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Spratly Islands News

is that china's real EEZ ?omg thats ridiculous it's practically touching the malaysian coastline !
I'll try to be unbiased look at it with an open mind here it's nowhere near the chinese coast it's just a big dip extending well beyond a reasonable claim it's almost like pakistan claiming territorial waters going into the persian gulf and touching kuwait !

thats exactly the funniest part of Chinese claim.but more agonizing truth is,if it'll happen,there'll be no International sea routes..almost entire SCS will be Chinese EEZ..
India is as much a bully as China, for all their neighbors. Nations that want to use India as a balancer against Chinese threat, using Kissinger et al's idea, would be sadly disappointed. South Korea, Japan and ASEAN together can easily tackle China and more. Please do not drag India into where they do not belong.

If some of you guys from ASEAN countries want to see the real face of Indians, just see their posts and judge for yourself. They are no better than the Chinese.

If there is any kind of military alliance between India, some ASEAN countries, Japan and Korea, under US or Western umbrella, that will break ASEAN in half and ensure a Sino-Muslim-Russian alliance and bring a new cold war.

The saner course is to unite the little guys, pick off the bully's one by one and handle the bully's individually. Using one bully against the other will bring disaster to any party that follow this policy including the white man, who think that they are so above others in playing these geo-political games. Please think about this deeply and not pay attention to posts from the bully nations.
Russia is slowly but surely aligning to the west, where they actually belong....

Not fast enough unfortunately. As long as Putin is alive, that will remain a pipe-dream.
If there is any kind of military alliance between India, some ASEAN countries, Japan and Korea, under US or Western umbrella, that will break ASEAN in half and ensure a Sino-Muslim-Russian alliance and bring a new cold war.

I thought they want to work with ASEAN,not to break them.even some members of ASEAN seemed fit to support this allignment.though still now India avoids any Anti-Chinese groupings.They only strengthening their alliance with East Asian Countries.
is that china's real EEZ ?omg thats ridiculous it's practically touching the malaysian coastline !
I'll try to be unbiased look at it with an open mind here it's nowhere near the chinese coast it's just a big dip extending well beyond a reasonable claim it's almost like pakistan claiming territorial waters going into the persian gulf and touching kuwait !

It's true,
We don't want to against china, a rising power. However, the china's claims nine-dotted line is not acceptable. It is the cause of all the disputes.
In 2011, many times china threatens Vietnam's ships and Philippines' ships, where only 120km from Vietnam's coast, 600km from China's coast; and where 80 km from Philippines' coast, 1000km from China's coast.....
Vietnam accuses China after patrol boat fracas | Energy & Oil | Reuters

If you type in google the phrase "nine-dotted line", you will find the results.

This is on wikipedia:

The nine-dotted line, U-shape line, or nine-dash map (Chinese: 南海九段线; pinyin: nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn; literally "Nine division lines of the South China Sea"; Vietnamese: Đường lưỡi bò; literally: "ox's tongue line") refers to the demarcation line used by the government of the People's Republic of China for its claim in the South China Sea, an area including the Paracel Islands (occupied by China but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan) and Spratly Islands disputed by the Philippines, China, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, who each either claim all or part of the Spratlys, which are believed to sit on vast mineral resources, including oil.[1] According to Chinese sources the line first appeared in February 1948 as an eleven-dotted U-shape line in a map appearing in a private publication in the Republic of China.[2]

According to President Aquino of the Philippines, "China’s 9-dash line territorial claim over the entire South China Sea is against international laws, particularly the United National Convention of the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS)".[5] Vietnam also rejected the 9-dotted line claim, citing that it is baseless and against the UNCLOS.[6] In 2010, at a regional conference in Hanoi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that "The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia's maritime commons, and respect for international law in the South China Sea".[7] The United States has also called for unfettered access to the area that China claims as its own, and accused Beijing of adopting an increasingly aggressive stance on the high seas.[7]


Nine-dotted line (highlighted in green) as claimed by the P.R China

India is as much a bully as China, for all their neighbors. Nations that want to use India as a balancer against Chinese threat, using Kissinger et al's idea, would be sadly disappointed. South Korea, Japan and ASEAN together can easily tackle China and more. Please do not drag India into where they do not belong.

If some of you guys from ASEAN countries want to see the real face of Indians, just see their posts and judge for yourself. They are no better than the Chinese.

If there is any kind of military alliance between India, some ASEAN countries, Japan and Korea, under US or Western umbrella, that will break ASEAN in half and ensure a Sino-Muslim-Russian alliance and bring a new cold war.

The saner course is to unite the little guys, pick off the bully's one by one and handle the bully's individually. Using one bully against the other will bring disaster to any party that follow this policy including the white man, who think that they are so above others in playing these geo-political games. Please think about this deeply and not pay attention to posts from the bully nations.

