I never against representatives democracy, human rights is a good thing at least it looks like so.
The problem of representatives is for whom? So far I see money talks louder and louder in USA. The representatives represent Syndicat, Trust, Cartel and Concern more and more, otherwise there won't be "Occupy Wall Street". The rich get richer, the poor get poorer in USA. So the representatives democracy is a formalism, and people are awakening.
I am not arguing with you. I sincerely suggest USA to reform. It will be good for everyone.
Human rights is abused, domestically and internationally. In USA, human rights is excuse for self-interest on a lot of issues. Internationally, human rights is the tool to demonize other countries, otherwise USA won't sleep in bed with Saudi Arabia Mr. Bone Saws. You guys clearly knew well the human rights condition in Saudi Arabia by your standard. I am fine with it, but I am not comfortable with the hypocrisy.
It's quite frustrating to see USA lecture other countries. USA has lost the moral high ground for quite a long time. Every countries knew it, people in the world knew it, most Americans don't know it.
As an representative there are two choices - one make a decision you think it is right for your constituents, the second is to blindly reflect the desires of your constituents. Moneyed interests have an edge in American version of democracy. Look no further than Trump's election. USA is one version of democratic system. European states have their own variants. It is about accountability. Was Mao in China ever held accountable ?
What is the "Occupy Wall Street" movement ?? They have not really accomplished anything. Their analysis of the problems are incorrect.
Generally speaking American allies have better human right records than countries that are hostile to USA
You won't see Chinese immigrating to Iran's, Myanmar's, Belarus's, Venezuela's of the world.
Saudi Arabia is a unique case. Saudi control of petroleum is equivalent to thermonuclear device. If Saudis recognized Taiwan there is nothing China could do. In any case Saudi human right records are better than a lot of their neighbors - Iraq under Saddam, Iran