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Splitting India

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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I have had the pleasure of meeting the author of this article. He has presented a well researched view on the partition.

Long, but worth a read.

Splitting India

History By Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed

Was the partitioning of India, Bengal and Punjab inevitable and are the Muslims of the subcontinent better off today? Historian Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed busts some popular myths in a new series of articles for The Friday Times


Pandit Nehru and Maulana Abul Kalaam Azaad

There are two philosophical standpoints from which one can support or oppose societal events and situations, one absolutist, the other utilitarian. The former stands for a categorical rejection of the principle of partition as a solution to national disputes while the latter has to do with pragmatism with regards to the pros and cons of partitioning territory to solve national disputes.

Let me admit that although partitioning territory to solve disputes between adversarial nationalist movements and parties is not something I am intellectually comfortable with because it validates tribalism rather than human empathy and solidarity for building community, at times it is the only solution which is morally and practically correct. Partitioning former Sudan to let the Black Africans escape genocide at the hands of the putative Arabs of northern Sudan was an appropriate solution; East Timor getting out of the clutches of the Indonesian state has also been the best option. I hope one day the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are liberated from brutal Israeli rule.

There can be no doubt that the idea of separate states for Muslims was born in the viceroy's office
However, I don't think the partition of India and of Bengal and Punjab belong to the category of intractable disputes that could not have been managed through appropriate democratic arrangements.
The so-called Hindu-Muslim problem that dominated politics in British India from the twentieth century onwards till it culminated in the biggest forced migration of people in history and one of the most horrific cases of genocide and ethnic cleansing- 14-18 million forced to flee and between 1-2 million killed - left large minorities in both states. The only difference being that in India the Muslim minority could stay put after some three per cent of the Muslims from Muslim-minority areas migrated to Pakistan but Hindus and Sikhs had to leave almost to the last man in Punjab and the settled areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Very few could stay behind in the tribal areas and in Balochistan. It was only in interior Sindh that a community of some significance could remain behind. Not surprisingly, such upheaval bequeathed a bloody and bitter legacy of fear and hatred to India and Pakistan. The three wars and the Rann of Kutch and Kargil miniwars and constant tension along the Line of Control drawn in the former Jammu and Kashmir State has meant not only huge, wasteful expenditure on military and defence but also a profoundly vitiating impact on democracy, development and pluralism.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad warned that a partitioned India would mean a partitioned Muslim community, engender Hindu nationalism and create a Pakistan of sectarian conflicts that would become easy bait for the West


The Muslim League's demand for the partition of India was initiated by Viceroy Linlithgow in March 1940 when he instructed Sir Muhammad Zafrulla to convey to the League leadership that the government wanted them to demand separate states. The colonial government was hoping to checkmate the Indian National Congress's ambition to force a British withdrawal from India while WW II was raging and the British had suffered their first defeat in more than 200 years at the hands of an Asian power -the Japanese, who forced a humiliating surrender in Singapore in February 1940. It is not important who is the real author of the two-nation theory but there can be no doubt that the idea of separate states for Muslims was born in the viceroy's office. Let me say that the British were not at all thinking of partitioning India at that time nor was the Muslim League confident that such an idea could be realized without major upheavals taking place.

In these series of articles I am not going to present my version of how India and the two Muslim-majority provinces were partitioned or why. I am going to present some arguments to suggest that it was not necessarily the best solution for anyone, especially the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. In this regard I must invoke Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's forebodings that a partitioned India would mean a partitioned Muslim community and it would help Hindu nationalism in India while creating a Pakistan that would get embroiled in sectarian conflicts and become easy bait to the West. The Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind had a similar standpoint. Consequently, important sections of the Muslim population of India had reservations against the partition, though by 1945 a large majority had begun to support the idea of Pakistan.

Let me list my objections and reservations on the three partitions:

The so-called Hindu-Muslim problem was not really solved by the partition: it simply converted it into an India-Pakistan confrontation with wars that resulted in disastrous consequences for democracy, development and pluralism. In India, it created a discourse of Muslim betrayal during the freedom struggle, which was then held against the Muslims who remained in India (nearly as many as were in West Pakistan, now Pakistan). In Pakistan, it generated the intractable controversy about who is a Muslim. As we know each attempt to define a Muslim has meant more people being excluded from that category on the basis of them holding beliefs contrary to the beliefs of a particular sect or sub-sect. In both cases it gave impetus to majoritarian nationalism, which has since then preyed on the minorities as unwanted, fifth columnists. Indian Muslims are routinely demonized in RSS, Shiv Sena and other members of the Sangh Pariwar of Hindu extremists while in Pakistan we have effectively been making life difficult for the miniscule Hindu minority. There is, however, a fundamental difference. The Indian constitution and legal system do not discriminate between religious groups when it comes to their political rights. In Pakistan they do.

