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Spooked by India, Pak to modernize nuclear capabilities in 2022; Pentagon official warns

Ballistic missile defences are suicidal for India.

MIRV, MARV and a variety of first strike options negate any ballistic missile defence system's feasibility. That's something the US and Russia acknowledged a long time ago. Missile defence systems are dangerous for the stability of the region.

Forget advanced technologies. All Pakistan needs to do is simply launch more nukes at once.

See this scenario:

Pakistan wants to launch 100 nukes at India, so India makes a super missile shield over the whole country. This super shield has a 70% interception rate against Medium Range Ballistic Missiles, an astonishing technological achievement.

Pakistan, in a panicked response, starts ramping up its nuclear production to 50 nukes a year. Now in a decapitation strike, Pakistan will launch 200 nukes at India. At this rate, 60 nukes will still slip through and give India a bad day but it may still survive, just set back a hundred years or so.

After a few years, Ababeel is operationalised with MIRV. This brings the interception rate down to 60%. 192 of 320 nukes pass through.

Then after 10 years, MARV is operationalised as well. This brings the interception rate down to 50%. 410 of 820 nukes pass through. All major cities and towns in India will be gone, the Ganges plain where most population centres are is as good as gone forever. South India might be lucky and merely be sent back to the stone age. Not even the Andaman and Nicobar islands will be spared. Rebuilding India through this much radiation and destruction will be impossible.

After 15-20 years Hypersonics come into play, and the interception rate plummets dramatically, probably to less than 5%. Now you have 1000+ nukes successfully attacking India which will surely leave no chance of any life surviving in the region again.

If you had not started a nuclear arms race, there would only be a few hundred nukes at Pakistan's normal production rate of 10 a year minus tactical nukes. Now, you have forced Pakistan to develop extreme offensive capabilities and a huge nuclear stockpile.

No, Pakistan's policy is very clear - if you attack Pakistan and cross a red line, you will be destroyed. The world is not going to antagonize Pakistan because India was foolish enough to cross this red line.

India will never cross the red line as it doesn't claim any Pakistan territory nor she doesn't have any military capacity to do it....

She just wants to protect whatever kashmir she has under control.....

All past wars were started by Pakistan not by India.... So same will be in future.....

And even if suppose due to some terrorism if India decides to take some retaliatory small action to just to take revenge it won't give you a lisence to use nuclear weapons and kill innocent civilians..... Sorry but if you nuke us you won't be able to get away easily without facing a wrath of the World....

What many don't know is that since 80s there were times when Pakistan decided to nuke India and every time US Satellite picked the movement of nukes and US government immediately intervened to deescalate the situation,. In reality Indian government and military knew how real a nuclear war is with Pakistan if they try a misadventure, but current government seems to think they can get away with it as India is much larger then Pakistan which is a delusion and could wipeout both countries.

In 80s we never were on the verge of immediate war.... Why would Pak decide to nuke India all of a sudden? It's all just a pressure games and nothing.... Actually there is no leader till date in Pakistan including Zia who would ever dare to nuke large population center of India..... In India also it's a same case.....
You are wrong, it requires the mentality of the savage Harry S. Truman

Truman himself was shocked and guilty after seeing the destruction caused by nuclear power.....

Changez Khan, Hitler, Nadir Shah were the mentalities who would still use this weapon after knowing the destruction capacity of such weapons..... This is the difference..... And no Pakistan leader has this type of mentality.... Don't take seriously what they speak in front of public.... It's just a show off....
India will never cross the red line as it doesn't claim any Pakistan territory nor she doesn't have any military capacity to do it....

She just wants to protect whatever kashmir she has under control.....

All past wars were started by Pakistan not by India.... So same will be in future.....

And even if suppose due to some terrorism if India decides to take some retaliatory small action to just to take revenge it won't give you a lisence to use nuclear weapons and kill innocent civilians..... Sorry but if you nuke us you won't be able to get away easily without facing a wrath of the World....

In 80s we never were on the verge of immediate war.... Why would Pak decide to nuke India all of a sudden? It's all just a pressure games and nothing.... Actually there is no leader till date in Pakistan including Zia who would ever dare to nuke large population center of India..... In India also it's a same case.....
3 TO 5 blatant lies in this post
Zaravan Bahi ye ap ney kaisey thread post kar de… 😂
Truman himself was shocked and guilty after seeing the destruction caused by nuclear power.....
The crocodile tears?
So 'the savage' who order the destruction was accounted as an 'innocent' and those who were never able to reach the number of killings of 'the savage' able to, be accounted as guilty.
Seems much occupied with the USA theory of 'terrorist/mentally sick'.

Changez Khan, Hitler, Nadir Shah were the mentalities who would still use this weapon after knowing the destruction capacity of such weapons..... This is the difference..... And no Pakistan leader has this type of mentality.... Don't take seriously what they speak in front of public.... It's just a show off....
Only your speculation.

This part of your speculation is reciprocal. Insecurity is an Indian issue, not Pakistan's. We prepared the minimum deterrence policy and are happy with it.
On the other hand, hot start/cold start/mild start and blah blah blah are all Indian stuff.
All these cities will get AAD, PDV protection. AD1, AD2 will come soon. S400 and S500 may zlso be deployed. These cities will be among most protected after US cities from medium to long range missiles
S-400 AAD/ PAD only effective against Pakistani SRBMs not even effective against Pakistani MRBM and as for Chinese IRBMs and ICBMs you have no answers against them

Like Pakistan has "pav, pav kilo ke bombs" is in public domain, India's mother of all bomb is in public. This is not an inside information.
That pav pav bombs have maneuver capabilities much harder to intercept and show your mother of all bombs yield than to backup your stupid claim
Shaikh rashid has said that Pakistan has adhe pav (125 gm N bombs) ke bombs. So Pakistan's nuclear lis revealed by none other than their senior minister. Moreover, those bombs will kill only Hindus and not Muslims. Such an advance technology Pakistan has.
Sweeper power India where is the Indian flag 🇮🇳:lol:
India will never cross the red line as it doesn't claim any Pakistan territory nor she doesn't have any military capacity to do it....
Lol what a liar you're you every time talk to take our part of Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan forget your modi speeches in 2019/20
All past wars were started by Pakistan not by India.... So same will be in future.....
Lol you're liar you started all wars not Pakistan started all wars on you
And even if suppose due to some terrorism if India decides to take some retaliatory small action to just to take revenge it won't give you a lisence to use nuclear weapons and kill innocent civilians..... Sorry but if you nuke us you won't be able to get away easily without facing a wrath of the World....
Again lol what you lost in war on terrorism few hundred or may little more we lost 80000 lives on war on terrorism by your supported terrorism via 🇦🇫 and 🇮🇶
Doesn't change the balance. Both countries already possess the ability to annihilate the other. With MAD in place, it allows both countries to spend more on people, at least in principle.
The fact that India fired a cruise missile at Pakistan and it penetrated into Pakistan was the cause of concern which has forced Pakistan to look into and upgrade the deterrent.
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