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Spreading LGBT To The Muslim World

We have to guard against it.

Today in the West, Muslim Brotherhood organizations (like CAIR) and their personalities like Omar Suleman and Linda Sarsour are at the forefront of trying to make LGBT acceptable to Muslims.

Man I dont know why you still hate Muslim Brotherhood until now.......I dont believe MB promote any LGBT movement. MB is part of Islamist movement.
At the end eternal life, life after death its just an idea just like other ideas in the history of mankind. Religion is also just an idea and If you think you have the right to spread your ideas and force it upon people then other side also has the right to spread their ideas and its up to the people they want to adopt it or not

I am specifically talking from a Islamic point of view, Believing in Day of Judgement and resurrection is one of the Articles of Faith, believe in all of them makes you enter the circle of Islam, disbelieving in any one of them makes you leave the Circle of Islam . People can believe whatever they want, we abide by our faith which is given to us by Allah .
Man I dont know why you still hate Muslim Brotherhood until now.......I dont believe MB promote any LGBT movement. MB is part of Islamist movement.

I know all leaders of MB in USA on a first name basis, and am especially aware of the leaders of Levant MB and their backgrounds. I have studied them over many years and even shared my concerns with many of them.

I do not hate MB as you described, but I recognize their model of political expediency and changing of core Islamic principles to gain political power. It is troublesome and having a negative affect on the religiosity of our community.

I have much the same problem with Pakistani Jamat e Islami too, but less so as they do not try to alter Islam as MB does.

Just today Yaqeen institute is promoting LGBT to its students and allies, attempting to promote acceptance of LGBT in the Muslim community to be seen with approval by liberal allies.

MB is leading the progressive movement in the US and has hijacked the conversation from traditional Muslims. This is leading to unnecessary strain between Republicans and Muslims, and making it easier to scapegoat Muslims as progressive allies destroying traditional marriage, etc.

I can list you some examples of anti-Islamic statements made by Muslim lawmakers in Congress. Many of them are Zionist themselves and view LGBT as acceptable, some even go as far as to condemn Shariah as barbaric.

Is yasir qadhi under the same category?

Don't listen to any of his poltical views or when he delves into modern-day topics. He is compromised.

Yasir Qadhi has his own issues as well and there's plenty of video on him.

Watch this one on Yasir Qadhi:

My advice: if someone is a Western Islamic "scholar", and has fame and gets promotion and followers, ALWAYS do a thorough research on them before letting your guard down.

He said that he used to be a radical Salafi, and he has been one of the biggest scholars trying to normalize Israel among Muslims, encouraging Muslims to visit Jerusalem and to accept the Jewish narrative of the Holocaust. He even declared Daesh as Muslims claiming we need to own them and our own demons. Ofcourse most Muslims view Daesh as Non-Muslim Khawarij.

I dont think he is mean spirited, but obviously he is not able to speak his mind about current topics and it seems he is speaking the US narrative.

I enjoy his historical lectures though, he brings a unique perspective as he is essentially a Western style Islamic academic scholar.
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you can not stay away from the west in this age of global village.

Modi also had to look gay friendly quite recently.

Today it is 'Aurat March'; tomorrow it will be 'LGBTQ March'. In the West Feminism preceded the Homosexual movement; Feminism --> Sexual Revolution --> LGBTQ.

@Yankee-stani @Psychic @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Taimur Khurram @AUz

We have a few proponents of LGTB on this forum. I won't mention them by name, but they tend to get very aggressive once you touch their sensitive LGTB nerve.

@Desert Fox this is why I respect folks from the "Alt Right" more so than the Mainstream Left tho the only Leftists I can respect and admire are the old school Tankies

What you will find with these LGTB proponents in the Islamic world is very similar to LGTB proponents in Western and Israeli hemisphere. It is the same rhetoric. Pick and choose to your liking. Basically an altered version of Christianity and Judaism. That is what they want with Islam. An altered version to their liking.
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Modern science and technology has brought the world to the brink of disaster. Climate change, menace of globalized economies, debt traps, weapons of mass destruction along with colonization, plunder and destruction of poor countries at the hands of the rich can be partly attributed to the imprudent, unchecked and widespread employment of science and technology without giving a thought about its consequences. The problem with mankind in general is that we gauge progress with material wealth. At the end of the day, we are content with having ten or fifteen years more life expectancy than our ancestors; while we conveniently ignore the death and destruction around us ever since the industrial revolution.
Liheralism and Liberals are the greatest hypocrites of our age; they want ro whine and cry about all of the problems of the modern world (climate change, poverty, overpopulation, etc.) but won't own up to the responsibility for creating these problems, or at the least that their pseudo religion of Liberalism is responsible for having created said problems.
At the end eternal life, life after death its just an idea just like other ideas in the history of mankind. Religion is also just an idea and If you think you have the right to spread your ideas and force it upon people then other side also has the right to spread their ideas and its up to the people they want to adopt it or not
Actually what you just said their is a subjective claim.