The creation of Pakistan began to be presented as a way of ending Hindu domination
The demographic structure of pre-partition India was such that no group had absolute majority.
The rough percentage was 7: 4 Muslims (200 million Hindus 90 million Muslims). Now, the Hindu group was stratified into at least three caste compartments: the three upper castes of Brahmins, Kshytrias and Vaishyas (15-20 percent), and the other backward classes or castes (some 50 per cent at least), comprising various farming and other communities, quite powerful locally in different parts of India, and the so called scheduled castes and tribes (22.5 per cent).

Among the three Hindu caste compartments there were some shared religious and cultural features but also demarcations, so all Hindus somehow as one body oppressing all Muslims was very unlikely. On the contrary, it meant that Hindus needed to continue reforming and modernizing towards greater equality. The Muslims were at least 25 per cent of the population, dispersed everywhere and concentrated in two very significant geo-strategic zones of north-eastern and north-western India. The Muslims were not a compact group either. Differences of sect and ethnicity existed even among them. Then there were millions of Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and so on. Additionally, there were regional leaders and parties. All this prepared India for a grand experiment in pluralist democracy where it would have been in the best interest of the groups and sub-groups to work together in power sharing and sharing of resources.

Contrary to a widely held view that Muslims everywhere lagged behind Hindus and Sikhs in employment, the fact is that the Muslims (especially Punjabis and Pathans) constituted some 36-40 per cent of the British Indian Army. In the Muslim minority province of UP more than 50 per cent of the police were Muslims as compared to the 17 per cent of their population strength. In both Bengal and Punjab, which had Muslim majorities the police were Muslim in far greater numbers than their proportion of the population. Thus for example in the Punjab 73 per cent of police was Muslim as against only 57.1 per cent of their population strength. The British always employed minorities in the police and military, for obvious reasons. In other branches of the administration the Muslim percentage was increasing though Hindus and Sikhs were ahead of them. Sir Fazl-e-Hussain had introduced quotas for Muslims in some important educational institutions and that had helped the steady increase in percentage of educated Muslims .

Muslims who went to school and sought employment had a fair opportunity to find one. The problem was that the negative Muslim state of mind induced in the aftermath of the 1857 uprising which brought to an end even symbolic Muslim suzerainty over India, and the propaganda of the ulema that Western education would mean Muslims converting to Christianity prevented the Muslims from taking to education whole-heartedly. The British brought with them a new economic order based on banking, investments, stock exchange - all considered inappropriate in dogmatic Islamic terms. The Hindus and Sikhs made use of the new opportunities and moved ahead. I know many Muslim families of Lahore whose elders educated themselves and were as successful as Hindus and Sikhs in acquiring property and were part of the elite.

No doubt commercialization of agriculture resulted in the Muslim peasantry getting trapped in debts to moneylenders. The alternative was the landlord who extracted more out of the peasants through unpaid services on his lands and in his household and the Muslim peasants preferred to go to the Hindu karar or moneylender who was a local person who offered loans on quite reasonable terms. Some moneylenders were extortionists but not all. In any case, the debt burden was a problem in the Punjab and Sir Chhotu Ram, the leader of the Punjab Unionist Party introduced legislation in 1937 which cancelled past debts. However, that did not mean the needs of the peasants for capital also came to an end. Money-lending continued through Muslim front men but as an institution it was certainly greatly weakened and modern banks began to be established in the Punjab.

When the focus of the Muslim separatist movement shifted from northern India, (where the Muslim landed elite was its main protagonist) to the Muslim-majority provinces of north-western India in 1940, the creation of Pakistan began to be presented as a way of ending Hindu domination, at least in areas where Muslims were in a majority - i.e. the north-western and north-eastern zones of the subcontinent. The partition riots resulted in Hindus and Sikhs being expelled from the Muslim majority provinces of north-western India and thus a lot of businesses and property came into the hands of Muslims. It also meant that Muslims found space to make upward mobility which was obstructed while these non-Muslims were based there.

I sometimes wonder if those who consider this as a legitimate solution to Muslim poverty ever think of how it would affect Muslims and other immigrants in the West if anti-immigration parties succeed in expelling immigrants on grounds of property and jobs that ought to be made available to the indigenous white population to solve the problem of unemployment. I am sure no Muslim in Europe who has worked hard and made progress would consider it a fair and legitimate way of bringing relief to unemployed Europeans. Some people argue that the Pakistan movement was a class struggle between Hindu and Sikh haves and Muslim have-nots. This is at best vulgar Marxism. The landlord class was the mainstay of the Muslim League and to believe they were allies in a liberation struggle to establish a fairer society is sheer lunacy.

