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Starting a new operation in Waziristan?


Mar 4, 2008
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United Kingdom
Pakistan army plans to open second front against Taliban
Pakistan plans to escalate its military operations against the Taliban massively by opening a second front in the country's lawless border areas.

By Isambard Wilkinson, Islamabad Correspondent
Last Updated: 7:10PM BST 12 May 2009

Soldiers on the border of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province Photo: REUTERS
The army, which is fighting in Swat Valley and two neighbouring districts in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), is planning to begin a new offensive in the badlands of the Waziristan tribal areas as early as next month, sources told The Daily Telegraph.

"The army is planning to go into Waziristan, possibly in June, which will involve huge numbers of troops in an attempt to establish some sort of state control over the area," said a source close to the Pakistani military.

The most likely first target of operations will be the head of the Pakistani Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, whose stronghold is in South Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan.

Washington has intensified pressure on Pakistan to launch an offensive in Waziristan since President Barack Obama came to power.

Mehsud, 35, who claimed responsibility for the attack on a police training centre outside Lahore in March, is head of the loosely bound alliance of Pakistani Taliban groups.

In March, the US state department described Mehsud, a former gym instructor, as a "key al-Qaeda facilitator" and offered a $5 million (£3.3 million) reward for information leading to his arrest.

The former military ruler, Pervez Musharraf, and the CIA accused him of masterminding the assassination of the former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, which he denied.

A senior western diplomat confirmed that the Pakistani government was considering whether to declare an emergency in NWFP and launch an all-out operation against the Taliban.

The fall-out from operations conducted in the border area are potentially enormous as NWFP is already facing a refugee crisis with over one million people expected to flee fighting in and around the Swat Valley between the Taliban and the military.

The counter-reaction may be felt across Pakistan as suicide bombers trained by al-Qaeda who fall under Mehsud's command could unleash a wave of attacks.

The army will have to navigate treacherous tribal and militant politics as it cannot afford to stoke a mass tribal uprising.

In terms of logistics, operations in Waziristan are painstakingly slow and expensive as simply moving supplies and troops ties up thousands of soldiers who must picket hill tops and valleys to avoid ambushes.

Pakistan's military and political leadership have been involved in discussions with western diplomats over whether they could redeploy troops from the eastern border with India to fight the Taliban in the west.

One suggestion was that India and Pakistan might agree to remove a certain number of divisions each from the border.

However distrust between the two nuclear-armed rivals has peaked once again since Indian military aircraft overflew Pakistani territory last year after Pakistani terrorists launched the bloody attack on Mumbai.

The Pakistan army has already deployed 130,000 troops in NWFP and the tribal areas. Some 80,000 of that figure are members of the paramilitary Frontier Corps.

The army has launched previous operations in the tribal areas since 2001, mainly in the Khyber agency and South and North Waziristan. Two years ago Mehsud's men captured more than 200 soldiers.

But western critics claimed that the operations were half-hearted and that they inevitably ended in peace deals being struck with militants.

However, analysts say that an indication of the seriousness of the Pakistani military's intent towards the Taliban this time will be measured by whether it is prepared to take on more powerful Taliban commanders.

One such commander is Jalaluddin Haqqani whose sights are trained on coalition forces in Afghanistan and who many senior officers regard as a "strategic asset" through whom Pakistan can retain influence in Afghanistan.

Mehsud recently joined an alliance of Taliban commanders ahead of the new US deployment in Afghanistan.

Mr Obama's government is replacing the general overseeing the war in Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, as more than 21,000 additional US forces begin to arrive in Afghanistan.
Pakistan army plans to open second front against Taliban - Telegraph
80 % suiside attacks in pakistan were carried out by Mahsud tribes men controlled by baituallah
this criminal belongs to lashker e jhugvi
about 70 % taliban terror in Pakistan is controlled by him. his thugs are operating in Dara adam khel, Aurakzai, Khyber and Kurram FR BANNU and FR LAKKI areas.
killing him and his top lieutenant Hakeemullah Mahsud aka Zulifqar Mahsud will break the back bone of TTP
This is an important article, if true. Very, very important.
now that if we are at it....LET's go all out...put every man in uniform in the area even call on your reserve forces and destroy these taliban once and for all.....

however,having said that i doubt that victory in gruellia warfare can ever be achieved....low intensity conflicts get you no where....US lost to VIETNAM,then again in IRAQ and in afghanistan i am scared we might also face the same fate......
govt should start propoganda offensive in waziristan immediately

operations in past alienated the local population who became pro taliban.

this time we must convince people that operating is logical conclusion of talibans acts and they ,the army is there to protect people
govt should start propoganda offensive in waziristan immediately

operations in past alienated the local population who became pro taliban.

this time we must convince people that operating is logical conclusion of talibans acts and they ,the army is there to protect people

^This ... +10
after dealing with swat talibans, this is the most logical thing to do. once swat operation is over we must expect a fresh wave of suicide bombing which will definately be comin from waziristan. it would therefore be better to engage them there.
we will have to wait and see i think it will be tougher for the army because it is unclear where public suppourt is
hmmm public support can be gained by education and freely telling the people why and what is in leaderships mind

remember that these same people have always been defender of our great country
respect them and with love ,frankly tell them and u will find them behind you
in the past tribals have suppourted the army but they have been slaughtered and the others have been silienced but i agree with bill media can play a big role it will be much easier if our army goes to a more receptive area rather than as intruders
we will have to wait and see i think it will be tougher for the army because it is unclear where public suppourt is

thats a very gud question. on which side does the ppl of waziristan stand. if they dont mind taliban then military operation will not bore any fruits
yar all things are colletral damage

army use heavy weapons and innocent die which turn them anti army pro talibs

army should not use such heavy weapons which tactics which cause too much colletral damage
to be frank any coin strategy should be based on the HADITH

من عارفہ نفس فقد عارفہ ربی

he who understood him self understood his creater
hmmm public support can be gained by education and freely telling the people why and what is in leaderships mind

remember that these same people have always been defender of our great country
respect them and with love ,frankly tell them and u will find them behind you

i think army action must come first education and development can come after the taliban has been cleared and this should be the govts message that let us clear and develop this place because u are our countrymen
in clearing taliban you make population against you....na i dont recommend it

we are fighting them in our own land and we must not act like american imperials act in afghanistan or iraq
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