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SSM Explains T-LORAMIDS Decission Delay


Apr 29, 2011
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Türkiyenin hava kuvveti konusunda en büyük eksiði olan uzun menzilli füze savunma sisteminin neden ertelendiði ortaya çýktý.3 Ocakta Baþbakan Tayyip Erdoðan baþkanlýðýnda yapýlan Savunma Sanayi Ýcra Komitesi toplantýsýnda 4 milyarlýk sistem de gündeme geldi. Ancak komite, ihaleye giren firmalara en az yüzde 50 yerli sanayi katýlým oraný þartý getirdi.

Savunma Sanayi Müsteþarlýðý yetkililerinden alýnan bilgiye göre, yerli katýlýma iliþkin teklifler kapsamýnda firmalardan sistemin bazý parçalarýnýn Türkiyeden tedarik edilmesi istendi. Firmalar yapacaklarý çalýþma sonucunda Türkiyeye tekliflerini sunacaklar. NATOdan gelen Patriotlarýn alýnan kararda etkili olmadýðý da belirtildi.

Fzelerde ertelemenin srr zld - Hrriyet GNDEM

The reason why the TLORAMIDS airdefence decission is being delayed is that SSM has changed the requirements. SSM with the new regulation demands 50% local input in the missile systems and companies have to change their bids on ground of the new regulations.

I just love the SSM, they know to get back a big part of the investment and technology.
The program was commenced with direct order model without national input but The requirement is changed suddenly. If %50 local input is demanded, It means After Shor and Medium altitude SAM programs, SSM has preparing some sneaky plans for domestic long range air defence missiles as well. Otherwise, No need to demand %50 national contribution for a system which was planned to order with government to government direct order agreements.

With current statues, EuroSAM Aster-30 and Chinese FD-2000 will have more chance than USA nd Russian equivalents...
The program was commenced with direct order model without national input but The requirement is changed suddenly. If %50 local input is demanded, It means After Shor and Medium altitude SAM programs, SSM has preparing some sneaky plans for domestic long range air defence missiles as well. Otherwise, No need to demand %50 national contribution for a system which was planned to order with government to government direct order agreements.

With current statues, EuroSAM Aster-30 and Chinese FD-2000 will have more chance than USA nd Russian equivalents...
Are the Eurosam Aster-30 or FD-2000 good enough?
Are the Eurosam Aster-30 or FD-2000 good enough?
depends... how good is good enough?

Obviously we set our priorities, there isn't much point in talking about this now. I'm more curious about what'll be Americans' and Russians' move now. What do you think which one will fold? :) US have lots of crappy laws restricting national contribution to the exported systems and Russians won't like to compromise a lot, we are NATO after all...

It's getting so exciting :)
FD2000 has a range of 200km
Aster 30 up to 120km
Patriot Pac 30 just upto 45km?
S300 upto 200km
According to Wikipedia. Those numbers are for aircrafts, all of them a lot less against ballistic missiles.
The reason why the TLORAMIDS airdefence decission is being delayed is that SSM has changed the requirements. SSM with the new regulation demands 50% local input in the missile systems and companies have to change their bids on ground of the new regulations.

I just love the SSM, they know to get back a big part of the investment and technology.

Considering that this project has been delayed for a long time and there is no urgent need to buy the defense systems, I feel this is a good move by Turkey to meet their long term goal of self reliance. Good luck.
FD2000 has a range of 200km
Aster 30 up to 120km
Patriot Pac 30 just upto 45km?
S300 upto 200km
According to Wikipedia. Those numbers are for aircrafts, all of them a lot less against ballistic missiles.
range PAC - 1*:70 km
PAC - 2*:160 km
PAC - 3*:20 km against ballistic missile[10] and 160 km against aircraft

MIM-104 Patriot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Considering that this project has been delayed for a long time and there is no urgent need to buy the defense systems, I feel this is a good move by Turkey to meet their long term goal of self reliance. Good luck.

The Patriot deployment turned out to be much more benefitial then expected, Because of this Turkey now can focus on it T-LORADMIDS program and now has some cards to play. I would probably be Eurosam IMO. If they where willing to transfer full technology then they probably wont mind 50% local input at all.
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