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State-sanctioned murder: India’s secret policy

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This issue of border disputes and "doing whatever I want and get away with it" attitude from the Indians need to discussed diplomatically, and take this matter to the UN.

There is no border dispute.

It is smugglers, human traffickers and cattle rustlers being killed when they cross the borders ILLEGALLY. Take it to the UN, take it to the Man in the Moon if you want. It will be thrown out with the contempt that it deserves!!

Only those who believe in Akhand Bharat ignore the international border. All Bangladeshis hate the idea of Akhand Bharat so they accept the international border. It is the corruption of the BSF that leads to these killings. Another reason for BSF inhuman behaviour is just sheer boredom and routine of the work which drives them to shoot at innocent people just for fun!

I also think another more likely answer for the BSF killing randomly in this way is that they are mostly half breeds. One of their parents is an jackass or another type of beast which makes them behave like animals and shoot people indiscriminately.

Akhand Bharat?

The Government is of Akhand Bharat men?

But then it is a nice crutch for the cripple, though surprisingly mental and not physical to clutch.

What tommy rot you do write. BSF is bored? Been on the border even in a Bangladeshi Border Post. It is you armchair professional agitators who are bored and so you whip up a non-existent fantasy to please your stagnant mind.

If BSF is half breed, guess what you are? ;)

Decency prevents me to go any further.

India will regret messing with Bangladesh which is a tightly packed country of 160 million people and ready to go off like a grenade in Bharat's face.

Please do not day dream.

A country that Pakistan kept under the boot for years should not assume such courage. But then I do find a surfeit of Dutch Courage amongst you all!

That didn't stop India annexing Sikkim. Bangladesh is a different matter altogether. India will regret messing with Bangladesh which is a tightly packed country of 160 million people and ready to go off like a grenade in Bharat's face.

Please give us a break.

As far as Sikkim is concerned, please read it up.

Don’t go by the tripe that you churn!

Interesting you say "mighty India". While you guys talk big, you tremble in fear whenever the PLA comes near.

Of-course, if the trespasser is armed and dangerous, or that intel has confirmed movements to be against India's security (i.e: criminals and terrorists), BSF have every right to engage.

The point is, how does an unarmed civilian threaten your country? Instead of shooting, wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to just send the unarmed trespasser back? Aren't Bangladesh and India supposed to be friends? Is that how friendly countries treat each other?

I think you Indians have trouble understanding the term - Rules of Engagement.

Instead of hating, how about thinking? After all, aren't you Indians supposed to be more "learned" than us Bangladeshis? And this is the response you come up with?? Ironic.

You seem to have a tunnel vision on history of warfare. Understandable.

Heard of Chola, Nathu La and Sumdorong Chu?

Why will you know of them when you have sold your soul to the Dragon?

Unarmed should not be harmed. Agreed. But being unarmed is fine to illegally trespass?

If that was the way to enter a foreign country safely, why have this rigmarole of passports and damned visas? Why have the indignity of being bodily frisked?

Now, since we do not know about fancy terms as ‘Rules of Engagement’, do enlighten us.

If a person is unarmed and trespasses at night, you suggest that one should go out on a chase and then send him back? Not a bad idea. What is too many escape and it is possible as anyone would know who has been standing post.

Are you that magnanimous with a thief who breaks into your home? You send him back?

Why should one think Indians are learned? I thought you all wanted to prove you are the learned ones! Sami even stated that he is on his PhD!!

I always had respect for Indians irrespective of the dents in the their foreign polices before joining this forum. I always thought this people were more pro people than anything else. And if the bd or pakistani govt ever commits a crime, most of the members here at least condemn the actions.
But Indians are different. They are supportive of any muslim killings. No wander they commit genocides in their countries every now and then. And no wonder why they have so many banned militants.

No, I am sorry, I would be the last one to condone killing of anyone. Religion does not come into the play. However, illegal immigrants or those who in the cover of the night want to indulge in illegal activities, whatever be their religion, is no friend of mine.

If it is so difficult to cross the border illegally how did 20 million Bangladeshis enter India in the last 30 years without permission. Indian stats and comments make no sense.

Just visit the border and observe (since you will not have the guts to cross). Your air conditioned home with your royalties of your book which would have touched the heart of so many Muslim who think that the world is against Muslims is hardly the place to understand the reality. It is where one can spin heart renting yarns!!

If the Indians go off topic I am entitled to defend Bangladesh with whatever argument counts. The AL/BNP dispute is not part of this thread so why are you bringing it in here? Are you a secret Indian sympathizer pretending to be a Bangladesh patriot? Why don't you be consistent?

Oh wow!

What is the latest on Osama? Interviewed him for your book?

