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Stand-off with China in Ladakh is India’s worst border tension since Kargil in 1999

War is a risk. But if India can repeat its 1971 victory, Modi will become the greatest leader in India's history. India does not want to lose the golden opportunity to defeat and permanently weaken China. That is why India has spent tens of billions of dollars to buy weapons in recent years.
Arre but you claim you are johri taqat. Strongest Islamic power. Best Air Force. Defeated super power USSR. So why do you let Americans come bajao you like a mandir ka ghanta whenever they feel like?
you are not just nuclear powa but also suppa powa but china has invaded ypur lands and your 56 boobies is pleading begging them to go back!!

mittrrrunnnn ya toh hindu gaya!
A Diplomat with ful immunity of Supa pwa india was subjected to deep fingering and yet India cou;dnt do jack shit even with Geneva convention of Diplomatic immunity of Devyani Gobergarde
Lol. India not only got her back but withdrew privileges of American diplomats.
War is a risk. But if India can repeat its 1971 victory, Modi will become the greatest leader in India's history. India does not want to lose the golden opportunity to defeat and permanently weaken China. That is why India has spent tens of billions of dollars to buy weapons in recent years.
and after billions of dollar they had to suffer abhinonedones humiliation!!

Chinese English media -

Obviously don't know what is reported in Chinese language media but it can't be much different. Probably even harsher.

I have seen that. Basically the official Chinese line masquerading as an opinion piece. But nothing about their army moves in Ladakh and Sikkim. Will let some Chinese poster let us know if anything is being reported in local media. I don't think so, because usually it would have made out if it had.
Debatable. Who did China receive almost immediate assistance from in the Covid outbreak's early days? Pakistan stepped up. A nation never really knows when it may need its true allies, until that day arrives.
I don't know but I see a different future when I remove Indian threat from the equation, and put nuclear Pakistan in an economically, militarily, and politically stronger position in region. Anyways, it is moving towards off-topic. Thanks for the discussion, brother.
Lol. India not only got her back but withdrew privileges of American diplomats.

I don't think that was the outcome she wanted though. I believe she cannot go back to the US, and her husband and children are US citizens.
War is a risk. But if India can repeat its 1971 victory, Modi will become the greatest leader in India's history. India does not want to lose the golden opportunity to defeat and permanently weaken China. That is why India has spent tens of billions of dollars to buy weapons in recent years.

Indians are not war crazy population, after 71 victory Indira Gandhi lost the next election.

There is neither a will or justification to plan any Chinese defeat. Not a single bullet has been fired on LAC since 1967, and to weaken a country of billion plus people (both India and China) it will take hell lot more than bullets to weaken significantly. Who can afford that?
I don't know but I see a different future when I remove Indian threat from the equation, and put nuclear Pakistan in an economically, militarily, and politically stronger position in region. Anyways, it is moving towards off-topic. Thanks for the discussion, brother.
Thanks too brother.
He was not a diplomat. He was a contractor. Look it up.
Doesnt matter, he paid the blood money according to traditions

Lol. India not only got her back but withdrew privileges of American diplomats.
LOL, whatever makes you sleep. The fact of the matter is your diplomatic was treated and fingered like a terrorist, far worse than anything we have seen, a New precedent set by US for Indians
War is a risk. But if India can repeat its 1971 victory, Modi will become the greatest leader in India's history. India does not want to lose the golden opportunity to defeat and permanently weaken China. That is why India has spent tens of billions of dollars to buy weapons in recent years.

Not happening. China can wipe out india easily without much damage and they know it. india will not mess with China. Heck, india can't even mess with Pakistan, forget about China.
Not happening. China can wipe out india easily without much damage and they know it. india will not mess with China. Heck, india can't even mess with Pakistan, forget about China.
but how will modi govt react to pressure from hindu safroni jazbati boys whoes delusion he fueled and they will demand response
with economy going down and pressre from hindutuva powa modi govt will be forced to do something he will react like an idiot!
ust appreciate his analogy and leave to that.... Leaving a murderer scott free viz a viz a diplomat mishandling.
He paid blood money, secondly manhandling? it was fingering inside a diplomat that had full immunity, so much for shitty Indian supa pawa
Yeah,the Muslim card doesnt work in this case,forget that.
We support Pakistan first but your Iron Brother means nothing to us,literally.

try to understand what he wrote, he said opposition is expected from "Ummah" in case of Pakistani interests not support. he didn't ask for any support.

How they can support anyway? when they don't have means to safeguard themselves.

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