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SSG Torture survival videos

We didn't get any vitamin pills either. Within 3 weeks, I had lost over 13Kgs in weight and my waist had dropped from 32 to 27 inches.
In addition to starvation, sleep deprivation, pressure positions, regular beatings, motion induced vomiting, waterboarding and a host of other daily activities, we were also made to run about 20-30km every day. We could literally see ourselves wasting away every time we looked at our reflection.
Toughest days of my life. But they give you a feeling of infallibility afterwards, I had a huge confidence boost after living through all that. I felt if I survived all that, I could survive anything. No hunger was debilitating after that, no fatigue was too tiresome. I also learnt how painful time could be, I used to often say "I don't have the time for X,Y,Z" after undergoing my survival course however, I knew just how long 24 hours can be, an eternity can be brought to bear in that time.

Well, we are now a bunch of fat stick trying to play soldier, when I was in SERE, they took the waterboarding experience away and each class have a physician and make sure you don't die on training. Was expecting a full panel of torture (minus the fingernail bed stuff of course) but beside dishing out a bit beating, they choose not to get too physical.

For us, we were made to run before we enter the torture phase (resisting phase), full gear humping, much like when you are in boy scout camp, you learn the wilderness skill and try to survive for a duration of time scourge and hunting for food, learning how to cover your track.

We did got physical in resistance phase, but mostly push up and some stressed exercises, but you do need to do a parade - A walk of shame around the camp everyday and every night. Don't know if that counts.

Did they taught you to sing in SERE? Because that is what they taught us to keep time, without clock, watches and well, mobile phone now, it's really hard to keep track of time when you are in there, and 24 hours seems like forever when you don't kept tapping on the time, what we do is, you pick a song you know how long it last, and you sing it out loud (If you want your guys to hear them) or just mouth the word and you can keep track of time that way. That will give you a reference point in time and your time will pass a bit easier, but still.....

And yeah, SERE is probably one of the most rewarding training, the sense of accomplishment for me is second only after Ranger School. After SERE, you felt like you can stop bullet.....But after SERE, you are in such bad shape, some of them who are connecting to SWCS have dropped out because they became undeployable and transferred out. I lost 15 kgs on a 80 kgs frame. And I need to rest for about a month before my next assignment...
No, I was just assigned to some postings that required me to clear the survival course.
hey i just wanted to ask that how many magzines SSG guys carry on normal missions
Bcz when we look at seals pic they re crry tons of ammo and SSG guys look like they arent carrying much ammo

US Marines


Well, we are now a bunch of fat stick trying to play soldier, when I was in SERE, they took the waterboarding experience away and each class have a physician and make sure you don't die on training. Was expecting a full panel of torture (minus the fingernail bed stuff of course) but beside dishing out a bit beating, they choose not to get too physical.

For us, we were made to run before we enter the torture phase (resisting phase), full gear humping, much like when you are in boy scout camp, you learn the wilderness skill and try to survive for a duration of time scourge and hunting for food, learning how to cover your track.

We did got physical in resistance phase, but mostly push up and some stressed exercises, but you do need to do a parade - A walk of shame around the camp everyday and every night. Don't know if that counts.

Did they taught you to sing in SERE? Because that is what they taught us to keep time, without clock, watches and well, mobile phone now, it's really hard to keep track of time when you are in there, and 24 hours seems like forever when you don't kept tapping on the time, what we do is, you pick a song you know how long it last, and you sing it out loud (If you want your guys to hear them) or just mouth the word and you can keep track of time that way. That will give you a reference point in time and your time will pass a bit easier, but still.....

