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Spreading LGBT To The Muslim World

First they get mentally sick then physically sick then make sick people around them and evantually whole society get sick,
i have met highly smart and intellectual but they are sick literally.
Two women decides to live lesbian way. Then one becomes husband and other wife. Two men become a gay couple, but then one becomes he, and other becomes she.
This is madness. There are two problems in the very core of this.
1) the guys born with physical attributes lying within boundaries of both genders(khusra guys)
2) excessive women, who are not finding any man to marry or live in relationship.
Islam gives solution to second problem.
For the first problem, people with such issues should be taken into the custody by force. And then should be given choice, either to choose to be a man or woman. And after that, a surgical operation. And it should also be made mandatory to come and have hormonal injections at govt facilities.
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Two women decides to live lesbian way. They one become husband and other wife. Two men become a gay couple, but then one becomes he, and other becomes she.
This is madness. There are two problems in the very core of this.
1) the guys born with physical attributes lying within boundaries of both genders(khusra guys)
2) excessive women, who are not finding any man to marry or live in relationship.
Islam gives solution to second problem.
For the first problem, people with such issues should be taken into the custody by force. And then should be given choice, either to choose to be a man or woman. And after that, a surgical operation. And it should also be made mandatory to come and have harmonal injections at govt facilities.
i agree they also have high sucide rate.
As someone eloquently phrased it somewhere else "gay men are delightful, not only do they leave more women for us, they take another dude with them"

With lesbians.....the idea might be hot as a torch, but all you can do is hope to watch (this applies ofcourse to beautiful women and not the SJW types you see on telly)

The above views are made in jest, dont have a problem with them or their lifestyle unless it's in my personal space which also pretty much applies towards other people as well.
In BD these liberal b@stards have succeeded and have created a law that stops transvestites from being arrested by police. So, transvestites have formed gangs and engage in any and every crime. They harrass people and kidnap babies, demanding extortion.

Common people cannot do anything as they will be attacked and police won't do anything as these liberals have created law that stops police from acting against these transvestites.

PAKISTAN: Save yourself, coming soon near you after they build a mandir with your money they will bring this kind of policy to say "look, we are a harmless and nice, please love us Amreeka, here is our @ss, do what you want, we just want F-16s"
Let's be clear I'm sure all of us in no way support the murder, torture of gay people

But as a Muslim society we cannot accept their perversion as an acceptable norm

What they are trying to do is to get society to accept it as a NORM and alternative to the allowed

We need to be clear on this subject that homosexuality is a abomination that is forbidden in Islam and will not be tolerated

Two women decides to live lesbian way. They one become husband and other wife. Two men become a gay couple, but then one becomes he, and other becomes she.
This is madness. There are two problems in the very core of this.
1) the guys born with physical attributes lying within boundaries of both genders(khusra guys)
2) excessive women, who are not finding any man to marry or live in relationship.
Islam gives solution to second problem.
For the first problem, people with such issues should be taken into the custody by force. And then should be given choice, either to choose to be a man or woman. And after that, a surgical operation. And it should also be made mandatory to come and have harmonal injections at govt facilities.
I have seen lesbian couples in youtube where both are very feminine.
The western world destroyed Christianity but needs some form of belief or way of life. This is why anything that is against religion they promote it with full force, these days they teach children as young as 5 about homosexuality, abortion etc. They know very well this is a great tool to destroy the world and anywhere this is promoted it shows how much Influence the west has. The way you dress, talk, what you watch on TV, how you live your life. Most of the world population loves the western style.

This is another civilisation the west is building, something completely different, it is slowly spreading around the world. Even the religious Muslims can't stay away from it, things like fashion, mentality, family system is all becoming western.
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Democracy tends to do that. Its one of its flaws.
Democracy is flawed.

you can not stay away from the west in this age of global village.
Actually we can, if Muslims actually bothered to grow a spine rather than remain intellectually colonized by foreign powers.

