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Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

Actually this is not a flame thread as it seems... I wanted to show our Indian bros that even IPKF is not clean when it comes to warfare...

so my point is why target SL for minor issue in a 30 year long war... why only keep dragging the last part of the war into lime light... be fair brothers!
Need of bringing 30 year war is the exactly what YOU are doing. Prejudice. Attacking Indians and India while not admitting your own short comings and asking us to look at our human rights record.

If you want to be fair, be fair and raise same questions when something bad happens in other countries too.

Be fair and treat other country's posters equally.

Be fair when innocents are killed in local trains, hotels etc.

Be fair and admit the crimes against tamils just for once. I am ready to admit, we did breach human rights, are you ready to do so too....

For once, BE FAIR....
Need of bringing 30 year war is the exactly what YOU are doing. Prejudice. Attacking Indians and India while not admitting your own short comings and asking us to look at our human rights record.

If you want to be fair, be fair and raise same questions when something bad happens in other countries too.

Be fair and treat other country's posters equally.

Be fair when innocents are killed in local trains, hotels etc.

Be fair and admit the crimes against tamils just for once. I am ready to admit, we did breach human rights, are you ready to do so too....

For once, BE FAIR....

yes I do and so does SLG and SLA we are admitting that we did blunders... we did breach human rights... but we didn't intended any genocide as most of Indians claim.. (that's a bogus TN claim for a revenge)

but please don't make LTTE angles by saying they are terrorist organization and that's why they did it and SLG should behave more humanely....

don't forget that SLG behaved humainlry for 27 years until LTTE broke the limit in 2006
your behavior like a kid... may be its a acting.. LTTE is started in thamilnadu ... and now tamil people need new country... actually. thamlnadu people want to be new country.. that's make headache to indian govt :)

Yep!..Tamils of SL need new country in SL..Unnaku vetchikrum a da APPU!....Poda parapu!
Actually this is not a flame thread as it seems... I wanted to show our Indian bros that even IPKF is not clean when it comes to warfare...

so my point is why target SL for minor issue in a 30 year long war... why only keep dragging the last part of the war into lime light... be fair brothers!
there goes the breavery of the SINGALESE, when you guys realize the heat of INDIA can tarnish you to the drain, you call us brothers.
we know what kind of drama queen you guys are.

cool it turks.. india has no issues with SL. this is SLs way of showing displeasure at india on that vote.
you can sue ipkf a disbanded unit. no probs.
new false flager from SL, now posting that INDIA has no problem when some one accuses IPKF as its disband, turning the heat away you SL breave hearts(my foot)
there goes the breavery of the SINGALESE, when you guys realize the heat of INDIA can tarnish you to the drain, you call us brothers.
we know what kind of drama queen you guys are.

India can but technically they can't... more over Indians, Pakistanis, Americans... and Tamils all are brothers to me.. if not to you.. read this article before accusing SL of genocide..
India can but technically they can't... more over Indians, Pakistanis, Americans... and Tamils all are brothers to me.. if not to you.. read this article before accusing SL of genocide..
your army rapes our women, bombs our elderly and you call us our brothers, and you think we are fools to take your word.
I know what you Shingalese are made of, soon the rest of my INDIAN brothers will know what you guys are.
We know that one day or the other you'll side with the CHINESE or the PAKISTANIS to spy on us or even try to destablize our nation. But that won't happen. When the rest of my country men understand the real plight of Tamils and their request, soon laks of Indra Gandhi and MGR's will come to aid new Prabakarans to liberate the Tamils from your brutal oppression.
What..? Tamils have a historical right to have their own country... it was British who denied them a separate country!

You are speaking on behalf of Tamilians now? or mere observation as an outsider.
I have been consistent in my support for the Sri Lankan government in their fight against the LTTE and continued to support the SL government's position in the UN, sometimes to the annoyance of my fellow countrymen from TN. However it is becoming clear that some Sri Lankans are following the course of extreme stupidity. Not only are they losing the chance to amicably settle the sectarian divide that the victory over the LTTE has provided them but also seem hell bent on self destruction. Irritating India is not the way to go, geniuses & provoking Indians with this kind of stupidity will only lose you your remaining sympathisers. If India wants to make your lives miserable, it won't take much doing. Provoking India when the western countries are already opposed to you is the sign of lunacy ruling the roost , you are simply too close to India geographically to pick a fight. No one, neither China nor Pakistan can help if India decides to make you a target of her ire. Seems like some Sri Lankans are so used to fighting that they seem to be a little lost in this time of peace. Don't make it a short interlude, enjoy the peace & don't be in a hurry to search for a new enemy.
Banglore, I am happy that you atleast realized what I had been telling for a long time. SL and its Shingala population can not be trusted. They will back stab us not for aiding LTTE but they have a soft corner for PAKISTAN and this we should always remember that they were the ones who allowed PAKISTAN NAVY to horbour in their ports after which only we supported LTTE.
one day or the other when they find the right time they will be prepared to back stab us. This every INDIAN has to remember
IPKF went in for a noble purpose - peace keeping and facilitate implementation of article 13(devolution of powers to provinces) and northern and eastern provinces mergers(subject to referendum) and making Tamil as one of the official languages.

