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Stand-off with China in Ladakh is India’s worst border tension since Kargil in 1999

US interest's aligned with Pakistan as long as there was a USSR.

Do you think China's interest will always align with Pakistan if either China or Pakistan (or both) make peace with India?

There are no permanent allies and enemies in geopolitics. Relationships are transactional and issue based.

Having said that, if China has not dumped North Korea despite the headache it has carried over the years (with no apparent benefit for China), I doubt it will dump Pakistan so easily. Perhaps China (or rather the CCP) values long term relationships more than the Western colonialists.
Pragmatically speaking, ignoring the emotional angle of loyalty to historical friends (which is still noteworthy and perhaps as you said - more of an eastern phenomenon rooted in ancient tribal tradition and customs across Asia), China still needs to alter the unipolar tilt of world power following the collapse of USSR. A USA dominant group is not in China's long term interests as a rival superpower. Even if India vanished tomorrow, China would keep Pakistan in its inner circle of its own "Warsaw pact" style grouping.
Yes but did you also read the part where he included us in the ''Ummah''?

''Your remarks is just like any typical Muslim countries and We can not expect any Muslim countries the level what China playing an important role for us.''

What does this quote tell you?
When did we ever oppose anything regarding Pakistan?
We dont care for CCP/CPC China,never did never will.
Your ally,your support.

He did not include, he said your countrymen was acting like one. understand then share your wisdom.
I have seen that. Basically the official Chinese line masquerading as an opinion piece. But nothing about their army moves in Ladakh and Sikkim. Will let some Chinese poster let us know if anything is being reported in local media. I don't think so, because usually it would have made out if it had.

There is just articles creating awareness for the issue. There is no mention of India invaded Chinese claims or China invaded Indian claims. Just some border buildup in this area by both sides. All the talk about invaded claim regardless of side has not come from Chinese media. Global times is CCP's other voice to express somethings to foreign governments and organizations. Global times is not really so much for domestic consumption but of course the message is very similar anyway. But notice the Global times article on this issue is purely seems like a government message to another government. If there is a war, believe me it will be fast and quite violent and surprise either if China fires first or India fires first. And only after total breakdown of diplomacy relations. So far because it has been days already with nothing and no signs of total breakdown of diplomacy, this is a nothing drama.
No evidence for that; however, did you see that amazing flying kick your solider got not long ago?

Where is the evidence of Chinese troop intruding 10 KM inside India? Where is the proof of 5000 Chinese troops in India?

Exactly this is the response that your MEA should be giving. But unfortunately they've disappeared like they did on 27th Feb, and unleashed their trolls like your good self on :pdf:

After every slap on the face and chick becoming red. it is your habit to show that chick and say that that reddish color has come from eating dry fruit.
There is just articles creating awareness for the issue. There is no mention of India invaded Chinese claims or China invaded Indian claims. Just some border buildup in this area by both sides. All the talk about invaded claim regardless of side has not come from Chinese media. Global times is CCP's other voice to express somethings to foreign governments and organizations. Global times is not really so much for domestic consumption but of course the message is very similar anyway. But notice the Global times article on this issue is purely seems like a government message to another government. If there is a war, believe me it will be fast and quite violent and surprise either if China fires first or India fires first. And only after total breakdown of diplomacy relations. So far because it has been days already with nothing and no signs of total breakdown of diplomacy, this is a nothing drama.

Is this true ?

So what is a big deal, Is this solve LAC tension. however, we all know Indian, This news will be inflated so hype in your media that supawa officer at end awarded with the Ghanchakar award.

Wherever our enemy has ever tried to mess with us. We have beaten them badly. Jam ke thoka hai. You must know this more than anyone else.
Pragmatically speaking, ignoring the emotional angle of loyalty to historical friends (which is still noteworthy and perhaps as you said - more of an eastern phenomenon rooted in ancient tribal tradition and customs across Asia), China still needs to alter the unipolar tilt of world power following the collapse of USSR. A USA dominant group is not in China's long term interests as a rival superpower. Even if India vanished tomorrow, China would keep Pakistan in its inner circle of its own "Warsaw pact" style grouping.

