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Spying for India: Asma lata arrested by Intelligence.

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will you gusy stop posting BS off topic here and let us discuss the topic
Look, it is very good that there is you and several others like you who are not concerned with the religion of a citizen. May God increase the citizens of your like in Pakistan and may your country prosper as a state. Ameen.

But bro, you know that the facts are otherwise. You also know how the clever insertion of the religion naughtily changes the whole outlook towards it. And by sweeping under the rug, it does not go away. There are Taseers surely but as realistic are the Qadris and then there are the people who garland the likes of him.

I would wait for the mainstream media to pick on this before we make a spy of her and glorify the ISI et al.


what is the issue of you bharatis here ? she a Pakistani citizen, hindu, muslim, sikh or agnostic that does NOT matter if s/he is gulity of spying must be punished. PERIOD.
what is the issue of you bharatis here ? she a Pakistani citizen, hindu, muslim, sikh or agnostic that does NOT matter if s/he is gulity of spying must be punished. PERIOD.

well she is a hindu and every one knows they are living there .

well if some thing happen here in minority then how you start crying
well she is a hindu and every one knows they are living there .

well if some thing happen here in minority then how you start crying

:lol: that is another issue open a thread there.

here we are talking about her suspected role spying for India charges. lets wait for the investigations
what is the issue of you bharatis here ? she a Pakistani citizen, hindu, muslim, sikh or agnostic that does NOT matter if s/he is gulity of spying must be punished. PERIOD.

There is no issue for me as a Bharatiya. However as a sane person, the insertion of the religion to deviously point the offence's motive is the sickening part. If you go thru the thread, you will find that there are also Pakistani friends who find it improper to the religious allusion already.

But then you had already quite clearly expressed your views on the religious allusion in the matter in a post that was deleted. You were quite elaborative with the analogy to another sect too. So let us just agree to disagree.

And finally there is nothing in the mainstream media about this. So what with the trial by opinions over just the insinuation?

There is no issue for me as a Bharatiya. However as a sane person, the insertion of the religion to deviously point the offence's motive is the sickening part. If you go thru the thread, you will find that there are also Pakistani friends who find it improper to the religious allusion already.

But then you had already quite clearly expressed your views on the religious allusion in the matter in a post that was deleted. You were quite elaborative with the analogy to another sect too. So let us just agree to disagree.

And finally there is nothing in the mainstream media about this. So what with the trial by opinions over just the insinuation?


leave it aside and focus on the real topic that is that a Pakistani lady singer is "arrested" on charges of spying for india. thats what matters to us.

as far as the other post of mine i just gave you my observation and you have NO right to give verdict on me.

If she is a spy, the religion does not matter.

What matters is the Nation and its safety.

Only weak brained bring in religion.

How to recruit a spy is not religion alone, if someone would be good enough to find out how spies are recruited.

The ignorant would however go into a tizzy on religion!
I hate those traitors who place religious/ethnic affiliations above national interest.This singer should be given capital punishment for betraying her motherland,if the news is true.
leave it aside and focus on the real topic that is that a Pakistani lady singer is "arrested" on charges of spying for india. thats what matters to us.

as far as the other post of mine i just gave you my observation and you have NO right to give verdict on me.


What is with the Periods? You ought to expect further discussion. Right?

Well you surely thought that you have a right to make an asserstion/insinuation (verdict?) about the Bharatiyas here when they make their observations. Did you not?

Anyway on the topic, like I said already, what is to discuss when the news item is from alternative vernacular media already motivated and lacks credibility. So better to wait to read the facts via more credible mainstream information vehicles and see what is the real situation. If you have an update, why do you not go ahead and bring us to date?

well what she can do if all system want to prove her self as an spy

main question do she get Justice there ???

Guys, we have our own people who played the double agent game, so lets leave it to the Pakistai Court to decide with what they have to do with the matter if she is proved guilty, its their national issue and if she has acted as a spy for India she has sold her country out, do we expect that the minorities of our country to work like Asma for the Pakistani Government
Bilal outwardly it maybe so as you say, but inwardly it is not so.

Sad, but that is the reality.

