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Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

In a major breakthrough in yesterday's fidayeen or suicide attack on the camp of Central Reserve Police Force or CRPF in Srinagar, police have arrested a suspected Pakistani militant, sources said.

The militant, identified as Talha, was arrested from Chattabal area of Srinagar, said sources. He is reportedly a resident of Multan in Pakistan.

Suspected Pak militant arrested for attack on CRPF camp in Srinagar: Sources | NDTV.com
OH please recent survey show majority kashmiris want nothing to do with India whether they want freedom or join Pakistan. Meanwhile in Balochistan whole different issue where 3 out of 231 tribes are in a state of rebellion which does not even constitute 1% of Balochistan population. Try again next time though.

i dont care for biased surveys......many surveys also show that pakkistan is the terror central of the world...and some other say pakistanis are so sectarian that 40% of them dont consider shias as muslims instead as heretics......

and the number does not matter.....it is the principle that matters......if you want india to let go of kashmir....then give us a lead to follow and free balochistan......

actually the kashmiri fight has been only for 1989 propped up by pakistan while the baloch fight for independence started right in 1948 immediately after pakistaan forcefully occupied it.......
The current kashmir assembly is also considered farce by many kashmiris.

nopes. dont duck the issue, tell me why are you so afraid to hold a referendum if you think majority of kashmiris are happy with India.

Where are the Kashmiris? The ones who were driven out or massacred? No, no one cares about the Pundits, they just happened to be a part of the population that weren't even needed.

Referendum my arse, those who don't want India, can leave. We didn't make our country to please fools who fly foreign flags.

buddy allowing to vote is not the sole criterea. have you heard of AFSPA?????????

Ummm... the act that's kept the place alive? Yeah, they should be grateful that the army is keeping the insurgents. Yesterday three school-boys were injured when terrorists attacked near a school. Freedom fighting much? :rofl:

I have heard it from the mouth of a Kashmiri himself, they consider the terrorists as animals. They hate the terrorists, and while they have no love for the army, they just learn to deal with it, because they know that lack of terrorists will bring back their livelihoods, tourism, peace, etc.
give it to them and see how far they get on their own. let the pundits and buddhists plead for their lives and get murdered, not our concern anymore.

just wanted to add, the people calling for independence you mostly see are geelanis and mirwaiz and mirza's. where do these people trace their heritage? one cannot be a mirwaiz of kashmir without having blood lineage that goes directly to one of iran's western cities. Geelani trace their origins to gilan in iran, mirza similarly are not native to indic lands. these people are anything but kashmiris by heritage. the pandits and native kashmiris who converted by the sufis are seldom heard.

all these iranian invaders talking about kashmir was never part of historic india, go tell the pandits that with a straight face. alas, the iranians have done their damage, and it was the fault of us norindids to even allow their ilk here through hospitality. rather than being ashamed and respectful of the land that gave their ancestors refuge and a new, better life than their desert origins, they spit on this land and divide its peoples' blood. Just like that one agha khan character talking about muslims in danger during the 1920s that pakistanis call a founder of their nation. guy isnt even native to punjab/sindh/kashmir or anywhere here. they are iranians go back to where you came from you insects.
stop the bs
the kashmir issue was always religious.if not why didnt hindus participate in that movement.why were pandits killed?kashmir holds a significant place in ancient hinduism and the culture of india.every indian has a right over it.the afghan immigrants of kashmir are gaddaars for trying to steal a place which is not theirs in the first place.No indian would ever agree to concede what these afghan immigrants have been demanding for.if they want peace they must cooperate with india.
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Of course I am passionate!! :D

One of favorite quotes is, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrant". You are a columbia student so you should know who spoke those words. As for @Armstrong me and him agree on many many points and we often read the same literature. When he writes his long *** posts I just read them and chuckle because I hold most of his views. Except he is more pacifist compared to me perhaps it is because he is Kashmiri lol.

Fedayeen litterally means the reformers, change. @Chinese-Dragon.

Not for too long, I am transfering lol
Not sure actually, was it jefferson? I'll probably search it up later.
LOL yup, I can see that, but I am very curious to see if this passion will conflict with your passion for the US.
Haha I noticed that you both have similar views as well! Very interesting lol :)
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that is a striaghtforward lie.....

in a sovereign,democratic state anyone bearing weapons against the state are terrorists.....does not matter who they target.....

if that is the case then the ttp would also be considered as freedom fighters since they target army men too......

No, they are not.

You are confusing the concepts of crime and terrorism.

Individual murder is a crime, but it is NOT terrorism.

