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Starting April, Indian Navy to induct 4 more P8I Anti-Submarine Aircrafts and order 6 more

I did not compare ourselves to the US but if US has enough power projection to maintain air-superiority in a hostile nation's conflicted air-space, we could do the same in our own.
So where was your air superiority on 27th Feb?
See i didnt call you dumb for no reason! Read above where have i written that China didn't want to sell us its old aircraft carrier? Of course china wants to sell its defence products everywhere, show me where these articles stated that Pakistan wants an AC Carrier and has asked for it? If we would have wanted it, it would have been parked at Karachi port already. I told you, it simply doesnt suit our plans. A nuclear submarine would be a more probable choice for us!

India only wants to have basic technology and enough planes to deter and fight against any misadventures.
You are free to want anything you want. Be it like Tejass LCA or KaranArjun Tank, how much you are successful is for the world to see.

But the intention of dominating is not yet there.
Thats good, that the intention is not there otherwise you would have so many Abhi-none-dones that Vir Chakra would have to be printed like Notes by your state bank!
If we would have wanted it, it would have been parked at Karachi port already
Lol really...are you even aware of the support fleet which includes destroyers, frigates, corvettes, subs, supply n support vessels along with 30+ fighter jets atleast required to maintain a CBG? Y'all don't even have a single destroyer for your surface fleet, let alone one for a CBG

So where was your air superiority on 27th Feb?

So shooting down a vintage Mig in an air-skirmish makes y'all feel invincible and think IAF doesn't have it's air-space covered!! You do realize a CBG has the utmost priority in terms of support systems over a conflicted land theatre anytime right...I'd suggest you try reading a bit on CBG operations instead of ignorant brain farts

show me where these articles stated that Pakistan wants an AC Carrier and has asked for it?
But you were just arguing that those speculations are from Indian sources
A ton of all the news only comes outta the media and govt/military officials don't necessarily give out official statements
Lol really...are you even aware of the support fleet which includes destroyers, frigates, corvettes, subs, supply n support vessels along with 30+ fighter jets atleast required to maintain a CBG? Y'all don't even have a single destroyer for your surface fleet, let alone one for a CBG
Because we are a defensive force unlike you Bully Desh. Submarines and Sea Denial weapons for us will be enough to make sure that you dont succeed in a naval blockade. We dont want to project our power in high seas!

So shooting down a vintage Mig in an air-skirmish makes y'all feel invincible and think IAF doesn't have it's air-space covered!! You do realize a CBG has the utmost priority in terms of support systems over a conflicted land theatre anytime right...I'd suggest you try reading a bit on CBG operations instead of ignorant brain farts
Haahhahahaha. You are a Joker.

The point here is not that shooting a vintage Mig makes us feel invincible, the point is how shamelessly your BS Dhanoa escaped courtmartial by sending that vintage Jet to the skirmish! You guys have single handedly brought to shame such a beautiful awesome machine, the Su-30 MKI! Almost 300 such awesome tools lying useless in the hands of you monkeys!

But you were just arguing that those speculations are from Indian sources
I never did. You are an eternal liar. Being a hinglish speaker, do you understand the difference between sarcasm and an argument?
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Why does everything do with Pakistan in India. If you buy why have Pakistan angle in it all the fcking time. From bolts to spanner purchases Pakistan name will always creep in. Get a fcking lives in India hopefully Kashmir when resolved. Built a wall or canal along there border these people are f king mental in head
Because we are a defensive force unlike you Bully Desh. Submarines and Sea Denial weapons for us will be enough to make sure that you dont succeed in a naval blockade. We dont want to project our power in high seas!
Looks like you have serious comprehension issues. I was addressing your statement that PN could easily get an AC if it wanted but clearly unaware of the costs or support platforms needed. Apart from Feb-27th, all other wars/skirmishes clearly show pak was the agressor with the most recent major agression being Kargil conflict

The point here is not that shooting a vintage Mig makes us feel invincible, the point is how shamelessly your BS Dhanoa escaped courtmartial by sending that vintage Jet to the skirmish
Mig-21 is still in active service, so nothing wrong in them performing CAP and let's not talk about the Su-30 since there is literally no proof in that regard. Have you ever question why DGISPR said y'all had 2 pilots in custody but eventually backtracked on that note? Again, I don't believe IAF's claim of downing an F-16 either unless they present credible proof and is the same with PAF's claim on Su-30.

Now I just feel like feeding a troll who couldn't engage in constructive conversations but gets all jacked up when you don't have an appropriate response and resort to abusive trolling
Looks like you have serious comprehension issues. I was addressing your statement that PN could easily get an AC if it wanted but clearly unaware of the costs or support platforms needed.
We are totally aware of the costs affiliated with carrier groups and hence dont want it, makes sense?