Clever and scheming the politicians are (world over), they attack the MQM, but the message is loud and clear!
Sir you are living in India and telling Bilal that he is wrong really funny sir most Pakistanis love Islam want it be established but still they don't keep asking other people what is your Religion because most of them look similar
why not mention her religion??, the world hears that bad bad pakistanis muslims suppress their hindu countrymen, why does religion come if some hindus get harrassed by some pakistanis of other faith??

then why join the world and bring in the religion? world does a lot of bad things and if you and I have problem with that (i.e. branding Islam with negative stories) then we need to set a different example so that we prove the “world” wrong not imitate it and brand someone shia, Ahmedi, Hindu or Atheist etc while describing him when his or her faith has nothing to do with his actions.

Keeping religion out would also help people that are sympathetic to us in advocating our cause and concerns. Millions of Europeans marched against the illegal wars, continue to donate money and even join the flotillas with aids for Palestine, not out of fear of Al Qaeda but because they think it’s the right thing to do. UK general public remained the biggest donor of flood relief for Pakistan despite the fact that all 7/7 terrorists were Pakistanis. You see? The ordinary citizen regardless of his race and religion is compassionate and humane so his faith and nationality shouldn’t be blamed for what his government is doing.

the world hears that bad bad pakistanis muslims suppress their hindu countrymen, why does religion come if some hindus get harrassed by some pakistanis of other faith?

what you are describing is a hate crime based on someone’s faith and religion and shouldn’t be confused with this story. The world also hears what our Muslim “brothers” do to Ahemdis, Shia and Christians and fellow Sunnis as well and sadly it is true.

For the benefit of those who cant read Urdu I will try to translate it in English (Although Billal already done it, but I thoguht to give it a try too)
Actress Asmia Luta uncovered as an Indian spy, sensitive documents discovered

Peshawar (APP) Acress Asima lutta, a Hindu, has been uncovered as an Indian agent. Law enforcement agencies have discovered very sensitive devices, maps and other documents, Indian, American and Pakistani currency.
According to sources Asima Luta had completed her secret mission to setup a terrorist and sabotage network and had already bought tickets for her travel to India. Before she could escape to destabilize the country, she was nabbed from the raid. The alleged spy has been transferred to secret location for further interrogation.

There are many problems with the way this story is reported.

  1. . Like I mentioned earlier, her faith has nothing to do with her being a spy
  2. Just like faith of Bengalis had nothing to do with their demand to have a separate country from Pakistan.
  3. . the report claims that authorities have discovered a cache of spy related items and devices implicating her with subversive and anti-state activities. Unless if she was a field agent, she would never risk having such things with her that could betray her cover. what also doesn’t help is her well known public face, she cant remain undercover and engage in any field activities without stirring up suspicion among the security agencies and the general public.
  4. . the report claims that she had completed her secret mission to setup a terror network but then it carries on and maintains that since her bid to escape from Pakistan was foiled so she failed to destabilize the country. The problem is that this statement only qualifies if the documents contain all the contacts of her associates that made up that network and they have not gone underground and have been already raided and apprehended before or during her arrest was publicised. Otherwise it is just a hollow claim.

One thing to note is that I am not disputing or forming an opinion about her being innocent or actually being an undercover spy for a hostile country. Because there is insufficient information. People who are familier with the world of espunague know that both the local and foreign agencies employ public figures as well as people from different professions to use their influence to gain access to the secret information by building up relation with people in sensitive positions or in some cases methodically build-up or distort public perceptions or moods relating to current issues.

What these agencies never do is put these known public figures like actors, NGO heads, poets and media-men in the field which better suits someone who can meld into the crowd and least noticed while using his/ her “sensitive spy gear” to gather intelligence. Such people are way to valuable and are used indirectly and discretely by the agencies and some cases without even the prior knowledge of these celebrities, intellectuals and news media personalities.

Any good spy would destroy any incriminating evidence before making his escape bid (in this case buying her one way tickets to India).
By the way, having Indian and American currency doesn’t mean anything, if she was legitimately making a travel plan to India then she will need that money. It would be that she was invited to audition her songs or it was a religious pilgrim just like many Hindus and Sikhs do between India and Pakistan.

The Paper managed to make a claim quoting the “sources” but I bet this story wont live anymore days and will be buried under the constant feed of sensational news.
Our courts have set free a Lusker e Jhagvi ledaer & terror suspect few days ago so as soon as he resumes his business, this story will be forgotten.
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