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Stand-off with China in Ladakh is India’s worst border tension since Kargil in 1999

He was treated as a normal foreign personal who killed Pakistanis. Got scott free by throwing some money.
LOL, State department had in diplomatic status, secondly, he paid the money as required by law, but a diplomatic getting fingered here is very true unique in every sense for a country that claimed to be supa pawa. a big lol

Actually consular officers don't have full diplomatic status, embassy officers do. And CIA contractors have 0 diplomatic status. But in some countries, throw a few coins and they can get away with murder. That's the reality.
And yet MEA, cried it eyes ot shouting to rape the women as she had diplomatic status, tut tut, truly a unique prcedecnt

Some Indians on Twitter are Trending this the Irony is the Device they used to Upload it is probably made by a Chinese Manufacturer. Just 4 Chinese Manufacturers viz Xiaomi, Vivo, Realme, and Oppo make up 60 percent of Indian Smartphone Market.
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LOL, State department had in diplomatic status, secondly, he paid the money as required by law, but a diplomatic getting fingered here is very true unique in every sense for a country that claimed to be supa pawa. a big lol

I think if we allow fingering of our diplomat in law, it will become sacrosanct for you. You have some weird understanding of morals.

US did mishandling of our citizen against our will, in their country. -- Whoa India is shitty.

Pakistan accepted money for lives of their citizen, in Pakistan, with their own will. -- Its tradition. Long live Pakistan.

@Jackdaws I should have acted on my own advise, should have left at that only. :)
I think if we allow fingering of our diplomat in law, it will become sacrosanct for you. You have some weird understanding of morals.

US did mishandling of our citizen against our will, in their country. -- Whoa India is shitty.

Pakistan accepted money for lives of their citizen, in Pakistan, with their own will. -- Its tradition. Long live Pakistan.

@Jackdaws I should have acted on my own advise, should have left at that only. :)
yeah they paid the blood money to the family, so ?

@waz offtopic post reported
Northern alliance was not a state representing entity and incomparable to the influence of indians have in international politics. By only giving moral support and diplomatic back up to Kashmiri freedom fighter we are blamed of supporting terror by india and the nations who support them, we also are continiously struggling with Fatf. Without diplomatic support you cannot expect to absorb the impacts of Kashmir conflict. Turkey no doubt is now a country with growing regional influence, any diplomatic support to india by any mean and any reason will give them a good face and hide their atrocities in Kashmir and hence undermining our diplomatic efforts against them.

If Yanks want you on FATF list, their influence is such that not even 10 Turkey's combined can stop them. just like they put us in grey list despite presence of China, Turkey and KSA. my point was Turkey can support whomever they want and we can support whatever we want, without harming each other.
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South Asian nations don't see the greater good if they manage to solve the border issues.
If Yanks want you on FATF list, their influence is such that not even 10 Turkey's combined can stop them. just like they put us in grey list despite presence of China, Turkey and KSA. my point was Turkey can support whomever they want and we can support whatever we want, without harming each other.
Thats your take , Yanks don't have personal issues with us but they do push us at corner on indian complains but yanks themselves are struggling with their allies and regional dominance. Their saying on other region's internal matter will decrease gradually with passing time and so will their favouritism for specific countries. What we need is to play smart and not allow india to escape in any circumstances. As far as support of Turkey or any other country concerns , their support and sympathy for india in any regard will increase indian confidence to commit more crimes and attrocities in kashmir as well as to support terrorism in Pakistan and also will sabotage Pakistani diplomatic efforts for kashmir.
The case is still ongoing in international court of arbitration. Indian law do not permit money for clemency.

No it's not. They will never return to india nor can india make them come back. They are prolonging the case till everyone forgets about it. Pakistan can't make americans do anything nor can indians tell the Italians what to do. It's sad but it's reality.
No Pakistan didn't do the same thing. Unlike Pakistan, China is owning up their actions and their men so we have a state to talk to before getting into armed conflict.

So if a state invades India then India needs to talk first before it takes any action? That does not quite sound like a suupar phawar. :lol:
LOL, State department had in diplomatic status, secondly, he paid the money as required by law, but a diplomatic getting fingered here is very true unique in every sense for a country that claimed to be supa pawa. a big lol

And yet MEA, cried it eyes ot shouting to rape the women as she had diplomatic status, tut tut, truly a unique prcedecnt
Rape which women? Source? Or is this your fetish speaking?
I think if we allow fingering of our diplomat in law, it will become sacrosanct for you. You have some weird understanding of morals.

US did mishandling of our citizen against our will, in their country. -- Whoa India is shitty.

Pakistan accepted money for lives of their citizen, in Pakistan, with their own will. -- Its tradition. Long live Pakistan.

@Jackdaws I should have acted on my own advise, should have left at that only. :)

But italians marines killed 2 indian fisherman and got away with it SCOTT free. The families of the fishermen weren't even paid a penny. The Italians were not even punished an iota. They are now back in Italy living happily. That too despite india being more than 14× bigger than Italy:

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There is some good sat. imagery available

Satellite photos of Pangong tso show no permanent LAC transgressions but buildups on both sides
Notice how that image shows the ITBP base at finger three still under Indian control, disproving Pakistani OSINT claims.
Here is a good interview of Australian geoint analyst Nathan Ruser by Shiv Arror on the galwan Valley.

Basic sumary:
Ajai Shukla's claim doesn't hold up based on available evidence
Chinese buildup mostly with in the claim line, or lac, except for one location about 500m in the Indian side.
At that location, there are at most a few dozen tents and no permanent structures yet, disproving Shukla's claims about thousands of Chinese troops in Indian controlled territory and bunker construction
India matching Chinese deployments only a few hundred meters away.

Be careful. they may issue a warning.

lol so India is okay with Chinese temporally invasion. :rofl:


Some Injuns on Twitter are Trending this the Irony is the Device they used to Upload it is probably made by a Chinese Manufacturer. Just 4 Chinese Manufacturers viz Xiaomi, Vivo, Realme, and Oppo make up 60 percent of Indian Smartphone Market.

As if these Indians can afford made in USA Japan Korea items.
But italians marines killed 2 indian fisherman and got away SCOTT free. The families of the fishermen weren't even paid a penny. The Italians were not even punished an iota. They are now back in Italy living happily. That too despite india being more than 14× bigger than Italy:


Hey @SrNair this is what you get from your delhi for paying all the taxes. It allowed italians to shoot your state fisherman like dogs and happily go away to Italy.

Does that delhi even speaks your language ? it laughs you at your back. But you casteism means you will continue to degrade yourself by worshiping a Brit inherited bureaucracy as a "nation".
Wuhan virus= fixed
Hong Kong= atleast they dont have hong kong in lock down for past year where freedom is non existent ie indian occupied kashmir
manufacturing= no big companies aint leaving China, maybe few small companies not worth 1-3$ billion.

worry about india which has been invaded by China:china:

Wuhan virus - not fixed. Xi Jingping was forced to reverse his stand and accept the investigation. Read news.
Hong Kong - your response is unintelligible. Try again (but please read news first and uodate yourself)
Manufacturing - companies have already started moving out.

Common thread : you are uninformed.
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