Coronaviruses tend to ruin ideations about "global villages".
Lol exactly. Modern civilization, despite its illusion of grandeur and technological strength, is perhaps the most fragile civilization in human history to date.

Well they will try to make it a new normal, I am not against their rights and protection as a Citizen or Human being ( Any Homosexual ) but I would be cautious about their coming out of closet directly in to the society and Pollute it, this cult is a cancer for any society and if anyone has noticed the recent Past years of the rising influence of LGTQXYZ community , they become so much Powerful that they start bullying the people of faith, in west one tweet of yours denouncing homosexuality or even said as least as that you disagree with them you will be branded as a Homophobic .

Whatever they do behind closed doors is none of our or States concern, what they do out in public is indeed States concern . They need to understand that no matter how many of them accept homosexuality as normal, natural , etc but in Islam it is considered one of the gravest sin, and its not just a Sin because of Homosexuality but there are many other sins attached to this ACT itself, Sins like Fornication/Adultery , Anal sex are directly connected to it . If someone has urges about liking or loving same sex, than they needs to understand if they want to be called a Muslim which means ( someone who surrender his/her will to Will of Allah ) ,Allah in Quran talk about the nation of Loot AS and the reason why his nation was destroyed Allah highlighted the Act of their men loving other men's . Guard yourself against this urge , if you are gay than understand that its your test in world as we all have our own Tests, Yes for gay people the test can be harder but think about the reward from Allah ? He is testing your resolve with this and if you failed than all you have is 60, 70 or 80 years of comfortable life but the eternal life is in jeopardy .
Forget tweets; in the west a wife will report her husband, children will report their parents, etc. if they dare to speak out against this degenerate group of people and their behavior and ideology. We are living in the worst type of dystopian world; George Orwels 1984 on steroids with LGBTQ tossed into the mix.

I am not surprised. It the Women Marches which openly support LGBT Rights.
The wife of Lut (AS) was a supporter of the LGBTQ of Sodom and Ghomora.

Feminism has lead to this in the West; the same is happening in Pakistan as we speak.

Womens movements must be stopped. This is a bitter pill for those who have been intellectually colonized by Liberalism but if you find LGBTQ abhorrent then you will also arrive to this conclusion.

We have to guard against it.

Today in the West, Muslim Brotherhood organizations (like CAIR) and their personalities like Omar Suleman and Linda Sarsour are at the forefront of trying to make LGBT acceptable to Muslims.
These people are willing to do anything to maintain their material comfort in the West. They deliberately ignore even teaching about the story of the nation of Lut (AS), forget condemning LGBTQ. They won't even teach about something that Allah (swt) Himself deemed very important to mention In His book! So called "Islamic" scholars of America and Europe.

As for Linda, Ilhan and Keith Elliso; these people have made clear and obvious their outright support for homosexuality and LGBTQ movement.

As someone eloquently phrased it somewhere else "gay men are delightful, not only do they leave more women for us, they take another dude with them"
Looks like he forgot to mention that these homos also introduce and/or spread incurable diseases and indulge in the most riskiest forms of perverted "sexual" practices, molest children the most (especially little boys), among other harmful and dangerous effects they have on the society around them.

Don't make it seem like "durr hurr, more faggots means more girls for me, durr hurr". Imagine if it was that simple.
If there is something embellic of 21st Century Imperialism is the weaponized use of degeneracy such as LGBTQZ why is the modern day "western left" so focused on spreading homosexuality to places as far off like Botswana or Pakistan same goes for "western right" who are just racist liberals at this point we need an end to the American Empire ASAP
I have watched some of this brothers videos (Raja). He's doing good work for the youngsters and deserves our full support. The Muslims living in traditionally Muslim countries need to start doing grassroots level dawah to other Muslims like these brothers are doing. Muslim center of gravity will always be the traditional Muslim homelands and these should be safeguarded and protected from ideological attacks from the west through strengthening the Imaan (faith, inner spiritual confidence) of the average Muslims. It is the only solution.

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