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Spying for India: Asma lata arrested by Intelligence.

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May 3, 2009
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Asma lata is a Hindu.
This article would have been fine if it had not explicitly mentioned the religion of the person (she's a Pakistani citizen btw), there are Muslim spies as well (OBL raid), & most of the Pakistani Hindus living inside Pakistan do not conspire against the state. I also do not know if this article is credible or not.
This article would have been fine if it had not mentioned the religion of the person, there are Muslim spies as well (OBL raid), & most of the Pakistani Hindus living inside Pakistan do not conspire against the state. I also do not know if this article is credible or not.

why not mention her religion??, the world hears that bad bad pakistanis muslims suppress their hindu countrymen, why does religion come if some hindus get harrassed by some pakistanis of other faith??
Can anyone translate it please?
Can anyone translate it please?

Actress Asma Lata has turned out to be an Indian spy: sensitive documents recovered.

Asma Lata, who is a Hindu, has turned out to be an Indian spy. Law enforcement agencies found extremely sensitive apparatus, maps & several sensitive documents; as well as Indian, American & Pakistani currency on her. According to sources, Asma Lata's secret plan of creating a sound terrorist & destruction (takhreeb kaari?) network was complete, & she had bought tickets to go back to India. Before she could escape to India & disturb the country's stability, a raid was made, & she was arrested. Asma Lata has been taken to a secret location for further investigations.

(P.S. Testing my Urdu skills here. I tried the best I could, I haven't studied Urdu in over 10 years, so this is the best I could translate. Pakistani members, please correct me if I am wrong anywhere. Thanks.)
Not sure why the religious bigotry had to be shown in the article - So Muslims can't be traitors?This the biggest bullshit I've seen and it is because of this mentality that Pakistan is going down the gutter.Aeronaut why you wrote Asma lata is a Hindu. ???Just goes to show your right wing extremist mentality (despite living abroad) and having worthless character.Hopefully Aussies will kick you out after all Muslims are terrorists.
why not mention her religion??, the world hears that bad bad pakistanis muslims suppress their hindu countrymen, why does religion come if some hindus get harrassed by some pakistanis of other faith??

So do you want to be like those fanatics?Next time don't complain if Muslim is mistreated.
I think we should cut all kind relations with India but problem is practically it is not possible.
I am saying this because every person who travel to India has a potential of becoming a traitor.they have relatives in india when they go to indian embassy for visa indian try to recruit them by saying if you dont cooperate with us your relatives in india will be in trouble.so why not end this of visa.
No more Pakistanis in india and no more indians in Pakistan.

Pakistan is the only country who welcomes the murders of its citizens.(sikhs).:angry::angry:
I think we should cut all kind relations with India but problem is practically it is not possible.
I am saying this because every person who travel to India has a potential of becoming a traitor.they have relatives in india when they go to indian embassy for visa indian try to recruit them by saying if you dont cooperate with us your relatives in india will be in trouble.so why not end this of visa.
No more Pakistanis in india and no more indians in Pakistan.

Lol. One of the funniest thing I've read....
I think we should cut all kind relations with India but problem is practically it is not possible.

Its possible. What needs to be done is building a 1000 foot thick and 1000 foot high steel/concrete wall all along the border. I pray every night that this will become a reality.
do tell me what exactly is funny in my post.if you are ignorant then its not my mistake.
but this is the mental capacity of your embassy staff.

There are countless no. of Pakistanis visiting India & vice versa, if the Indian embassy staff forced these people to spy for India, then almost one fourth of Pakistan would be spies... its just not possible...
Its possible. What needs to be done is building a 1000 foot thick and 1000 foot high steel/concrete wall all along the border. I pray every night that this will become a reality.

hahah.good suggestion.

literally i dont understand what is significance of having relations with our no one enemy.and specially this visa policy.
i think in our passport there is need of some amendment,there is a need of addition of one word
'this passport is valid for all countries except india and israel".

can some senior member explain me why we welcome sikhs?did we forget the trains full of dead bodies?
i did not said every one is a potential spy.
i am saying this is very efficient and effective way of reciting.


you have relatives in india?
if not then why you are in so much pain?
I agree with Nomi Jounalists who travel the most in India are the biggest puppets of India in Pakistan like Ijaz Haider Imtiaz Alam Najam Sethi and other cartoons they defend Indian interest more than indian themselves
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