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Starting April, Indian Navy to induct 4 more P8I Anti-Submarine Aircrafts and order 6 more

so only communication system for P-8I not a major sensor package like sonoboays/MAD senors, anyway thanks
No, the article says sensors and there are several classified sensors on P8I which India does not wnat to reveal. But, be assured, many sensors are Indian in P8I, not just communications equipment. Moreover, it is impossible for Indian communications equipment to be used with USA sensors without the encryption keys. USA will not give these keys for high end items and hence one can conclude that the high end sensors on P8I are Indian
No, the article says sensors and there are several classified sensors on P8I which India does not wnat to reveal. But, be assured, many sensors are Indian in P8I, not just communications equipment. Moreover, it is impossible for Indian communications equipment to be used with USA sensors without the encryption keys. USA will not give these keys for high end items and hence one can conclude that the high end sensors on P8I are Indian
Only your assumptions those could be communication sensors that article is talking about
I feel that international relationship is like US 7th navy fleet during the war crises...
Nothing about china and pakistan is international. There is no comparison in any other two countries acting as one country in history.
Nothing about china and pakistan is international. There is no comparison in any other two countries acting as one country in history.

Read properly 1971 WAR and China role..... even US asked and requested to her but.....
The Indian Navy’s P8I long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft had played an important role in gathering intelligence on Pakistani military deployments and keeping India’s seaboard safe. More than a year later, the navy will be inducting more such aircraft, boosting its capability to conduct sustained surveillance and anti-ship and submarine preparedness in the Indian Ocean Region.

According to officials, from April the navy will begin inducting four P8I aircraft worth $1.1 billion, orders for which were placed in 2016. This procurement is under an option clause as part of the earlier procurement of 8 P8Is between 2013 and 2015 worth $2.1 billion.

The navy also plans to procure six more P8Is under a different deal through the foreign military sales route between India and the US. The Rajnath Singh-led Defence Acquisition Council had cleared this procurement in November last year.

The P8I deals are a sign of India’s increasing weapons procurement from the US, which has touched $17 billion till date. It also comes in the backdrop of US President Donald Trump’s India visit on February 24, which will focus on strengthening defence cooperation between the two nations.

Since induction six and half years ago, the P8Is clocked 25,000 flying hours in December last year, officials said. Based at INS Rajali, a naval air station in Tamil Nadu, the fleet is the navy’s eyes in the sky and gives it a significant edge in the Indian Ocean Region. It is used for coastal patrolling, search and rescue operations, anti-piracy and other military tasks. Its important features include anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship strikes and maritime surveillance.

“Based on the contract, the first of the four aircraft will be delivered in mid-2020 and the remaining three in 2021” a Boeing Spokesperson said.

The aircraft have also led to better synergy of the navy with the army and air force. “They have flown in support of the army and the air force. They flew during the Doklam standoff and in the aftermath of the Pulwama incident,” an official said.

After the Pulwama attack that killed 40 CRPF soldiers and around the time of the Balakot air strikes last February, the P8Is had conducted widespread reconnaissance over the Arabian Sea. The aircraft was also used to help the army during the 2017 Doklam standoff between Indian and Chinese troops, as was mentioned by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat earlier this month.

According to officials, during peak winter last year, a P8I was deployed to monitor and classify two radar contacts moving in a formation towards Mumbai, which were detected by a drone along the Gujarat coast. “By first light, the P8I had indicated that these were two warships of a neighbouring country proceeding to Southeast Asia, completing the information loop in the operations room at Mumbai,” an official said.

The P8Is have also been instrumental in locating and tracking submarines operating in the IOR. They have also participated in several exercises with foreign navies. “Their enormous endurance of 10 hours and long operational range of over 4,000 km enable them to be our ‘Eyes in the Sky’ and have augmented the navy’s ability to keep all ‘Areas of Interest’ under continual surveillance,” the official said.

The P8I assessment of shipping traffic in important Sea Lines of Communication and choke points in the IOR is regularly provided to Indian Ocean Region-Information Fusion Centre (IOR-IFC) at Gurgaon.



  • By the time you have all of these 18 P8Is, PN would be operating a 13+ submarine force. So calculate the resources allocation for each sub yourself.
  • Maritime reconnaissance aircraft are a force multiplier only when you have air superiority in that sector (which right now is no more than a wet-dream for IAF). Otherwise they are all sitting ducks. That is the reason no other blue water navy operates them in numbers apart from US.
  • The same is the case with aircraft carriers and destroyers. A salvo of C802s to overwhelm the point defences and its a dead fish. I doubt in a serious conflict all the surface combatant force would even be brave enough to leave the port.
  • We dont have to get diverted from all these expensive toys of our neighbour. We should look at all these toys are prospective and juicy targets while continuiung to do what we are already doing and need to focus even more on raising a potent submarine force to dilute the IN resources and more JF-17 Blk 3s with AShMs and PL-15s. The rest is all secondary.
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Keep counting. ;) when those aircraft join IN there will be around 16 . And soon after 24.
Which one more will we buy? U 219?

Maritime reconnaissance aircraft are a force multiplier only when you have air superiority in that sector. Otherwise they are all sitting ducks. That is the reason no other blue water navy operates them in numbers apart fro
What about International Waters? P8I can detect our subs when they are in International Waters?

By the time you have all of these 18 P8Is, PN would be operating a 13+ submarine force. So calculate the resources allocation for each sub yourself.
13+?? 8 Hangor, 3 90Bs and??

JF-17 Blk 3s with AShMs and PL-15s. The rest is all secondary.
We should look into Chinese Long Range AWAC Killer Missile. It can prove deadly to P8Is

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