Turkish member hate China and CCP what's surprise? They don't care for us, we don't care for them. No more need to really be said except apply for both of us "would not piss on him if he were on fire". Difference if China will not meddle in Turkey's issues now with Greece, Libya and even against union of Iran, UAE, and India to small degree. That's your stuff and we are not interested in saying one word or providing one bullet. As for these other peoples, anything China related, they come with full popcorn party plenty of words and laughter and quiet whispers here and there like devil to create more trouble and hinder solutions and to create problems where there was nothing really much.

For topic of friends. I believe Chinese are probably not quite as passionate and emotional about these things. Just like we don't say "I love you" to each other even when we will sacrifice our life for that person. It's a different culture. Perhaps we east asians are maybe bit more cold. I can say there is difference in China itself. For southerners, they are more calculating and business minded while northerners are actually quite emotional and passionate.

Now for state policy? Well look how USA treat NATO ally Turkey for years. One day this, another day something new. Look how they go forwards and backwards on how to twist their friend's arms when discussing trade and business with countries they don't like e.g. China Russia or Iran. China continue to this day to remain supporter of North Korea despite North Korea dissolving actually becoming good for China in order to begin repair and build relations with South Korea and even Japan. If no North Korea and unified Korea means less reason for USA forces in Korea peninsula. But CCP on this matter remains principled. What we say we deliver more than what is reasonable for most other people. So Pakistan and China alliance is based on many considerations for past, today and future. Things definitely can change in future especially if one side decide to break relations but treating this possibility like it is definitely happening and is somehow meaning China is bad or untrustworthy is ridiculous. It is true no alliance and alignment of interest last forever but that is by itself such meaningless fact that applies everywhere. What the turkish member wants to imply is unspoken and deep down is to say Pakistan and China will and should be separate in future.

True about what? Looks like 1980s or something photo of some troops and her singing? Well perhaps it is true instruction but who knows. Certainly it will be used by enemies as propaganda against Xi and his wife by associating with 1989. What many academics know is the 1989 fighting caused hundreds of deaths for soldiers. Most people don't know. Protestors beat soldiers, took their weapons and killed many soldiers but whether this is before or during soldier's ordered to use force is something personally I'm not sure about. It is complex issue and definitely not one sided. You know tank man was climbing all over the tank? The tank stopped right? If it is true PLA just killing people like nothing how come tank stopped and how come tank man lived until very old age. In USA or any country including India, civilians killed for much less. If they grab at soldier's guns and climb on military tank, these people were lucky they were protesting against CCP. Recall how many thousands of Indians in single incidents the British murdered for small protests not even touching British weapons. Combine all those incidents and the death toll is beyond thousands. My point is 1989 is a Chinese tragedy and self harm due to wild behaviors and bad decisions on both sides of fight. It is not for you or other's to comment and judge on because you were not there in that position or understand the full picture.
it certainly blows the air of yous lot false claim of super power

Thats what your country people do, raping woman as national sport, dont ge me started on that
When did I say India is a super power? It's just your inferiority complex talking.
After every slap on the face and chick becoming red. it is your habit to show that chick and say that that reddish color has come from eating dry fruit.

Bhai surya, I can understand your frustration and helplessness, but pleaj angreji ki mata bitwa ek mat karo. You tried to translate some 3rd class insult from your whatever language but miserably failed.

While your sentence didn't make any sense at all, I can however correct you on wrong spellings of cheek. Its not spelled as chick. Chick is short form of chicken, which is a bird.
When did I say India is a super power? It's just your inferiority complex talking.
Ok you must have not, but your media all your indian bretren used to say that all te time, hell they even made movie india super by 2020
Bhai surya, I can understand your frustration and helplessness, but pleaj angreji ki mata bitwa ek mat karo. You tried to translate some 3rd class insult from your whatever language but miserably failed.

While your sentence didn't make any sense at all, I can however correct you on wrong spellings of cheek. Its not spelled as chick. Chick is short form of chicken, which is a bird.

There are enough guys here who are not good for anything else except proof reading so I do not bother about spell check whch some times alter in auto correct mode. you should be happy that you are contributing something in terms of spell check. Your posting is that of a typical full of BS. So at least be useful by correcting the spelling.
There are enough guys here who are not good for anything else except proof reading so I do not bother about spell check whch some times alter in auto correct mode. you should be happy that you are contributing something in terms of spell check. Your posting is that of a typical full of BS. So at least be useful by correcting the spelling.

Oh you got me, witty boy. Welldone!
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