1 billion plus people divided into hundreds of languages, dozens of ethnic groups and several religious creeds against a nation that speaks one language, is dominated by one religion and has only a handful of ethnic groups. Yes you are right it just isn't fair. India will be taken apart based on its internal differences. If the recent elections are anything to go by regionalism is making a come back and that is the sign of future troubles.

Thank you.

Just ensure you are one and not disintegrated with your own contradiction, even if your country is small, a wee bit larger than a postal stamp.
I was born in 1972 idiot. If India chases toddlers then that is really a shame. India-Bangladesh friendship will soon go to the dogs like in 1975.

Please back to topic.

Dont you desperately wish so :), but going by recent trends - Border issues are being handled , relations with awami league were always good and relations with Khaleda Zia's BNP are slowly picking up.

Too bad Indo-BD friendship is up and thriving ...:)
1 billion plus people divided into hundreds of languages, dozens of ethnic groups and several religious creeds against a nation that speaks one language, is dominated by one religion and has only a handful of ethnic groups. Yes you are right it just isn't fair. India will be taken apart based on its internal differences. If the recent elections are anything to go by regionalism is making a come back and that is the sign of future troubles.

First....lets establish whether you can even take the Indian army, navy and airforce out....

I suppose you 160MM banglas will take down the IAF frontline fighters with your AK-47s and enfield rifles right?...What a joke!
I mean India can literally carpet bomb your country....choke your economy through blockades....in fact I wonder if we even need ground forces when it comes to Bangladesh...LOL!
The size of your entire army only equals that of our navy personell....

Best of luck trying to break India up....If I were you, I would start with trying to get rid of our army....then worry about the 1 billion

Besides...this forum has given you people some false sense of capability.....Its funny to see your kind talk about using our diversity against us...

Suggestion to the Banglas of your ilk....know your "aukaad"

PS: This is my last reply to this moronic line of argument from Munshi...Back to the topic at hand!
I guess you must have been born stupid then.

Was he Born in Bangladesh?

And even running off to England did not help him?

Did it help you?

Doesn't appear so.

Except that Wahabi Saudi money allowed you to try trash!

Get personal and you will get it right back!

You can howl and weep at the Mods feet for all I care.

If the Mods are fair, they will realise who is the one who is getting personal having nothing worthwhile to say!
I was born in 1972 idiot. If India chases toddlers then that is really a shame. India-Bangladesh friendship will soon go to the dogs like in 1975.

Please back to topic.

And ran away to the UK..

Did not have the courage like Raja Tridib Roy of the Chakmas (non Muslim) even though you are a Muslim to stand up for Pakistan!

You then wrote a book that was pro Pakistan.

You required a safe haven.

Hardly a man of conviction and more of an opportunist.

But the right type to talk big enjoying in and basking in the glory of others who sacrificed.

Bravery indeed.

Patriotic as most are in BD! Or so it appears here!!

Children of BD who are enjoying the martyrdom of others and have no clue what it cost!
I don't care if Bangladesh survives or perishes.

It is Bangladehis call.

If Zabanaya is right (and she is the only one a bit sane amongst you all), then AL or BNP, Bangladeshi politics stink.

Please learn to stand on your own two feet.

Stop the whine that India is at fault for everything wrong in your beloved beautiful and bountiful country.

Learn to be self sufficient and step boldly into the world.

Remember - there is no free lunches!
You need a strong cohesive underlying bond that binds everybody in such an unnatural union. In the case of U.S its the economy that keeps everybody on the same page.

Thats not the case with India home to hundreds of millions of people live below poverty, malnourished, and in need of serious sanitation.

Therefore the need of paranoia driven border policies. The BSF is directed by a hindu fundamentalist. We all know the blood lust of these fundamentalists. The world saw the slaughter of 1982, 1984, 1992, 2002.

Here is the pic of this animal in disguise,

Which side are you talking from?

You remind of the apple of Eve that Adam ate.

Now guess what is that apple!

You would be the right one to tell us!

BTW, smart pants, can you answer this?

BSF is deployed on the Pak border.

How come the Pakistanis don't howl?

They have enough to eat and you don't have?
Are you talking to the mirror or something?

LOL buddy, that is just the way he speaks.

He also likes to troll Chinese threads in the same way.

Look at the other crap he comes up with:

The Chinese Love penis!

and eat it too!!

What Tongzhis!

Comrades to the Penis!

This is his "standard" of debate.
Which side are you talking from?

You remind of the apple of Eve that Adam ate.

Now guess what is that apple!

You would be the right one to tell us!

BTW, smart pants, can you answer this?

BSF is deployed on the Pak border.

How come the Pakistanis don't howl?They have enough to eat and you don't have?

Pakistan dont howl.. they act... You dont wanna go near a Pakistani Rangers.. DO U?
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