And yeah, SERE is probably one of the most rewarding training, the sense of accomplishment for me is second only after Ranger School. After SERE, you felt like you can stop bullet.....But after SERE, you are in such bad shape, some of them who are connecting to SWCS have dropped out because they became undeployable and transferred out. I lost 15 kgs on a 80 kgs frame. And I need to rest for about a month before my next assignment...
what is SERE?
the worst thing which almost every military does today with its soldiers is to create a sense of slavery to superiors in order to create discipline. now it has advantages and disadvantages as well . the advantage according to the military guys is the discipline and not to question the orders from superiors. on the other hand it has a huge negative impact as well. the ability of free thinking mind is taken away from a soldier and thats how slaves are created . well slaves are required for the functioning of modern day military .probably david icke can describe this in a much better way. a person who doesnt have the guts to give his honest opinion is useless. he is bound to say "yes sir" even to an idiotic order of superior.
the other way to train to soldiers could be to give them physical and professional training and give them honor even during training. make them feel proud in wearing uniforms and speaking honestly in the face of the superior not to disrespect him but for the betterment of the organization. now such a model will never be applied in pak as we always follow british "sunnah" and there will be many who will claim that the system is perfect. how can a man made system be perfect?
as a muslim i want to see how Prophet Muhammad SAW trained his army? now if someone says that He didnt train a regular army at that time so lets look at how Caliph Umar trained his army? i am sure it was not trained on this "yes sir" and slave type of mentality. that army changed the map of the world so it must have something which we lack today.

the recent videos of the indian army soldiers regarding the attitude of their officers regarding treating them as slaves show how rotten this system has become. they cant say no as they will lose their jobs and as all the soldiers and many of the officers are from poor or middle class families "slaves " are created. such soldiers will never put up a brave fight as the sytem has drained all of their honor and self respect . now they take it normal to polish shoes of the officer, taking their wives for shopping, following the orders of their wives even.

Don't know how this related to SERE or torture training, but what you are referring to is called "Chain of Command" not slavery.

Slavery is one way street, the master dish out and the slave take it, there can never be the other way around, nor would there be respect in between the two.

Command structure is, on the other hand, a two way street, most people don't know but as an Officer myself, you need to order people to do your bidding, on the other hand, you need to trust the people under you would perform their duty, and not just go back to sleep after you order them out on patrol. The degree of trust between an officer and its subordinate is earned, not given, and again, it work both way.

In war, following order is the only way to go, you question your order, and your man questioning yours, then thing will not get done, and the problem is, you only fight in a small corner of a battle, you cannot know what or why you are asked or ordered to do any task, because you, as a field commander, never would have a full picture. And if you, as a commander have your independent will to fight a battle on your own, at your own choosing, then what you are doing is not fighting a war, but trying to win a brawl.

Yes, if your superior is a dick or a moron, then it would be your *** on the line, and not them, because you are fighting on his order, but there is a saying in the Army. "They don't get to that point by mistake" officer are promoted on their merit, not by chance, so the chance that happen is usually quite small.
hey i just wanted to ask that how many magzines SSG guys carry on normal missions
Bcz when we look at seals pic they re crry tons of ammo and SSG guys look like they arent carrying much ammo
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US Marines
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SSGView attachment 402674

what is SERE?

SERE = Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape Training.

US Army offer SERE to two type of personnel, aviation crewman and Special Force (Either special force themselves or Special Force capable unit, such as Ranger, or LRS) SERE teaches you how to survive behind enemy line, how to evade your captor and how to resist interrogation.

In the US Army, the standard load is 11 Mag for Rifle (330 rounds), 3 mag for sidearm (45 rounds), and 2 Frag, 2 Smoke and 1 thermite/lamination grenade. But for extended ops, you most likely double it, and most of the time if you are within reach of a vehicle, you would not carry much ammo on you, you will have some ready ammo in mag and boxed ammo in a Humvee or IFV

Also, those are not US Marine. Those are 3BCT of 101 Airborne. Marine don't wear Multicam, and their helmet insignia is that of the rakkasan
In the Army, the standard load is 11 Mag for Rifle (330 rounds), 3 mag for sidearm (45 rounds), and 2 Frag, 2 Smoke and 1 thermite/lamination grenade. But for extended ops, you most likely double it, and most of the time if you are within reach of a vehicle, you would not carry much ammo on you, you will have some ready ammo in mag and boxed ammo in a Humvee or IFV
do you know what is standard payload for SSG??
your first experiance is at home when you are tested with tv or video wire or belt. your next best experiance is the mosque but this time you get the stress position , you know hold the ears like chicken and brick on the back and if it drops you get two sticks to the a ss. then the army.

Don't know how this related to SERE or torture training, but what you are referring to is called "Chain of Command" not slavery.

Slavery is one way street, the master dish out and the slave take it, there can never be the other way around, nor would there be respect in between the two.