To say that individual murder is not terrorism is not condoning terrorism.
stop the bs
the kashmir issue was always religious.if not why didnt hindus participate in that movement.why were pandits killed?kashmir holds a significant place in ancient hinduism and the culture of india.every indian has a right over it.the afghan immigrants of kashmir are gaddaars for trying to steal a place which is not theirs in the first place.No indian would ever agree to concede what these afghan immigrants have been demanding for.if they want peace they must cooperate with india.

Actually the Pathans of J&K are pretty pro India. Many serve in the local police force and support the Indian Army in its operations, both covert and overt. ;)
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i dont care for biased surveys......many surveys also show that pakkistan is the terror central of the world...and some other say pakistanis are so sectarian that 40% of them dont consider shias as muslims instead as heretics......

and the number does not matter.....it is the principle that matters......if you want india to let go of kashmir....then give us a lead to follow and free balochistan......

actually the kashmiri fight has been only for 1989 propped up by pakistan while the baloch fight for independence started right in 1948 immediately after pakistaan forcefully occupied it.......

Indians talking about principle is a paradox, make me laugh some more. Balochistan less than 1% in revolt, Kashmir the majority fighting against your occupation. Balochistan not considered a disputed territory, Kashmir considered a disputed territory. Cry some more kashmir will be free before Balochistan even comes into question. Why do you need to follow Pakistan's lead anyway?? I thought India was a super duper power or is it that in reality you are insecure little men who need someone to emulate?? Biased surveys?? They were not even done by Pakistan, they were not bais at all. Yeah the rest is just posturing on your part because you know you have been defeated and are bringing up irrelevant things. Bold part has been proven false on this forum many times, do some research before you speak.
Indians talking about principle is a paradox, make me laugh some more. Balochistan less than 1% in revolt, Kashmir the majority fighting against your occupation. Balochistan not considered a disputed territory, Kashmir considered a disputed territory. Cry some more kashmir will be free before Balochistan even comes into question. Why do you need to follow Pakistan's lead anyway?? I thought India was a super duper power or is it that in reality you are insecure little men who need someone to emulate?? Biased surveys?? They were not even done by Pakistan, they were not bais at all. Yeah the rest is just posturing on your part because you know you have been defeated and are bringing up irrelevant things. Bold part has been proven false on this forum many times, do some research before you speak.

Yeah right. Majority of Kashmir? I've been there and came back alive.

So what do you know of Kashmir? Other than the Pakistani bullsh*t propaganda?

And yeah, educate yourself. The Baloch movement's been here since 1920s. How ironic. A separatist movement existed before Pakistan did. :rofl:

EzioAltaïr;4038807 said:
Yeah right. Majority of Kashmir? I've been there and came back alive.

So what do you know of Kashmir? Other than the Pakistani bullsh*t propaganda?

And yeah, educate yourself. The Baloch movement's been here since 1920s. How ironic. A separatist movement existed before Pakistan did. :rofl:

Baloch nationalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny child nobody takes personal accounts seriously, in that case I have been to Balochistan and come back alive. What do you know about Balochistan? Other than the ****** bullsht propoganda. Baloch nationalism has never been an issue, out right revolt has. Out of 231 Baloch tribes only 3 want succession which is less than 1% of Baloch population. Are you trying to say the rest of Baloch are not nationalistic?? Say that to any of their faces and they will smack you upside the head. They are nationalistic however they are not in outright rebellion unlike in the case of kashmir where India has to station a large garrison to keep control.
well done kashmiries keep on killing these bastards who imposes curfews and dont give you freedom of speech and will....Bleed them to death...Well done and if ISI was involved great that means they are right on plan and let US be out in 2014 there will be a do or die for kashmir and having so many nukes aimed at india would only result in these scumbags leaving 97% muslim populated kashmir valley after getting squeezed from all sides...Infact we should have china invloved too as they have some territorial issues with india as well...So that once its all resolved we can make things smooth in this region..
Funny child nobody takes personal accounts seriously, in that case I have been to Balochistan and come back alive. What do you know about Balochistan? Other than the ****** bullsht propoganda. Baloch nationalism has never been an issue, out right revolt has. Out of 231 Baloch tribes only 3 want succession which is less than 1% of Baloch population. Are you trying to say the rest of Baloch are not nationalistic?? Say that to any of their faces and they will smack you upside the head. They are nationalistic however they are not in outright rebellion unlike in the case of kashmir where India has to station a large garrison to keep control.

Go ahead. I don't give a damn about Balochistan. It can stay with Pakistan or separate. I couldn't care less.

No one cares about statistics. The fact is that the Baloch movement is older than Pakistan itself.

Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

50,000 is not a large number? India only uses police and paramilitary to deal with the insurgency. The only soldiers in Kashmir are the ones who are always there on the border, similar to Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat borders.
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