My friend, I agree with you in many of your views, but I don't agree with you in your views about India.
I really don't know much about issues between the South Asian countries with India. But that does not affect Vietnam sees both India and Bangladesh are our friends.
India today is an very important partner of Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma... as well as ASEAN....
We cooperate with India does not mean that want to use India as a balancer against Chinese threat. Even when the problem between ASEAN and China is resolved, the relationship between ASEAN - India continues to grow....
I hope these differences will not affect relations between us, Bangladesh and Vietnam as well as Bangladesh and ASEAN... :tup::tdown:

If you look at the map china's claim nine-dotted line in the East Sea (south china sea), you will understand that no one can compare to China about bullying, unreasonable, unlawful and aggressive.
My friend, I agree with you in many of your views, but I don't agree with you in your views about India.
I really don't know much about issues between the South Asian countries with India. But that does not affect Vietnam sees both India and Bangladesh are our friends.
India today is an very important partner of Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma... as well as ASEAN....
We cooperate with India does not mean that want to use India as a balancer against Chinese threat. Even when the problem between ASEAN and China is resolved, the relationship between ASEAN - India continues to grow....
I hope these differences will not affect relations between us, Bangladesh and Vietnam as well as Bangladesh and ASEAN... :tup::tdown:

If you look at the map china's claim nine-dotted line in the East Sea (south china sea), you will understand that no one can compare to China about bullying, unreasonable, unlawful and aggressive.

Bravo, you two finally meet. May I suggest you two get together off this forum and map out a more comprehensive strategy to use against your imaginary respective number one enemies.
It's true,
We don't want to against china, a rising power. However, the china's claims nine-dotted line is not acceptable. It is the cause of all the disputes.
In 2011, many times china threatens Vietnam's ships and Philippines' ships, where only 120km from Vietnam's coast, 600km from China's coast; and where 80 km from Philippines' coast, 1000km from China's coast.....
Vietnam accuses China after patrol boat fracas | Energy & Oil | Reuters

If you type in google the phrase "nine-dotted line", you will find the results.

This is on wikipedia:

The nine-dotted line, U-shape line, or nine-dash map (Chinese: 南海九段线; pinyin: nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn; literally "Nine division lines of the South China Sea"; Vietnamese: Đường lưỡi bò; literally: "ox's tongue line") refers to the demarcation line used by the government of the People's Republic of China for its claim in the South China Sea, an area including the Paracel Islands (occupied by China but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan) and Spratly Islands disputed by the Philippines, China, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, who each either claim all or part of the Spratlys, which are believed to sit on vast mineral resources, including oil.[1] According to Chinese sources the line first appeared in February 1948 as an eleven-dotted U-shape line in a map appearing in a private publication in the Republic of China.[2]

According to President Aquino of the Philippines, "China’s 9-dash line territorial claim over the entire South China Sea is against international laws, particularly the United National Convention of the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS)".[5] Vietnam also rejected the 9-dotted line claim, citing that it is baseless and against the UNCLOS.[6] In 2010, at a regional conference in Hanoi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that "The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia's maritime commons, and respect for international law in the South China Sea".[7] The United States has also called for unfettered access to the area that China claims as its own, and accused Beijing of adopting an increasingly aggressive stance on the high seas.[7]


Nine-dotted line (highlighted in green) as claimed by the P.R China

Nine-dotted line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just shows how ridiculous China's claim is on the entire SCS based on ancient times, it just doesn't apply anymore on modern times like these days ...
Just shows how ridiculous China's claim is on the entire SCS based on ancient times, it just doesn't apply anymore on modern times like these days ...

Perhaps the chinese believe that they claim "nine-dotted line" whole south china sea because their ancestors sailed through this waters from ancient. If so, the Portuguese, Dutch, British ... also could claim that south china sea belongs to them.

They forget that from ancient times to the present day, this sea is a living environment of all the countries around, and this sea is international transportation routes where many countries did, are and will go through, not only they.
Perhaps the chinese believe that they claim "nine-dotted line" whole south china sea because their ancestors sailed through this waters from ancient. If so, the Portuguese, Dutch, British ... also could claim that south china sea belongs to them.

They forget that from ancient times to the present day, this sea is a living environment of all the countries around, and this sea is international transportation routes where many countries did, are and will go through, not only they.

They must still be living in the past to be so 'STUBBORN' , unless they come to reality then things will not get any easier or better ...
It's obvious that China is already losing its battle on these islands. China is trying really hard to intimidate other nations on these islands by any measures and by not getting too much military involvement. If they did send army troops, which I'm not surprised, they will be crushed. I really think China should build another Great China Sea Wall around these islands. I mean it would be a wonderful piece of art for tourists. You would attract a lot of attention this way you know. What do you Chinese members of PDF think? I think it's a great idea.
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