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Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

your behavior like a kid... may be its a acting.. LTTE is started in thamilnadu ... and now tamil people need new country... actually. thamlnadu people want to be new country.. that's make headache to indian govt :)

Still you are not fully grown... LTTE was started in Tamil Nadu, to get a new country in Srilanka, not in India.. If you dont know, atleast do some google :)
We have come to a stage in history that we need to put things in its perspective by not shying away from demanding actions on two key areas that now needs to be investigated. It is only by investigating who the LTTE was, what LTTE was involved in, the players who sponsored and supported the LTTE over the years, LTTE war crimes over 3 decades, victims of LTTE terror (civil and military) as well as investigating the war crimes, rape, looting and indiscriminate firing upon innocent Tamil civilians by the Indian Peace Keeping Force sent by India following India’s intervention in Sri Lanka forcing the signing of the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord that we can derive a plausible conclusion to enable the citizens of Sri Lanka to finally get on with their lives.

These investigations are important for several reasons for it explains the reasons why Sri Lanka was forced to shoulder a conflict which went sour in the manner India’s peace keepers began raping and killing Sri Lankan Tamils – a true killing field ignored internationally. The manner in which in an unprecedented move resulted in the LTTE tie up with the Sri Lankan Government to fight the IPKF and demand it to leave Sri Lanka carries a clear message that Sri Lanka cannot be disintegrated like other nations – African or Middle Eastern.

The Indian Peace Keeping Force landed in Sri Lanka the day after the signing of the Indo-Lanka Accord on 30th July 1987. This accord was thrust upon Sri Lanka by India with Sri Lanka having no say in its contents and it not only amended Sri Lanka’s constitution but it also introduced a provincial council system and merged the provinces of the North and the East. It is obvious that India chose to go ahead with the accord as it came to realize that the Sri Lankan armed forces were within a short distance of capturing Prabakaran just a month before the accord was pushed for signature. India demanded Sri Lankan troops stop advancing to capture Prabakaran and he was whisked off to India and made a promise by India to be given 5million monthly for his agreeing to the Accord.

When the IPKF did capture Jaffna there were thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils who were displaced. Did the Indians or Tamil Nadu or for that matter any in the TNA or the foreign embassies and humanitarian groups cry foul and demand answers from India?

The IPKF was soon to earn the acronym – Innocent People Killing Force and a series of encounters will remind Jaffna Tamils how wonderful India had treated the Tamil people. Indian reply by Brig Kahlon for rape charges were “the Indian army are not angels….rape happens even in the West”. These are just a few of the examples of IPKF’s war crimes in Sri Lanka against the Tamil people India is now so concerned about.

  • 12 October 1987 – IPKF attacks village of Kokuvil killing over 40 civilians’ in retaliation for loosing 29 Indian commandoes at the Jaffna University raid.

    21 October 1987 – Deepavali, 68 innocent Tamils shot and killed by IPKF inside Jaffna Hospital including hospital doctors, nurses, staff and patients. Dr. Sivapathasuntharan who entered the hospital the next day was also killed by the IPKF.

    21 November 1987 – Trincomalee, a IPKF soldier kills 7 civilians and injures 4 by indiscriminate firing

    August 1989 – Velvettiturai, 64 Sri Lankan Tamil civilians killed by the IPKF.

    More than a 100 Tamil civilian bodies were found in Chunnakam, Mallakam, Uduvil, Manipay, Maruthanamadam and Inuvil – all deaths attributed to the IPKF.
    Amnesty International Report 1988 (Jan-Dec 1987) quotes local magistrate in North Sri Lanka finding seven cases of rape by IPKF.


