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Sri Lanka takes next step to opening strategic China-built port

first understand..the naval base in hambantota would be suicidal as it will be facing the whole of Indian naval assets in Southern India in case of hostilities...and no matter how much air power China will have in Srilanka it will be not enough to counter Indian armed forces assets under Southern Command unless they receive support from other Chinese military assets quickly, it will be overrun. China will never have a completely isolated naval base unless it can guarantee support to that naval base in case of emergency. btw ur example of Oman is not correct here, as India here is not Oman and Indian navy has nearly 200 warships in and around bay of bengal, arabian sea and Indian ocean

We don't even have a blue water navy yet.

And frankly we have more than enough problems to deal with in the Pacific and the SCS.
Here is another news from reuters today...

China to provide loan for rail track to key Sri Lankan port

COLOMBO (Reuters) - China's Export-Import Bank will provide a loan of $278.2 million to Sri Lanka to help lay a rail track to a key port which Beijing is building that has stoked concern in neighboring India.

The port of Hambantota on the southern tip of the Indian Ocean island nation is envisioned as a refueling and service point for cargo ships, which pass a few kilometers away on one of the world's busiest East-West shipping lanes.

full article > China to provide loan for rail track to key Sri Lankan port | Top News | Reuters
first understand..the naval base in hambantota would be suicidal as it will be facing the whole of Indian naval assets in Southern India in case of hostilities...and no matter how much air power China will have in Srilanka it will be not enough to counter Indian armed forces assets under Southern Command unless they receive support from other Chinese military assets quickly, it will be overrun. China will never have a completely isolated naval base unless it can guarantee support to that naval base in case of emergency. btw ur example of Oman is not correct here, as India here is not Oman and Indian navy has nearly 200 warships in and around bay of bengal, arabian sea and Indian ocean

Why do you think Chinese are encircling you? Gawadar in Pakistan, hambantota in sirilanka. India cant fight a war on two front and seriously dude please you haven't got 200 warships. In total india has got 15-16 subs, 30 Frigates/Destroyers, 24 covertters and rest and small missile and patrol boat. These figures are a bit of plus minus. India might get that kind of power in next 25 years but by then chinese navy will be 3 times of indian navy.
According to the official statement, it was not just the defence minister but the prime minister too?

Actually it was the Reuters who had quoted the Prime Minister as having said that on his trip to China; evidently this only surfaced after he had come back from China & the Defense Minister then made this remark ! And even still he didn't ask the Chinese to build a military base over there but said something to the effect of 'We would be grateful if the Chinese were to build a naval base over there' when he was talking about handing over the Port Authority from the Singaporeans to the Chinese.

Evidently the Chinese Foreign Ministry itself said that it has received no such proposal....I dunno why the PM would be quoted as saying as such without even proposing it to the Chinese.

So lets not read too much into all of this....many a Newspaper have quoted some fantastic things from Chinese Military Presence in Gilgit-Baltistan to the Chinese looking for a Naval Base in the Arabian Sea !
Our policy is "no overseas military bases".

Even in 2011 Pakistan asked us to build a Naval base at Gwadar, but we turned it down.

Financial Times - Pakistan turns to China for naval base

That was back in May 2011.

Or policy is still no overseas military bases.

@Chinese-Dragon really sorry mate, but your this post is becoming repetitive :D

I expect more from you :)

India in my opinion is getting isolated in the region due to its own aggressive policies towards its neighbors. They should learn something from china and extend a hand of friendship to every one rather than being arrogant. India seriously lacks a long term planning whereas china on the other hand is helping its neighbor apart from its own strategic planning.

No one is getting isolated; your narrow vision is what making you unable to see the larger picture:

1. All Chinese ports around India are JUST commercial affairs to start with & we shouldn't read too much into it. Of course, China would not like to irk a regional power like India by opening military bases around its neighborhood.

2. India on the other hand has many military & commercial ventures all around IOR, where IN has a listening base in Madagascar & is responsible to secure the EEZs of Madagascar, Mauritius, Maldives, help Seychelles in its maritime security + do the same for Mozambique.

3. Just few days back I started a thread, which said that India has a listening post in Oman. Apart from Berthing rights in UAE for IN with even a naval air station present there.

4. IN has an Open offer by Vietnam to build a naval base there, but since China is acknowledging our sensitivities, we will also respond in kind.

5. I hope you remember IAF base in Tajikistan along with Chabhar port construction in Iran, not to mention the growing investments in Afghanistan.

