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Spooked by India, Pak to modernize nuclear capabilities in 2022; Pentagon official warns

May 18, 2022 Pak will likely modernize and expand nuclear capabilities by training with deployed weapons this year. As per a top Pentagon intelligence official, Pakistan will also aim to develop new delivery systems. Spooked by India's conventional force superiority, Pak considers nuclear capabilities key to survival.

A nuclear armed Military of Pakistan doing the dirty work of US Colonial masters while keeping its innocent Awam of 250 million people hostages by installing convicted thugs as the ruling class, IS AN UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE STORY !! Even the best story tellers cannot come up with such a TRUE STORY of an unfortunate nation like us where its Military lays in front of a Foreign Power for some dollars and plunges its own country into turmoil, and economic destruction.
India will never cross the red line as it doesn't claim any Pakistan territory nor she doesn't have any military capacity to do it....
India claims Gilgit Baltistan. India's Cold Start Doctrine has made it very clear what its offensive objectives in South Pakistan are, which led to Pakistan developing tactical nuclear weapons.
She just wants to protect whatever kashmir she has under control.....
No, Indian leadership has repeatedly stated they want to violate Pakistani sovereignty
All past wars were started by Pakistan not by India.... So same will be in future.....
1947 war was started when India gave military support to a genocidal dictator to help him stop a rebellion against him. 1965 was started by Indian adventurism in Kutch and their subsequent invasion of Lahore and Sialkot
1971 was started by India outright invading East Pakistan and West Pakistan.
Siachen was started by India
Brasstacks was started by India who moved 800,000 troops near Pakistan's border
2002 crisis was started by India who moved 700,000 troops near Pakistan's border
2008, 2016, 2019 crises were all started by India attacking Pakistan.

Pakistan has never attacked India unilaterally, unlike India with it surgical strike drama every three years. Kargil was the only conflict started by Pakistan, and that too in disputed territory where the locals are anti-India anyway.
And even if suppose due to some terrorism if India decides to take some retaliatory small action to just to take revenge it won't give you a lisence to use nuclear weapons and kill innocent civilians.....
Pakistan's nuclear policy is clear, and that is nukes are only used in retaliation to nukes or if the Pakistan Armed Forces are destroyed. Pakistani conventional forces are more than enough for India, as seen in February 2019.
Sorry but if you nuke us you won't be able to get away easily without facing a wrath of the World....
No, India will at most be valued as a place to collect data on the effects of nuclear war. By starting a war and crossing the red line despite Pakistan's stated policy, you have no one but yourself to blame for the consequences.

May 18, 2022 Pak will likely modernize and expand nuclear capabilities by training with deployed weapons this year. As per a top Pentagon intelligence official, Pakistan will also aim to develop new delivery systems. Spooked by India's conventional force superiority, Pak considers nuclear capabilities key to survival.
So the talk about nuclear program begins!
بکے ہوئے ہاتھوں میں علیحدہ علیحدہ ایٹم بم بھی دےدیں تو انہوں نے کسی کو مارنے کی بجائے بیچ دینے ہیں۔
I wonder when other people see these India vs Pakistan Neuclear Threads and read the logic and arguments people present to each other , What impression they make about us.
Apparently everyone argues the same point
"If my country Nukes your Consequences for us Will be Different compared to if your country nukes mine"

May be the easier solution is take all these nuki lovers from India and Pakistan deep inside Indian Ocean on some Ships and Nuke them both with ewual share of nukes from India and Pakistan.

There is no such thing as "neutralizing the other opponent from Nuclear capability" in subcontinent. Throw tomatoes at any "Analyst" who Talks about this absurd theory. MAD is very real. Both Coubtries are not "Duudh pitey bachey" If you hit one hard enough he will not hit you back.
there will always be a second strike. And the second strike will be the most fierce once can possibly do.

If you want to bet your country and its integrity on some stupid analysis from Gaurav Ariya , Arnab Goswami , Zaid Hamid or Sheikh Rasheed then best of luck.
But I doubt any Pakistan leader will be capable of taking such a bold decision.... For talking we would nuke you is easy but implementing it is a different story... It requires a mentality like Hitler, nadir Shah or changez Khan....

Well, better not to underestimate the people sitting in those seats. There is nuclear doctrine there for them to follow. If the shit thing happens and the situation reaches the threshold, they are expected to do their job.

These people got their jobs not because they are the most darling ones, but they have the same cold blood as those sitting in Washington, Moscow, Beijing and New Delhi, etc.

As after such attack world reaction will be a disastrous for Pakistan.... It will be even more isolated compared to North Korea and also maybe responsible nuclear powers like USA, UK, France will be forced to attack and destroy all the nuclear capacity of Pakistan forever....

That depends if they have good reason, i.e. India's tank column is matching towards Islamabad.
They have the red line triggering nuclear war, everyone including India knows it. If India tries to challenge that line, the guilt falls on both sides. USA, Russia will disarm both countries' nuclear capacities.
Many countries has much higher yield bombs than what they have ever tested.

No, many countries have higher yield bombs design waiting for test.
But every bomb in service, its designing must be tested already.
There are too many bomb designing were proved to be failure in the test, so no one wants to deploy an unverified bomb.

All these cities will get AAD, PDV protection. AD1, AD2 will come soon. S400 and S500 may zlso be deployed. These cities will be among most protected after US cities from medium to long range missiles.

No, India defense department won't be stupid enough to do that. It simply won't work economically. Even US can't afford to do that.
Biggest threat to Pakistan is from its own people and institutions, nothing will protect you from that.
Nuclear weapons is just used to keep the other side from using it.

Kashmir dispute will be resolved through conventional forces.
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