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Status of Shahbaz Air Base

Guys, Shahbaz Airbase is not under anyone else control other PAF itself.

2-3 years back it had good number of US presence for Afghanistan Operations, even at that time, the overall security and operations were under PAF. Americans were camped at one side in the base which they managed, rest of the base was under PAF.

Since they left 2-3 years back, there were no Americans there, just recently for the Blk 52s they have come and that also are limited in numbers and most i believe are from LM for training and other stuff purposes.

So chill and cut the BS.
Personally, I also thought that this airbase was under the control of the U.S. as I never asked my inside sources about it. The person who published this fantasy i.e. airbase was under the control of the U.S. should be given life imprisonment because he/she mislead Pakistanis over this issue.

I mean if PAF really had the control of this airbase---
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Personally, I also thought that this airbase was under the control of the U.S. as I never asked my inside sources about it. The person who published this fantasy i.e. airbase was under the control of the U.S. should be given life imprisonment because he mislead Pakistanis over this issue.

I mean if PAF really had the control of this airbase---

What was left unsaid was that it was the PAF that was denying all manner of access to the airbase because of the presence of US personnel who had come along with the Block 52 F-16s, which were delivered at this base and had US conditionalities including the presence of US personnel to “keep an eye” on how the planes were used by the PAF.

Who really controls Shahbaz Air Base? | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Allah will save us only,,
Whole Pakistan's institutions are working for CIA.
Personally, I also thought that this airbase was under the control of the U.S. as I never asked my inside sources about it. The person who published this fantasy i.e. airbase was under the control of the U.S. should be given life imprisonment because he/she mislead Pakistanis over this issue.

I mean if PAF really had the control of this airbase---
yep, those who spread lies should be punished - As a matter of fact PAF took media to Shahbaz base to prove that they have the base control (The video recorded above is actually in SHAHBAZ Base.
What was left unsaid was that it was the PAF that was denying all manner of access to the airbase because of the presence of US personnel who had come along with the Block 52 F-16s, which were delivered at this base and had US conditionalities including the presence of US personnel to “keep an eye” on how the planes were used by the PAF.

Who really controls Shahbaz Air Base? | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
You do realize those people who came with F16's are F16 crew who will train Pakistani Mechanics on how to maintain F16 Block 52 once it's done they will leave Pakistan and the inspection team usually comes from LH they can go to any base any time to insect F16s not just Shahbaz Air base.Don't read too much into the Nation or crappy news papers.Anyway all has been clarified by PAF in above videos.No more conspiracy theories.I am quiet frustrated to explain this **** all over again.
PAF says Shahbaz airbase under its control

By Imran Ali Teepu
Friday, 20 Aug, 2010

JACOBABAD: The Pakistan Air Force said on Thursday that the Shahbaz airbase was under its complete operational control and brushed aside reports that floodwaters had been diverted to save the base.

“There is no threat of flooding to the airbase because it is five feet above the ground level and the flow of water could have only touched the floors of the base in the worst case scenario,” Air Vice Marshal Arshad Quddus of the Southern Air Command told Dawn.

The PAF took media representatives from Islamabad to Jacobabad, Sibbi and Sukkur. The trip was arranged at a short notice apparently because of a statement made by a senior health ministry official in the Senate Committee on Health that relief operations in Jacobabad were not possible because the only airbase in the area was under the use of Americans.
Taking the media around the base, which appeared to be inhabited by Pakistani armed forces personnel, AVM Arshad spoke about the role the base was playing in relief operations.

He said: “An air bridge has been set up between the Shahbaz Airbase and other strategic airbases to supply a chain of relief goods, besides evacuating the stranded people in and around the areas of Jacobabad.”

He said that medical health assistance was continuously being provided to the affected people in the towns near the airbase.

“The Shahbaz Airbase is under complete operational control of the PAF. If you see any American let me know…. seeing is believing… there are no drones and no Americans,” he said.

He said that a few Americans were present at the airbase only to provide technical assistance to the air force which had recently acquired the upgraded F-16 fighter jets from Washington.

The AVM made it clear that the statement of the heath official was out of context.

He said: “I don’t know why a senior federal health ministry official commented over the airbase… I think he is not aware.”

The ripples created by reports about health official’s statements was also evident from the fact that the health ministry issued a clarification which said that “the domain of the Ministry of Health is restricted to a health response,” as it expressed gratitude to the PAF for designating an airbase for Jacobabad’s flood victims. The team was also taken to the Sibbi Airbase, which has been made operational after about 10 years.

AVM Asrhad said: “It was closed due to security concerns. But it is now being used to provide maximum relief services to the people in Balochistan on the direction of Air Chief Rao Qamar Suleman.”

While he was showing the journalists around, a C-130 plane landed at the airbase carrying 200 tons of relief goods.

“The relief goods will be provided to the people of Dera Allah Yar, Usta Mohammad and other adjoining areas from the Sibbi airbase” he said.

DAWN.COM | National | PAF says Shahbaz airbase under its control
PAF denies reports of US airbase obstructing relief operations

JACOBABAD: The Pakistan Air Force has strongly denied reports that Shahbaz Air Base in Jacobabad is not being used for relief operations because of the presence of Americans on the base.

Air Vice Marshal Arshad Qadus said the Jacobabad air base is under the control of the Pakistan Air Force. He denied the presence of Americans at the base, saying the base was being utilised for relief operations.

The Air Vice Marshal said Air force personnel are helping the people to vacate the flood affected areas. He said that about 2,000 people have been airlifted to Karachi and 2,200 tonnes of relief goods including medicine have been provided to the people.

According to AVM Qadus, a camp has been set up outside the base where doctors are providing medical aid to flood victims.

PAF denies reports of US airbase obstructing relief operations – The Express Tribune
Been to PAF Shahbaz a week back and saw very few Americans... and the ones I saw were those who were working/assisting in the F-16-Bl 52 back shops... most of them from technical trades and were civilians from Lockheed Martin.

Americans also came and stayed at Sargodha for a long time when our Block 15s came in 80s... But now with WoT and given the recent history of Jacobabad, when people see ANY American they think that its been taken over by their forces. There are lot of Chinese at Kamra and few other bases as well, but no one says that Chinese have taken over those bases!!! :pop:

I guess our ‘’special’’ relationship with America always draw a lot of attention in public eyes. Its a typical saas – bahu type relation: can’t live with each other, and can’t live without each other as well . :usflag: :pakistan:
Its a typical saas – bahu type relation: can’t live with each other, and can’t live without each other as well

good one x_man!:rofl:
Perhaps you under-rate the good minister. The implication is that the U.S. is using Jacobabad as a secret airbase. The accusation, true or not, strikes me as a clever one. Since these things happen on the basis of quiet cooperation and mutual secrecy, if the minister's accusation is true, the U.S. can't talk about it; if false, the U.S. won't talk about it. The U.S. gets the blame for Pakistani suffering so the failings of the Health Ministry are considered explained because the U.S. won't defend itself. And so the minister gets to keep his job. And all the goodwill effort of the U.S. can be re-conceived as something Pakistan is owed, not a gesture of generosity by the U.S. Pakistanis can once more feel good about hating America, and they have this minister to thank for that. Why should the minister have passed up an obvious opportunity for personal political advantage by contacting the P.A. in a timely manner for assistance at getting the Americans (if any) to depart?
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: errr this is the most mediocre post i have seen apart from ranting
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