Command structure is, on the other hand, a two way street, most people don't know but as an Officer myself, you need to order people to do your bidding, on the other hand, you need to trust the people under you would perform their duty, and not just go back to sleep after you order them out on patrol. The degree of trust between an officer and its subordinate is earned, not given, and again, it work both way.

In war, following order is the only way to go, you question your order, and your man questioning yours, then thing will not get done, and the problem is, you only fight in a small corner of a battle, you cannot know what or why you are asked or ordered to do any task, because you, as a field commander, never would have a full picture. And if you, as a commander have your independent will to fight a battle on your own, at your own choosing, then what you are doing is not fighting a war, but trying to win a brawl.

Yes, if your superior is a dick or a moron, then it would be your *** on the line, and not them, because you are fighting on his order, but there is a saying in the Army. "They don't get to that point by mistake" officer are promoted on their merit, not by chance, so the chance that happen is usually quite small.
i know military guys will disagree . you must have heard of air marshal Nur khan. the one man who won the war of 65 for pakistan . he dis obeyed at one point in his career and offered his resignation. and you know whom he argued with? not some OC of some squadron but with the chief of the RPAF who was inclined to induct a british jet in the PAF and Nur khan went against his wisdom and recommended F-86 to be inducted . the chief insisted and Nur khan offered his resign. later on F-86 was inducted and that air craft won the war for us. well if Nur khan would have been an obedient junior then we would have lost the only war in which we had some decent performance. i certainly dont mean that juniors should dis obey and disrespect the command but it is their duty to put up their recommendations supported with facts and logic and not just to say "yes sir". and it is also a reality that "yes sir "people are generally liked all over the world .what if nur khan would have said yes sir ? there are very few rather rare characters like nur khan we have seen in our history. his capability, vision and guts were simply outstanding .off topic but a command of yahya khan made "glorious" history .
by the way things you say are good on paper but the reality is quite different. please go through the small article written by the brother of shahed capt asfandyar (a great man son of a great mother) which was shared on this site about yr ago and you will get quite a real picture of how things actually work.
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Did they taught you to sing in SERE? Because that is what they taught us to keep time, without clock, watches and well, mobile phone now, it's really hard to keep track of time when you are in there, and 24 hours seems like forever when you don't kept tapping on the time, what we do is, you pick a song you know how long it last, and you sing it out loud (If you want your guys to hear them) or just mouth the word and you can keep track of time that way. That will give you a reference point in time and your time will pass a bit easier, but still.....

Yeah we'd have our instructors walk in from time to time and order us one by one to start singing. It was such a pain! Here I am in nose pose (face propped against the wall with the body at a 45 degree angle, puts the entire weight on your face/neck) for six hours and this guy wants me to start singing. They were also very specific with their request, they wanted to hear the most expletive laden song possible otherwise you'd be asked to keep singing over and over again until you finally sang a song that was enough to satisfy them.
SIU? It's a secret unit, even ISI probably shyt scared of..

SSG (I) are involved abroad mostly...
I believe Brian Cloughley was referring to these chaps when he stated that Pak army has secret special units that would dish out the most violent and brutal punishment to any potential Islamist coup attempt to takeover the Pak army, would hate to run into these guys.Kudos
In this part of the world no soldier is ever allowed to be struck. Never.
you seen SAS training and intense interrogation videos yet?

Yeah we'd have our instructors walk in from time to time and order us one by one to start singing. It was such a pain! Here I am in nose pose (face propped against the wall with the body at a 45 degree angle, puts the entire weight on your face/neck) for six hours and this guy wants me to start singing. They were also very specific with their request, they wanted to hear the most expletive laden song possible otherwise you'd be asked to keep singing over and over again until you finally sang a song that was enough to satisfy them.
it is that training that gets these guys out alive in real situations
an SAS guy was captured by the Iraqi militias.. he narrates that he was stripped naked beaten peed on.. deprived of food and water and kept in stress position and only pulled out alive due to his training.
he is out of the army now and appeared in many reality shows in UK and does some contractual security work for firms in Africa
Sergeant Maclachlan

No, I was just assigned to some postings that required me to clear the survival course.
A solider from my father's battery who was his batman back in the days joined ISI and told me that he had to go through similar training including martial arts complaining that training was hard and steep and he had to do the splits within weeks being a field agent must have meant that he had to be good at unarmed close combat training or martial arts

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