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Spreading LGBT To The Muslim World

Democracy is flawed.

Actually we can, if Muslims actually bothered to grow a spine rather than remain intellectually colonized by foreign powers.

Lol exactly. Modern civilization, despite its illusion of grandeur and technological strength, is perhaps the most fragile civilization in human history to date.

Forget tweets; in the west a wife will report her husband, children will report their parents, etc. if they dare to speak out against this degenerate group of people and their behavior and ideology. We are living in the worst type of dystopian world; George Orwels 1984 on steroids with LGBTQ tossed into the mix.

The wife of Lut (AS) was a supporter of the LGBTQ of Sodom and Ghomora.

Feminism has lead to this in the West; the same is happening in Pakistan as we speak.

Womens movements must be stopped. This is a bitter pill for those who have been intellectually colonized by Liberalism but if you find LGBTQ abhorrent then you will also arrive to this conclusion.

These people are willing to do anything to maintain their material comfort in the West. They deliberately ignore even teaching about the story of the nation of Lut (AS), forget condemning LGBTQ. They won't even teach about something that Allah (swt) Himself deemed very important to mention In His book! So called "Islamic" scholars of America and Europe.

As for Linda, Ilhan and Keith Elliso; these people have made clear and obvious their outright support for homosexuality and LGBTQ movement.

Looks like he forgot to mention that these homos also introduce and/or spread incurable diseases and indulge in the most riskiest forms of perverted "sexual" practices, molest children the most (especially little boys), among other harmful and dangerous effects they have on the society around them.

Don't make it seem like "durr hurr, more faggots means more girls for me, durr hurr". Imagine if it was that simple.

1960- we will be colonizing the moon and mars by 2020

2020- lets have women serve as drone pilots bombing third world crapholes and sending a rainbow flag on the far side of the moon

I have watched some of this brothers videos (Raja). He's doing good work for the youngsters and deserves our full support. The Muslims living in traditionally Muslim countries need to start doing grassroots level dawah to other Muslims like these brothers are doing. Muslim center of gravity will always be the traditional Muslim homelands and these should be safeguarded and protected from ideological attacks from the west through strengthening the Imaan (faith, inner spiritual confidence) of the average Muslims. It is the only solution.
I remember when I first joined this forum back a few years back I was "accused" to being a "waterboy" for the Alt Right yet the recent events of the Covid 19, and recent racial unrest in the US have lead to the same conclusion that "western multiculturalism" and " global village" have failed as for Muslims in the west they should come with plan b as the coming decades is gonna be rough in the west FIX YOUR DAMN COUNTRIES
In BD these liberal b@stards have succeeded and have created a law that stops transvestites from being arrested by police. So, transvestites have formed gangs and engage in any and every crime. They harrass people and kidnap babies, demanding extortion.

Common people cannot do anything as they will be attacked and police won't do anything as these liberals have created law that stops police from acting against these transvestites.

PAKISTAN: Save yourself, coming soon near you after they build a mandir with your money they will bring this kind of policy to say "look, we are a harmless and nice, please love us Amreeka, here is our @ss, do what you want, we just want F-16s"
Unfortunately we have people running Pakistan who have decided to remain b!tches of Western powers, and as of late, are contemplating on being China's b!tch too if the paycheck from Uncle Mao is bigger than the one coming from Uncle Sam.

What good is the bravado against india if we as Pakistanis are willing to surrender the very principles that differentiate us from Indians in the first place for a few F-16's and some business deals?
2020- lets have women serve as drone pilots bombing third world crapholes and sending a rainbow flag on the far side of the moon
Forget women, we have trannys piloting drones bombing the "uncivilized" Muslim "cave" people in the mid east to spread the "enlightening" Liberal American culture lol.
Unfortunately we have people running Pakistan who have decided to remain b!tches of Western powers, and as of late, are contemplating on being China's b!tch too if the paycheck from Uncle Mao is bigger than the one coming from Uncle Sam.

What good is the bravado against india if we as Pakistanis are willing to surrender the very principles that differentiate us from Indians in the first place for a few F-16's and some business deals?