Guess what? both LTTE and SL government stabbed the IPKF in the back while IPKF was forced to fight with reduced arms power to avoid collateral damage and lost 1200 and many more wounded.

And later LTTE killed Rajiv Gandhi which deprived India of a strong leader(who had a vision about the Indian strategy) and SL tamilians lost most of the outside moral support they had.

So now SL is trying to stab India once again in the back with war crimes demand. I wish Rajiv was alive. He would have ensured such nonsense will not happen. And he would have ensured that SL does not play the China card with India. (he would have done similar to what he did when SL played US card in Trincomalee)

And many might not agree to what I said above about Rajiv as they see him as a Congressi leader, others will think he went against LTTE(and blame him) and many others will continue to blame tamilians in TN and tamil politicians(though they are self-centered rogues) and are worried about Hambantotta.

But asaf in my mind, Rajiv's loss is huge for India as there are not many strong leaders at this moment in India and tamil movement lost the moral support and sympathy as well.
I hope Pakistan's UN Mission continues to throw its weight and support behind Sri Lanka during these tough diplomatic times.

Sri Lanka did a great job eradicating a terrorist movement that traumatized Sri Lankan peoples; for that they should be congratulated, not censured.
IPKF went in for a noble purpose - peace keeping and facilitate implementation of article 13(devolution of powers to provinces) and northern and eastern provinces mergers(subject to referendum) and making Tamil as one of the official languages.

Guess what? both LTTE and SL government stabbed the IPKF in the back while IPKF was forced to fight with reduced arms power to avoid collateral damage and lost 1200 and many more wounded.

And later LTTE killed Rajiv Gandhi which deprived India of a strong leader(who had a vision about the Indian strategy) and SL tamilians lost most of the outside moral support they had.

So now SL is trying to stab India once again in the back with war crimes demand. I wish Rajiv was alive. He would have ensured such nonsense will not happen. And he would have ensured that SL does not play the China card with India. (he would have done similar to what he did when SL played US card in Trincomalee)

And many might not agree to what I said above about Rajiv as they see him as a Congressi leader, others will think he went against LTTE(and blame him) and many others will continue to blame tamilians in TN and tamil politicians(though they are self-centered rogues) and are worried about Hambantotta.

But asaf in my mind, Rajiv's loss is huge for India as there are not many strong leaders at this moment in India and tamil movement lost the moral support and sympathy as well.
Rajiv and his vision, wow that was great :thinktank: .
I had to laugh in my rear, I feel that his death was one of the good things that ever happened to INDIA also one of the worth thing as his family who survived him had brought more chaos to the nation as it is today.
To be frank, IG was the only leader in the Gandhi clan to have some balls, the rest are all either opertunist or crooks and ball less fuc ks.
And way this is not the thread to discus about RG. he is fuking dead and i rest my case.

On Topic - Its about Shingala fools back stabing us, and one day or the other INDIA has to raise up and put these fools where they rightfully belong at the foot of INDIA as the geographycal map shows.

I hope Pakistan's UN Mission continues to throw its weight and support behind Sri Lanka during these tough diplomatic times.

Sri Lanka did a great job eradicating a terrorist movement that traumatized Sri Lankan peoples; for that they should be congratulated, not censured.
understand why that terrorist aka freedom fighting movement started in the first place.
had they been given proper rights or to say equal rights as citizens, this would have never happend.
next time dont cry when IA puts the terrorist that you send to our shores to their graves and call them as fredom fighters
understand why that terrorist aka freedom fighting movement started in the first place.
had they been given proper rights or to say equal rights as citizens, this would have never happend.
next time dont cry when IA puts the terrorist that you send to our shores to their graves and call them as fredom fighters

It's not our terrorists how will we cry :meeting:
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