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Stand-off with China in Ladakh is India’s worst border tension since Kargil in 1999

Hindustani's can't do jack against China, but talk big of taking action against Pakistan to make themselves Suuupa powa a high on vedic medicine.

As usual RSS brigade are trying to brush it under the carpet as if the Chinese have not taken more Ladakh territory.

The indians can talk smack and blow a lot of hot air against us but they can also do jack against Pakistan. Over the past 5 years I have come to realize that indians are all talk and delusions. Nothing else. They live in a perpetual fantasy world but are capable of nothing. bollywood has had this effect on the indian race and psyche.
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Not in the press. But at the ground level? Factories are shut. China is the manufacturer of the world. In a service oriented country like the US 30 million jobs have been lost. The Soviets also had state controlled media. Doesn't mean there is no disaffected population. Best way to handle domestic issues like these is to make a small but manageable international crisis.

But if it is not being reported, how will the disaffected people know?
But you let the Americans do as they wish with your country - bomb, invade, arrest. Heck the guy who killed Pak citizens was even let go after paying blood money.
1 we never claimed to be supa powa
2 china is doing the same invading areas you claim and you are just acting like cute byach and barking on media where is the response! if you dong respond your area will be lost! china will bully you in the future

mitrrooonn hindu khatray may hain!

paper powa pleaj pleaj peh agaya hai! lmao!
But you let the Americans do as they wish with your country - bomb, invade, arrest. Heck the guy who killed Pak citizens was even let go after paying blood money.
Yknow the blood money episode sickened me also to be honest. Diplomatic immunity bugs me too. E.g. The family of the UK kid run over by an American diplomat's wife have zero chance of justice.
If factories are shut. If economic activity is at standstill. Would they not know?

I meant how would they know what their army is doing in Ladakh, if it is not being reported their media.

Your position is that all these moves of China (Ladakh, HK etc) is for domestic consumption. My point is that it would be for domestic consumption if all these moves were being reported there. The state controlled press is not even talking about it. So I do not agree with your point that this is for distraction from domestic economic malaise.
Heck the guy who killed Pak citizens was even let go after paying blood money.
A Diplomat with ful immunity of Supa pwa india was subjected to deep fingering and yet India cou;dnt do jack shit even with Geneva convention of Diplomatic immunity of Devyani Gobergarde
1 we never claimed to be supa powa
2 china is doing the same invading areas you claim and you are just acting like cute byach and barking on media where is the response! if you dong respond your area will be lost! china will bully you in the future

mitrrooonn hindu khatray may hain!

paper powa pleaj pleaj peh agaya hai! lmao!
Arre but you claim you are johri taqat. Strongest Islamic power. Best Air Force. Defeated super power USSR. So why do you let Americans come bajao you like a mandir ka ghanta whenever they feel like?

A Diplomat with ful immunity of Supa pwa india was subjected to deep fingering and yet India cou;dnt do jack shit even with Geneva convention of Diplomatic immunity of Devyani Gobergarde
He was not a diplomat. He was a contractor. Look it up.
No interest aligns forever, brother.

Thank you for your opinion. India and Turkey may not be best friends as of now but we have higher chance of cooperation in future because of higher degree of commonality in terms of governance and democratic progressive ethics. Islamophobia, to whatever extent, is temporary and I do not see any other reason why we can not be allies.

Though history is full of incidents when Pakistan needed China to step up and help them in real terms but China relented.
I meant how would they know what their army is doing in Ladakh, if it is not being reported their media.

Your position is that all these moves of China (Ladakh, HK etc) is for domestic consumption. My point is that it would be for domestic consumption if all these moves were being reported there. The state controlled press is not even talking about it. So I do not agree with your point that this is for distraction from domestic economic malaise.
Chinese English media -

Obviously don't know what is reported in Chinese language media but it can't be much different. Probably even harsher.
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