Unfortunately Pakistan is morally, politically and economic wise bankrupt that's the blunt truth, if you ask me which side a to chose a neo liberal gay op country like the US or "Tankies running China" I would go with the Tankies but not cause I like the CCP but frankly Pakistan does not have any options in the closet at moment


"Tankies" with state managed economy that focuses on lifting cultural values of the people vs Neo Liberal muh free market capitalism that promotes LGBTQZ as the moral virture.

Granted China has a lot of issues cultural and political wise but they are first 21st century Third Position/Nazbol state which is something I admire tbh

Forget women, we have trannys piloting drones bombing the "uncivilized" Muslim "cave" people in the mid east to spread the "enlightening" Liberal American culture lol.

yeah and complete worshiping of black skin and black supremacists cause ebil whitey le so bad
Modern civilization, despite its illusion of grandeur and technological strength, is perhaps the most fragile civilization in human history to date.
Modern science and technology has brought the world to the brink of disaster. Climate change, menace of globalized economies, debt traps, weapons of mass destruction along with colonization, plunder and destruction of poor countries at the hands of the rich can be partly attributed to the imprudent, unchecked and widespread employment of science and technology without giving a thought about its consequences. The problem with mankind in general is that we gauge progress with material wealth. At the end of the day, we are content with having ten or fifteen years more life expectancy than our ancestors; while we conveniently ignore the death and destruction around us ever since the industrial revolution.
Unfortunately the Muslim world has no response to this way of life. We have forgotten our way of life, our culture, language, traditions, principles, art and are looking at west for a role model state.

Those Muslims who speak against the west dont really have a plan but just speak against it and also spread extremism and hatred. This is in another words aiding the west as they are turning people away from the islamic way of life.
We have to guard against it.

Today in the West, Muslim Brotherhood organizations (like CAIR) and their personalities like Omar Suleman and Linda Sarsour are at the forefront of trying to make LGBT acceptable to Muslims.
Is yasir qadhi under the same category?
Is yasir qadhi under the same category?

Daniel H is probably the only mainstream Islamic scholar who is pushing back they are others but like I said many Muslims in the US "view" from a Left/Right or Republican/Democrat lense they see everything Democrat and Liberal good but dont understand that both the mainstream left and right are just puppets of the US establishment class
Yasir Qadhi has his own issues as well and there's plenty of video on him.

Watch this one on Yasir Qadhi:

My advice: if someone is a Western Islamic "scholar", and has fame and gets promotion and followers, ALWAYS do a thorough research on them before letting your guard down.

That's their main focus these days getting "clicks" and warped notions of "political activism" mainly being waterboys or now thanks to Linda Sarsour yeah gotta be "equal" in 2020 right? Muslims in Europe were protected guess what "Nationalism" yes that right I know that "ummah types" despise Nationalists but that was the insurance policy that protected Muslims there from "appalling" further moral bankruptcy of Europeans as a people whereas in North America Muslims bought in "melting pot theory" like no tmmrw look at what happen Muslims are not suppose to be waterboys for the right and left they are aspects of those political ideologies we can agree but not wholesale at all
If there is something embellic of 21st Century Imperialism is the weaponized use of degeneracy such as LGBTQZ why is the modern day "western left" so focused on spreading homosexuality to places as far off like Botswana or Pakistan same goes for "western right" who are just racist liberals at this point we need an end to the American Empire ASAP

Yaar you live in American Empire :lol:
Yaar you live in American Empire :lol:

Living it does not make it me a supporter of it and the "American Empire" has hurt working class Americans more than help granted prior to the 2008 economic crisis there was some "spoils" to keep folks in line now no more Covid-19 has exposed deep faultlines of this country
Living it does not make it me a supporter of it and the "American Empire" has hurt working class Americans more than help granted prior to the 2008 economic crisis there was some "spoils" to keep folks in line now no more Covid-19 has exposed deep faultlines of this country

than you can always immigrate right ? or lets just say you are American so its your duty to fix your country and its issues .
but the eternal life is in jeopardy
At the end eternal life, life after death its just an idea just like other ideas in the history of mankind. Religion is also just an idea and If you think you have the right to spread your ideas and force it upon people then other side also has the right to spread their ideas and its up to the people they want to adopt it or not

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