For further reading :

Memorial for IPKF – Innocent People Killing Force
By Dr. T. Somasekaram Retd. Surveyor General http://www.sangam.org/2011/08/IPKF_Repeat.php?uid=4436]Memorial for IPKF - Innocent People Killing Force[/url]

We are not concerned about why India did what India did for its actions speaks louder than words and foretells us that we can never expect sincerity in dealings with India ever. What we are now concerned more than ever is that the world should know the truth about the LTTE and we now demand war crimes investigations be opened against the LTTE being a terrorist organization and India for its crimes committed against our people by the IPKF. The Indian Penal Code does provide for extradition and Sri Lanka can open trial according to Sri Lanka’s laws.

Everyone can have their day in court – justice needs to start now.

For planning and sponsoring a terrorist organization, India does not deserve a permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

Sri Lanka should now be proactive and not defensive and be firm about what needs to be said to the world.

LankaWeb – Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against LTTE Terrorists and India

Today, the Tamil-populated Northern Province remains the most militarized and does not have an elected provincial council. The political process has not really begun. It is true that this is an internal political process, but as a neighbor, India would want to remain interested to ensure early reconciliation. There are several opposing interests at work, Chennai against New Delhi, Colombo versus the Northern Province, Sinhala versus Tamils, Colombo versus the Tamil Diaspora and Colombo suspicious of New Delhi. It is a comic opera or ‘nadagama’ if only it wasn’t so bloody and so obviously crooked by both governments....Hey but at the end of the day its best that GOSL fix the problem fast..or you will find out when Tamilians from India get directly involved..the talk of war crimes will be about what Tamilians (From India) did. (Even though I don't agree with the methods used by LTTE personally)...:butcher:
read the article with 20,000 casualties in just 3 months:hitwall:

It's a war dude.... war got intensified in the last 3 months... do you think SLA can distingush LTTE from civilians in a pitched battle?

Considering the problems you"ve had with your Tamil minority, not surprising you have limited understanding about a diversity in a nation.

What..? Tamils have a historical right to have their own country... it was British who denied them a separate country!

Your citizens are as refugees in my nation, so yes, it is our business.

let them come to SL and there won't be any problem to India...
I have been consistent in my support for the Sri Lankan government in their fight against the LTTE and continued to support the SL government's position in the UN, sometimes to the annoyance of my fellow countrymen from TN. However it is becoming clear that some Sri Lankans are following the course of extreme stupidity. Not only are they losing the chance to amicably settle the sectarian divide that the victory over the LTTE has provided them but also seem hell bent on self destruction. Irritating India is not the way to go, geniuses & provoking Indians with this kind of stupidity will only lose you your remaining sympathisers. If India wants to make your lives miserable, it won't take much doing. Provoking India when the western countries are already opposed to you is the sign of lunacy ruling the roost , you are simply too close to India geographically to pick a fight. No one, neither China nor Pakistan can help if India decides to make you a target of her ire. Seems like some Sri Lankans are so used to fighting that they seem to be a little lost in this time of peace. Don't make it a short interlude, enjoy the peace & don't be in a hurry to search for a new enemy.
your behavior like a kid... may be its a acting.. LTTE is started in thamilnadu
seems you like being stubborn knowingly you are wrong....and get your facts straight it began from Gawalior Raw camps.LOL what idiots these clowns im' just wasting my time arguing kids of newly formed blood drenched sinhali government.

... and now tamil people need new country... actually. thamlnadu people want to be new country.. that's make headache to indian govt
Get your head out of sand and try breathing some fresh air no Tamil ever asked for a new country in India. Thats why they were at war with your sinhali monsters, ofcourse LTTE were angels either, but you people took the rules of engagement tactics straight from people who are known to be brutal against there own civilians, who know who?... Do i need to mention them too....:smitten:
what loosers say when they can't get the thing the won't... so much for the "Nan Tamil" movement!

here you little coward learn..

Vaddukoddai Resolution

We didn;t fought Tamils.. we fought against TN backed India, US and EU!

and what is the name for people who wants to punish other by licking their enemies rear?

