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SSG involved in ground ops in Syria and Iraq.. claims a serving Brit Soldier in his video

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Mar 1, 2015
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So we know the SSG invovement in past conflicts of Somalia, Bosnia and Gulf however the two bloks have said something that needs explanation..

"SSG is constantly in combat whether its in Syria,within Pakistan, Iraq or wherever...Afghanistan they have got deployments all over the place.Currently serving,currently in conflict...."

This doesnt portray a mentor role in the said countries for their respective armies..
I know we are training Iraqis on some level but this claim is something more..could be something under the UN umbrella.. or maybe a covert role?

@ 1:55
So we know the SSG invovement in past conflicts of Somalia, Bosnia and Gulf however the two bloks have said something that needs explanation..

"SSG is constantly in combat whether its in Syria,within Pakistan, Iraq or wherever...Afghanistan they have got deployments all over the place.Currently serving,currently in conflict...."

This doesnt portray a mentor role in the said countries for their respective armies..
I know we are training Iraqis on some level but this claim is something more..could be something under the UN umbrella.. or maybe a covert role?

@ 1:55
he is just making baseless claim, over generalizing it.
A brit soldier lol what is he? A bigshot?

If you're a brit soldier you know everything?

Note that SSG wasn't involved in any sort of Combat in Gulf or Somalia.

Only Pakistani Infantrymen had set outposts to defend ambushes and once took part in rescuing the Americans.

SSG's (while patterning with Iranian SF) role in Bosnia was training the Bosnian Fighters and arming them.

Those SSG Personnel with serving with the ISI's CAD at that time.
it shows how much world fears from our ssg
So we know the SSG invovement in past conflicts of Somalia, Bosnia and Gulf however the two bloks have said something that needs explanation..

"SSG is constantly in combat whether its in Syria,within Pakistan, Iraq or wherever...Afghanistan they have got deployments all over the place.Currently serving,currently in conflict...."

This doesnt portray a mentor role in the said countries for their respective armies..
I know we are training Iraqis on some level but this claim is something more..could be something under the UN umbrella.. or maybe a covert role?

@ 1:55
We are a professional army...lol.
2 fat bastards talking fish and chips
So you think a lowly British soldier would know of such info that has been kept classified by Pakistan? He is just 'sexing' up to get more hits from numbnuts like you ...
just like people here read and enjoy stupid indus maps by a lowly member on pdf i also read stuff from other lowly people..indirectly calling Paksitan army unprofessional is sexing up to get more hits? your itch is understandable..if you dont like someone you can just hit the ignore button and the insect in you will be gone..

A brit soldier lol what is he? A bigshot?

If you're a brit soldier you know everything?

Note that SSG wasn't involved in any sort of Combat in Gulf or Somalia.

Only Pakistani Infantrymen had set outposts to defend ambushes and once took part in rescuing the Americans.

SSG's (while patterning with Iranian SF) role in Bosnia was training the Bosnian Fighters and arming them.

Those SSG Personnel with serving with the ISI's CAD at that time.

FFS. the purpose of posting it was to question the claim not validate something or extract bravado .. it can be a a rambling, a slip of tounge... or his internal intel brief that he is putting out on youtube unintentionally or malintentionally..
The UN peace keeping contingents may have special services group personell regardless they had a chance to be in combat or not. In Somalia,our naval SSG was part of Operation United Shield.The ones in bosnia were also part of reconaissance and sabotage, you would be a fool to believe Javed Nasir would stop at supplying weapons and training. but overall we dont know the details so lets just leave it right there..
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It doesn't make sense. Why would Pakistan send its most elite troops to wars that serve no national interests?
So we know the SSG invovement in past conflicts of Somalia, Bosnia and Gulf however the two bloks have said something that needs explanation..

"SSG is constantly in combat whether its in Syria,within Pakistan, Iraq or wherever...Afghanistan they have got deployments all over the place.Currently serving,currently in conflict...."

This doesnt portray a mentor role in the said countries for their respective armies..
I know we are training Iraqis on some level but this claim is something more..could be something under the UN umbrella.. or maybe a covert role?

@ 1:55

Nah it's just hype, we also have serving members of the forces here who will clearly reject such claims. I could only think of a very remote possibility of support to Turkish troops in Syria, but I pulled this out of thin air to make a link to such a claim.
He could have said it as a slip of the tongue as well.
he is just making baseless claim, over generalizing it.

nope we didn't, our Soldiers specially SSG never set foot in Syria .

It doesn't make sense. Why would Pakistan send its most elite troops to wars that serve no national interests?

This is for all the clueless people who think pakistanis werent in iraq during during the recent civil war (key point - not just pakistsnis in iraq but other nationalities as well)

SSG has also been involved in combat in antarctica, on the moon and mars as well.
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