I can go on & on……..

Besides, I don’t have any problems with Chinese overtures in our neighborhood, b’coz they are doing what meets there national interests the best, but that doesn't mean that India is doing nothing.

+ I don’t understand why China is always singled out, have we forgot the presence of US 7th fleet at Diego Garcia?? Have we forgotten the considerable US presence in Afghanistan & Pakistan?? Have we forgotten the US recent overtures to BD & Myanmar??

Just to summarize, every nation, thinks about its own NATIONAL INTERESTS,be it as small as Fiji & as large as USA, but that doesn't mean every action should be seen as a rivalry with another nation.
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@Chinese-Dragon really sorry mate, but your this post is becoming repetitive :D

I expect more from you :)

No one is getting isolated; your narrow vision is what making you unable to see the larger picture:

1. All Chinese ports around India are JUST commercial affairs to start with & we shouldn't read too much into it. Of course, China would not like to irk a regional power like India by opening military bases around its neighborhood.

2. India on the other hand has many military & commercial ventures all around IOR, where IN has a listening base in Madagascar & is responsible to secure the EEZs of Madagascar, Mauritius, Maldives, help Seychelles in its maritime security + do the same for Mozambique.

3. Just few days back I started a thread, which said that India has a listening post in Oman. Apart from Berthing rights in UAE for IN with even a naval air station present there.

4. IN has an Open offer by Vietnam to build a naval base there, but since China is acknowledging our sensitivities, we will also respond in kind.

5. I hope you remember IAF base in Tajikistan along with Chabhar port construction in Iran, not to mention the growing investments in Afghanistan.

I can go on & on……..

Besides, I don’t have any problems with Chinese overtures in our neighborhood, b’coz they are doing what meets there national interests the best, but that doesn't mean that India is doing nothing.

+ I don’t understand why China is always singled out, have we forgot the presence of US 7th fleet at Diego Garcia?? Have we forgotten the considerable US presence in Afghanistan & Pakistan?? Have we forgotten the US recent overtures to BD & Myanmar??

Just to summarize, every nation, thinks about its own NATIONAL INTERESTS,be it as small as Fiji & as large as USA, but that doesn't mean every action should be seen as a rivalry with another nation.

Most of the IN operations you described are mostly a part of Anti piracy operation or for countries with zero naval presence with UN oversight. Oman is a hub of all kinds of international bases and also having a listening post there is of zero consequence to Pakistan or its allies. As for the ports china intend to build is to counter the american and Indian naval presence. Lastly for your claim for an off world naval base that wont be possible unless your defense budget is three times of your current spending. You might have small lisening post and some indian patrol boat patroling other countries but that doesnt mean you have any strong naval presence. In term of iran you are just building them a port as most the financing is being done by iran. You people backed out of a gas pipe line on pressure from US and you expect to build naval presence in the straits.
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The Airport is nothing but a white elephant just to entertain the ego of a despot!! Just like that edifice Suriyawewa stadium in the middle of nowhere...Nothing to be proud of..Generations of future Lankans will have to pay China the huge loans this corrupt tyrannical regime has imposed on the country

It seems that you have no taste in economics. The airport hasn't even started its services but you have come to a conclusion that it is a white elephant. :tdown:
Most of the IN operations you described are mostly a part of Anti piracy operation or for countries with zero naval presence with UN oversight. Oman is a hub of all kinds of international bases and also having a listening post there is of zero consequence to Pakistan or its allies. As for the ports china intend to build is to counter the american and Indian naval presence. Lastly for your claim for an off world naval base that wont be possible unless your defense budget is three times of your current spending. You might have small lisening post and some indian patrol boat patroling other countries but that doesnt mean you have any strong naval presence. In term of iran you are just building them a port as most the financing is being done by iran. You people backed out of a gas pipe line on pressure from US and you expect to build naval presence in the straits.

Point one: I never brought Pakistan in the equation, i was only rebutting your point that India is getting isolated with FACTS, thats all.

Point two: IN's Anti-Piracy operations are independent & were never under any sort of UN umbrella. Only it coordinates with other Naval forces.

Point three: If if the presence in Gulf is due to Anti-Piracy operations, does it changes the FACT that IN has presence there?? US in 1991 came to Gulf in the Garb of Gulf-war, twenty years past, it is still there.