We are Indians, so its the duty of our Govt to respond to our voices. Although we are not fully satisfied with our govt moves, its our internal problem and we will sort it out... Who is our enemy??? i mean tamil's enemy... be crystal clear...

Hey stupid, did u saw the article posted... That resolution was passed in 1977 and that too against singhaleese not against India... you dont have the habit of reading the article before posting???
Your citizens are as refugees in my nation, so yes, it is our business.
not this is our country. if its your business bring back all tamil people in our country.. problem will be solved instantly :lol:

Still you are not fully grown... LTTE was started in Tamil Nadu, to get a new country in Srilanka, not in India.. If you dont know, atleast do some google :)

yes 1st step srilanka
2nd step thamilnadu. will be that
Today, the Tamil-populated Northern Province remains the most militarized and does not have an elected provincial council. The political process has not really begun. It is true that this is an internal political process, but as a neighbor, India would want to remain interested to ensure early reconciliation.

There were elections in the Northern province where more than 40% is tamil... why don't you say anything about that..?

and how do you justify holding elections in a former war torn country side with in such a short time.... indeed if things go as planned Northern PC elections will start in mid 2013.
poor tamilians..... don't even have backbone to carve out a country from India.... be cowards and continue lick North Indian rear... we Sri Lankans aren't like Tamils.. we have our own country even though we are small.. just like Israel!

Hey Ketchup!...FYI
Ceylon was under Madras presidency at one point of time. Many Sinhala Nationalist leaders (like JR, SWRD, Left leaders..)wanted Ceylon to become part of India for economic necessity. If Sinhalese wants it or not, Tamils cannot survive in the forced amalgamation of Tamil territory. When India was introducing State Reorganization act, Ceylon went on the opposition direction and declared that Tamils do not have linguistics parity. Since then all discrimination was institutionalized.
If a dog can kill a cat why can't a pig kill a dog. Such nonsense's are plenty in the Sri Lankan literature history culture and in everyday life. They are full of this. Learn to focus on the issue that is being discussed and argue to that point. If American could do this once upon a time is some country why can't we do it.. This kind of talk. If you go on this argument human race would be eating raw flesh up to now as many Sri Lankans do
not this is our country. if its your business bring back all tamil people in our country.. problem will be solved instantly :lol:

yes 1st step srilanka
2nd step thamilnadu. will be that

That will not happen ever... Dont make comments on assumptions, give some credible links before that..
This undated picture released on April 25, 2009 by pro-LTTE website Tamilnet shows civilians taking cover after what they say is an explosion caused by a goverment airstrike in the no-fire zone in Mullaitivu district. UN humanitarian chief John Holmes was to hold talks with the Sri Lankan government over the thousands of civilians caught in fighting

Injured civilians lie on the ground in a makeshift hospital in this photograph released by the pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group 'Mercy Mission to Vanni' on April 20, 2009 showing what they say are wounded civilians who were fleeing from an area still controlled by the LTTE in the No Fire Zone


We are Indians, so its the duty of our Govt to respond to our voices. Although we are not fully satisfied with our govt moves, its our internal problem and we will sort it out... Who is our enemy??? i mean tamil's enemy... be crystal clear...

Tamils become Indian because Britons said so..! cowards didn't even had any backbone to stand up against and now they are try to separate SL for their own backwardness and cowardice actions.. (sorry I got too emotional but things should not be kept in heart)

Hey stupid, did u saw the article posted... That resolution was passed in 1977 and that too against singhaleese not against India... you dont have the habit of reading the article before posting???

now holding on to the date.. are you..? pathetic.... try carve a Elam out of India! and keep SL away from Tamil problems!
@Neuro - its useless to try reason with these Singalas....Dont waste your time.
The aim of this darned thread is to flame and inflame. But let's ask these angels what horrors they have inflicted on the Tamils - thousands of innocent men, women and children - shot in cold blood and women raped in front of their children and husbands by the Sinhalese Army.

A$$holes in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones, what? :argh:
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