It's still in active service and let's not talk about the Su-30 since there is literally no proof in that regard. Have you ever question why DGISPR said y'all had 2 pilots in custody but eventually backtracked on that note? Again, I don't believe IAF's claim of downing an F-16 either unless they present credible proof and is the same with PAF's claim on Su-30
Even after assuming for a second that the Su-30 wasnt brought down, it doesnt change the fact that BS Dhanoa and your military planners chose to send a vintage jet to the skirmish instead of sending your best i.e. Su-30s to the forefront!

The problem with Gangu version of events is, if they say Su-30 was leading the pack then what the heck was Abhi-none-done doing there in the front and if they say that Mig-21 was leading the pack, why the heck BS Dhanoa sent it to its final journey!
Even after assuming for a second that the Su-30 wasnt brought down, it doesnt change the fact that BS Dhanoa and your military planners chose to send a vintage jet to the skirmish instead of sending your best i.e. Su-30s to the forefront!

The problem with Gangu version of events is, if they say Su-30 was leading the pack then what the heck was Abhi-none-done doing there in the front and if they say that Mig-21 was leading the pack, why the heck BS Dhanoa sent it to its final journey!
When PAF sent in a strike package of 24 jets, it was countered by 8 IAF fighters (Su-30, Mig-21 & Mirage 2k) which were on CAP that time with no jet necessarily leading the pack. These events have been discussed to death on various forums but on a neutral note, Abhinandan tried chasing a PAF F-16 which lured him into a trap where there were other F-16's waiting in your air-space and took him out with a BVRAAM. Effectively jamming his avionics made him blind on his location which is why the control center couldn't reach him either to inform that he's in enemy airspace.

To address your concern on Dhanoa's decision in sending up a Mig-21, there's nothing wrong since it's in active service
When PAF sent in a strike package of 24 jets, it was countered by 8 IAF fighters (Su-30, Mig-21 & Mirage 2k) which were on CAP that time with no jet necessarily leading the pack. These events have been discussed to death on various forums but on a neutral note, Abhinandan tried chasing a PAF F-16 which lured him into a trap where there were other F-16's waiting in your air-space and took him out with a BVRAAM. Effectively jamming his avionics made him blind on his location which is why the control center couldn't reach him either to inform that he's in enemy airspace.

To address your concern on Dhanoa's decision in sending up a Mig-21, there's nothing wrong since it's in active service
You are not helping anyone by crisscrossing the questions posed by your scheme of events!
  • How come you not expected us to retaliate? Were you so dumb?
  • As you mentioned, why did Abhinonedone tried chasing an F-16? Was he a novice making his first sortie?
  • So you mean all jets are equally able (Su-30MKI = Mig 21 = Mirage 2000)? Being in active service doesnt mean you dont do a risk analysis of a situation. So who decided to put a vintage jet to such a hot arena and why was the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) not done beforehand?
  • Would the Fire Service send a "mule with 2 water drums" to quench if a 30-storey building is to be on fire? Your 'on-service' logic is as BS as BS Dhanoa himself!
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You are not helping anyone by crisscrossing the questions posed by your scheme of events!
  • How come you not expected us to retaliate? Were you so dumb?
  • As you mentioned, why did Abhinonedone tried chasing an F-16? Was he a novice making his first sortie?
  • So you mean all jets are equally able (Su-30MKI = Mig 21 = Mirage 2000)? Being in active service doesnt mean you dont do a risk analysis of a situation. So who decided to put a vintage jet to such a hot arena and why was the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) not done beforehand?
  • Would the Fire Service send a "mule with 2 water drums" if a 30-storey building is to be on fire? Your 'on-service' logic is as BS as BS Dhanoa himself!
These events have been discussed to death on multiple threads & forums including pdf. Why don't you read up there instead of us derailing the actual topic of this thread or I'd be happy to address based on what I know through DM's or on appropriate threads
These events have been discussed to death on multiple threads & forums including pdf. Why don't you read up there instead of us derailing the actual topic of this thread or I'd be happy to address based on what I know through DM's or on appropriate threads
I didnt derail nothing. You started giving BS logics to your arguments. For the sake of avoiding disrupting the thread, lets end it here!
We are totally aware of the costs affiliated with carrier groups and hence dont want it, makes sense?

Even after assuming for a second that the Su-30 wasnt brought down, it doesnt change the fact that BS Dhanoa and your military planners chose to send a vintage jet to the skirmish instead of sending your best i.e. Su-30s to the forefront!

The problem with Gangu version of events is, if they say Su-30 was leading the pack then what the heck was Abhi-none-done doing there in the front and if they say that Mig-21 was leading the pack, why the heck BS Dhanoa sent it to its final journey!
All planes in a squadron are of same model. So, there is no question of Su30 in MiG21 squadron or vice versa. Abhinandan was a squadron leader. So, he would be the one leading the squadron rather than another Su30 plane. Secondly, India did not intend to escalate and hence did not intend to have a mass shooting showdown. That is why India did not fire air defence missiles or any BVR. Hence, India thought it fit to send MiG21 squadron in the front lines.

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