There cannot be multiple truths, ie "just another idea like all other ideas" as you have claimed. There can only be one truth, ie one way of life that is beneficial to the wellbeing of humanity and that is Islam because unlike other false ways-of-life and worldviews Islam actually provides the basis for a healthy and wholesome life. All other "ideas" are man made and therefore doomed to failure as we can clearly see with Liberalism that has destroyed so much in this world. Therefore, because Islam provides the best and most wholesome way of life it cannot be man-made and therefore Allah (swt) exists and therefore there is a hereafter because our existence has a purpose.
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Just today Yaqeen institute is promoting LGBT to its students and allies, attempting to promote acceptance of LGBT in the Muslim community to be seen with approval by liberal allies.

Yaqeen Institute has Omar Soleman , he is a good speaker and scholar to my knowledge ..
Unfortunately we have people running Pakistan who have decided to remain b!tches of Western powers, and as of late, are contemplating on being China's b!tch too if the paycheck from Uncle Mao is bigger than the one coming from Uncle Sam.

What good is the bravado against india if we as Pakistanis are willing to surrender the very principles that differentiate us from Indians in the first place for a few F-16's and some business deals?

Now you are conflating two seperate groups and ideas when the opposite is true.

Western slaves in Pakistan are a very different breed as opposed to those that support China. Western slaves are still Western slaves upto this day. They haven't changed their ideology. You could claim that some have converted and jumped ship after US and Western treachery was at full display during WoT era, but that is something entirely different.

Chinese supporters in Pakistan don't worship or brag about ideologies. Unlike Western worshippers who want to adopt Western model and apply it in Pakistan, Chinese proponents in Pakistan don't want to import any ideology. We simply want a strong economic relationship with China. That is the main pillar and driver. We never got our relationship going with the Western world because the West had other ideas with Pakistan. It wants to shackle Pakistan to Indian subservience. China is neutral. It respects Pakistan's position on being an independent nation. We, the Chinese supporters in Pakistan absolutely support this stance by China. China is neutral and respects Pakistan's independence claim. Whatever reason China might have for supporting Pakistani independence is totally irrelevant. What matters is that Chinese and Pakistani interests are fully aligned. We are genuine allies because our interests converge.
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Yaqeen Institute has Omar Soleman , he is a good speaker and scholar to my knowledge ..
Have you read their articles? They claim that Adam (AS) was a "mythical being" and that humans actually evolved from ape-like creatures.

If Adam (AS) is a "mythical being" because "no one actually saw him therefore we can substantiate he existed" than what will they say about the other Prophets? Then what will they call the Quran? A book of fairytales?

You should do your research into Yaqeen institute and you will see it for yourself.

You can start here and see all the "wonderful" articles they have published in which they distort and suggestively bring foreign ideas into Islamic thought: https://muslimskeptic.com/2020/04/20/yaqeen-institute-review/
If anyone cares about a Liberal opinion :-

1. As long as someone doesn't physically bother you, their lifestyle shouldn't be your concern.

2. The future should be more individual - centric than society-centric.

3. We generally dislike faiths, and in most cases, tolerate them(barely.)

4. We think of conservatives the same way City elites thinks of slum dwellers/villagers. Human, but barely. Less intelligent, violent, uncouth.

5. We are generally better off than the conservatives, and there is obvious classism. It's a basic human tendency to try to be/feel superior to others.

6. We don't want you bothering others for their views/lifestyle. It doesn't mean we want you to turn gay lesbian. There is no planned agenda to turn your society into a LGBT paradise. We just want to reduce the violence against LGBT and other liberal factions(like atheists).

7. Summing up, we are not supporting liberal ideas to destroy conservative societies. We find conservative societies to be inferior/uncivilized, and want to share some civilisation with them.

P. S. - This applies to all south east Asian /west Asian /Central Asian/African/Eastern European conservatives. Not targeting your country in particular.
If anyone cares about a Liberal opinion :-

1. As long as someone doesn't physically bother you, their lifestyle shouldn't be your concern.

2. The future should be more individual - centric than society-centric.

3. We generally dislike faiths, and in most cases, tolerate them(barely.)

4. We think of conservatives the same way City elites thinks of slum dwellers/villagers. Human, but barely. Less intelligent, violent, uncouth.

5. We are generally better off than the conservatives, and there is obvious classism. It's a basic human tendency to try to be/feel superior to others.

6. We don't want you bothering others for their views/lifestyle. It doesn't mean we want you to turn gay lesbian. There is no planned agenda to turn your society into a LGBT paradise. We just want to reduce the violence against LGBT and other liberal factions(like atheists).

7. Summing up, we are not supporting liberal ideas to destroy conservative societies. We find conservative societies to be inferior/uncivilized, and want to share some civilisation with them.

P. S. - This applies to all south east Asian /west Asian /Central Asian/African/Eastern European conservatives. Not targeting your country in particular.

You are an Indian. Your opinions don't matter on this forum. It is in your best interest to not interfere in such topics.

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