . So the Western media will soon release “China will sell Iran J -10″ false news, analysts believe that foreign arms dealers on the block F -10 export “smart operation”.

It is estimated that by 2015, the world’s total production of the fighter and trainer for over 3800 aircraft, with a total value of more than 1500 billion dollars. Some countries in Asia, Europe or Latin America may be based on cost considerations, choose F -10 instead of the fighter in the United States or Russia. Professionals estimated that if the Chinese release the F -10 exports, the U.S. F-16 market cake will be shared, at least the order of hundreds of fighters will be lost.

For the United States, China’s exports fighters in addition to its arms market share, but will also disrupt the United States by operating out of the arms trade, international relations network. The Chinese high-performance fighter, may independently play an international role, rather than turn around the baton of the United States. The same time, through mass production and exports of the fighters to reduce costs, and explore the experience (including experience) of such aircraft in overseas U.S. military operations.
For the above concerns, the United States on any topic of F-10 are sensitive. Past practice in the United States, if the Chinese J-10 is really export to the United States is likely to create public opinion pressure, release such as “state sponsors of terrorism and poor human rights record national export advanced weapons” argument, and thus strictly control related goods and technology exports, even together with some countries to impose some sanctions on China. Of course, in the context of the big export of arms, the U.S. argument can easily be seen through.
CAC has developed the latest improved version of the J10 – J10C fighters. The successful development of this fighter as early as the U.S. military expected, because the J10 aircraft from its official official public its been fitted out as many as dozens of front-line troops. The J10C equipped with more advanced radar equipment on its radar and have a greater detection range than the J10 radar to simultaneously track 12 targets and ability to combat the greatest threat to six goals. The cockpit set up more advanced domestic diffraction HUD.
addition J10C in addition equipped with more advanced moment of air-to-air missiles outside will be equipped with more advanced the PL12 PL-13 long-range air-to-air missile, this missile has the ability of anti-AWACS. Fitted with laser guidance pod J10C, but also launch a variety of laser-guided bombs, fighter-to-ground precision strike capability.
J10C and J10 in appearance is quite different from its more mature inlet design, the original will cease to exist because the installation of a larger thrust engines, additional design six bone ribs , replaced by a more streamlined design. In addition to the inlet, the biggest difference is the appearance J10C and J10, the J10C also like the F16E is the same as the installation of two king-size drop tanks similar to “hump Falcon.
In this regard the United States was not surprised, the United States that the J10 aircraft design success lies in its complete digestion and absorption of the advantages of the F16 fighter, so J10C F16E similar design to increase the voyage would not be surprised. J10 aircraft performance has exceeded the F16A/B, the J10C fighter’s performance will have more than one of the U.S. active duty the main fighter F-16 all models. But the United States also believes that the J10 aircraft engines still rely on Russia, so J10C only Russia’s AL-31FN improved engine.
early as available in the Chinese domestic third-generation new fighter F -10, the Western media rendering its attack power, foreign arms dealers is worried about the impact they dominate arms market in the J-10 . So the Western media will soon release “China will sell Iran J -10″ false news, analysts believe that foreign arms dealers on the block F -10 export “smart operation”.
F -10 is a high-performance fighter, longer than the fight for air supremacy, while both the ground attack capability. Par with F -10 F-16, Russia’s MiG-29 and France’s Rafale fighter plane. In contrast, the mobility of F-10 has certain advantages in air combat. Can have superior performance in the implementation of the task of homeland defense and air combat, land, sea and air joint attacks. The international arms dealers generally agreed that, although China has not exported F-10 intend to, but does not rule out future possibilities. Because the J-10 completely made in technology and materials, the export will not be subject to external restrictions. Relative to the U.S. advanced fighter, the F-10 in the export market has a price advantage.
It is estimated that by 2015, the world’s total production of the fighter and trainer for over 3800 aircraft, with a total value of more than 1500 billion dollars. Some countries in Asia, Europe or Latin America may be based on cost considerations, choose F -10 instead of the fighter in the United States or Russia. Professionals estimated that if the Chinese release the F -10 exports, the U.S. F-16 market cake will be shared, at least the order of hundreds of fighters will be lost.
for the United States, China’s export fighter, in addition to affecting their arms market share will also disrupt international relations network for the United States by operating out of the arms trade. The Chinese high-performance fighter, may independently play an international role, rather than turn around the baton of the United States. The same time, through mass production and exports of the fighters to reduce costs, and explore the experience (including experience) of such aircraft in overseas U.S. military operations.
For the above concerns, the United States on any topic of F-10 are sensitive. Past practice in the United States, if the Chinese J-10 is really export to the United States is likely to create public opinion pressure, release such as “state sponsors of terrorism and poor human rights record national export advanced weapons” argument, and thus strictly control related goods and technology exports, even together with some countries to impose some sanctions on China. Of course, in the context of the big export of arms, the U.S. argument can easily be seen through.
The United States exposed the stealth F-10C amazing improvement « Military of China, force comment.
The United States exposed the stealth F-10C amazing improvement
U.S exposes J 10C on a Chinese website through a Chinese author.:rofl:
Military of China, force comment.
Seems like the author was forced to comment on this by the commie military?:rofl:

The "anonymous source" have been correct for the past 10 years, unlike your Russian media which reports things with 200% optimism.

That's a huge exaggeration don't you think? From what I've seen Huitong is simply a good speculator, he doesn't appear to have the scoop on any insider information. Besides, he doesn't actually quote a source, it's simply a speculation that it MIGHT be under development. Here is what he actually says...

A further upgraded semi-stealth variant (J-10C?) might be developed as well but no details are available.

You are obviously new to this place. Things don't work like this in China. First an anonymous source tells us about a latest secret development that will come out XX/XX/XXXX. Then all the Chinese members rejoice over their country having achieved this and that without any help.
Then we finally come to realize that there was no such things as the source predicted but the Chinese members still under the influence of opium refuse to acknowledge the truths and then and we all just go look at some other forum to kill our time.

And finally buy few more flankers from Russia.
That's a huge exaggeration don't you think? From what I've seen Huitong is simply a good speculator, he doesn't appear to have the scoop on any insider information. Besides, he doesn't actually quote a source, it's simply a speculation that it MIGHT be under development. Here is what he actually says...

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force
so the thread title here is misleading

i.e J10c confirmed:coffee:
Thanks but, noting to gloat about just another day.

I can sympathise with your feelings.

But keep trying .... J-10D .. J-10E ... J-10F ... there are lots of alphabets available.

Hope the next try follows in few months.... J-10D ?
I can sympathise with your feelings.

But keep trying .... J-10D .. J-10E ... J-10F ... there are lots of alphabets available.

Hope the next try follows in few months.... J-10D ?
Of course, but for you indian own plane, One alphabets is encough!! I sympathise with you, A simple LCA make you wait more than 30 years, and it seems endless!! LCA=LOSER!!
I can sympathise with your feelings.

But keep trying .... J-10D .. J-10E ... J-10F ... there are lots of alphabets available.

Hope the next try follows in few months.... J-10D ?

You have lot to learn about aircraft naming standards don't you ? And yet you see fault in Chinese aircraft names only

Ever heard of F-16 A,B,C,D,E,F,IN,IQ, I, VISTA and V ?
I sympathise with you, A simple LCA make you wait more than 30 years, and it seems endless!! LCA=LOSER!!
At least we make our own planes whereas you guys beg, borrow, and steal technology and call it your's! Sheeesh! Nuff said! :cheesy:
I can sympathise with your feelings.

But keep trying .... J-10D .. J-10E ... J-10F ... there are lots of alphabets available.

Hope the next try follows in few months.... J-10D ?

Control your jealousy here. A and B are reality. C and D will soon come out like that.


At least we make our own planes whereas you guys beg, borrow, and steal technology and call it your's! Sheeesh! Nuff said! :cheesy:


It has an American engine, Israeli radar, 30% of airframe Indian, Design made by French Dassult company, Martin Baker ejection seat, (USA), BAE's LRU, IFCS, Fly by wire help from BAE and from Lockheed Martin, lightning pod, Hud etc from Israel, and last but not least weapons from Russia and Israel...




Mirage 2000:




Indians are truly super powers without foreign help !
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