Point Four: Oman being Hub or not is immaterial here, fact remains IN has a listening post there, now hope you understand that no nation will have military presence in another nation if it din't serves it's Interests.

Point Five: As i said, Gwadar & other ports will serve solely as a commercial ports to China rather than Naval Bases, at least for the foreseeable future.

Point Six: I just said that Vietnam has offered India to build a naval base there, now India can build it or not is a totally different debate.

Point Seven: How in the world do you know that the listening bases or other military facilities that India operates is Small or large?? B'coz this is the information that i think many top govt. officials wouldn't have any know how. Besides, even if it is small, does it matters anyway?? As i said, no nation will operate a military base abroad unless it serves it's interests.

Point Eight: As for your small patrol boats claim, are you seriously saying that Patrol boats whose range is not more than few hundred NM, travels from India to Mozambique & Madagascar to Patrol there coast?? Dude, atleast 1 or 2 Indian Frigates or Corvettes or both are assigned to do the job.

Point Nine: We don't claim Strong Naval presence in IOR, it's the US itself that has tagged IN as the Net Security Provider of IOR.

Point Ten: I am surprised that when it comes to China's Presence in Gwadar you see Doomsday scenario for India, but if the same thing is done by India in Chabhar, you write-off Indian Presence completely?? Chabhar will be used by India as an alternative to CAR, India is already working on joining the railway network of Iran to that of CAR & Chabhar becoming the principle port to transport goods.

Point Eleven: Yes, there was some pressure from US to back-off from IPI, but you can't say that it was the sole reason for the same decision. US was offering a much better deal in the name of Indo-US nuke deal & ending the Indian nuclear apartheid. Besides the Security reason for the area from where the pipeline was to pass was enough a reason to put the IPI in the back-burner & accept the US offer. And it is not only India, even China is decreasing it's import of oil from Iran, what you have to say of that??

I think I have covered it all.............

Point one: I never brought Pakistan in the equation, i was only rebutting your point that India is getting isolated with FACTS, thats all.

Point two: IN's Anti-Piracy operations are independent & were never under any sort of UN umbrella. Only it coordinates with other Naval forces.

Point three: If if the presence in Gulf is due to Anti-Piracy operations, does it changes the FACT that IN has presence there?? US in 1991 came to Gulf in the Garb of Gulf-war, twenty years past, it is still there.

Point Four: Oman being Hub or not is immaterial here, fact remains IN has a listening post there, now hope you understand that no nation will have military presence in another nation if it din't serves it's Interests.

Point Five: As i said, Gwadar & other ports will serve solely as a commercial ports to China rather than Naval Bases, at least for the foreseeable future.

Point Six: I just said that Vietnam has offered India to build a naval base there, now India can build it or not is a totally different debate.

Point Seven: How in the world do you know that the listening bases or other military facilities that India operates is Small or large?? B'coz this is the information that i think many top govt. officials wouldn't have any know how. Besides, even if it is small, does it matters anyway?? As i said, no nation will operate a military base abroad unless it serves it's interests.

Point Eight: As for your small patrol boats claim, are you seriously saying that Patrol boats whose range is not more than few hundred NM, travels from India to Mozambique & Madagascar to Patrol there coast?? Dude, atleast 1 or 2 Indian Frigates or Corvettes or both are assigned to do the job.

Point Nine: We don't claim Strong Naval presence in IOR, it's the US itself that has tagged IN as the Net Security Provider of IOR.

Point Ten: I am surprised that when it comes to China's Presence in Gwadar you see Doomsday scenario for India, but if the same thing is done by India in Chabhar, you write-off Indian Presence completely?? Chabhar will be used by India as an alternative to CAR, India is already working on joining the railway network of Iran to that of CAR & Chabhar becoming the principle port to transport goods.

Point Eleven: Yes, there was some pressure from US to back-off from IPI, but you can't say that it was the sole reason for the same decision. US was offering a much better deal in the name of Indo-US nuke deal & ending the Indian nuclear apartheid. Besides the Security reason for the area from where the pipeline was to pass was enough a reason to put the IPI in the back-burner & accept the US offer. And it is not only India, even China is decreasing it's import of oil from Iran, what you have to say of that??

I think I have covered it all.............


No offense you just mostly wrote the same thing all over again. I just skimmed over your eassy so hope you dont mind . Lets have a truce. I have to admit never in my life i wrote a comment as long as you typed in this Post :laugh:. Anyways

india worrying at made in china port, never

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