One thing more, let's suppose that the partitions of Punjab and Bengal had not taken place even if India had been partitioned. That would have meant the Hindus and Sikhs retaining their properties in Pakistan. How would that have solved the problem of Muslim economic backwardness in one go except by confiscating the properties of non-Muslims. The other way would be to help Muslims get interested in education despite their reservations. That was already happening in undivided India in the Muslim-majority provinces and would have continued had India remained united. India was never ever conceived as a unitary state. It was going to be a federation. Thus the partition of these two provinces only helped a quicker change of property ownership from Hindu-Sikh to Muslim hands by driving the Hindus and Sikhs out.

The fact is that the Hindus and Sikhs took to western education and adjusted to the modern capitalism economy with ease and thus progressed economically. They worked hard and acquired wealth. They did not steal it from Muslims who were negatively inclined towards modern education as well as modern business and commerce. The moneylender developed in the context of the new economy of commercial crops and since Muslims were not willing to move into it, the Hindus and Sikhs did. Sir Chhotu Ram's reforms of 1937 to a large extent weakened the moneylenders and with modern banking their relevance decreased even more. So, efforts were underway to rectify such lopsided economic relations. On the other hand, research shows that the landlords (mostly Muslims) used to lend capital informally to the peasants and exploit them even more completely by making them work for them on their lands and making their womenfolk serve in the household. The landlord, the true parasite never got identified as an exploiter the same way as the moneylender.

(to be continued)
So in a way partition happened for the good.

Though we were separate at that time, I am happy that this happened. Otherwise India would have become a socialist/leftist hell hole.

At least with the Hindu community's majority, there is high level of tolerance, plurality and logic. If an organized religion was majority, India would have become another Egypt or Iran, losing our own cultures and enforcing a Middle Eastern one. It is the best they stay as the absolute majority.
So in a way partition happened for the good.

Though we were separate at that time, I am happy that this happened. Otherwise India would have become a socialist/leftist hell hole.

At least with the Hindu community's majority, there is high level of tolerance, plurality and logic. If an organized religion was majority, India would have become another Egypt or Iran, losing our own cultures and enforcing a Middle Eastern one. It is the best they stay as the absolute majority.

The weird thing about being a Hindu is nothing is enforced everything is by choice. There is no compulsion to do anything we are just free to do what we want.
The weird thing about being a Hindu is nothing is enforced everything is by choice. There is no compulsion to do anything we are just free to do what we want.

Which part of what you have written do you find weird ?
The weird thing about being a Hindu is nothing is enforced everything is by choice. There is no compulsion to do anything we are just free to do what we want.

Which by definition is called Freedom of will and from Religion itself. Which is good:)
Which part of what you have written do you find weird ?

Ya i mean when compared to other religions i do find it out of the box because its so flexible and free. We can take howmuch we want and leave the ones that we dont which is a very rare thing i find.

Which by definition is called Freedom of will and from Religion itself. Which is good:)

ya i agree... :tup:
My view of whether partition was good or not is.....if we had stayed together,200-300 years down the line we would have been where the US is now....but we would probably have to go through a bloody civil-war or two!But I am not sure we would have a Lincoln to stop the wars and hold us together!
So in a way partition happened for the good.

Though we were separate at that time, I am happy that this happened. Otherwise India would have become a socialist/leftist hell hole.

At least with the Hindu community's majority, there is high level of tolerance, plurality and logic. If an organized religion was majority, India would have become another Egypt or Iran, losing our own cultures and enforcing a Middle Eastern one. It is the best they stay as the absolute majority.

Indeed but they wont.why?because with the increase of muslim population getting closer to 30% in india.the hindu nationalist will push for a seperate hindu majority country as it is impossible to live among the muslims without accepting there demand when the reach 1/3rd of the population of your country..

It is impossible for a muslim to be a minority and a patriotic aswell except for certain sects of shia and other non muslims claiming to be muslims like ahmadia's,druze etc

While the indians might be going all gaga over that No indian muslims are secular and this and that.but remind me this when the reach a point (atleast 25-30%) of india population.than the other religious community will start getting the heat.

I agree the Indian Shia muslim might be as much patriotic as the hindus indians are.and they may remain so forever.but for sunni muslim i cant say so.Because all i know is that sunni muslims unlike shia never bow to anyone and has the capability to accept anything on force despite being minority
Cabinet Mission Plan would have been the best thing to happen in the struggle for Independence. It is sad that the lack of foresight of AICC and ML,costed millions of lives.

Secondly, it is still beyond my understanding that what would be the reason behind Lord Mountbatten's hastiness in partitioning the subcontinent as there are abundant proofs that Congress,ML or the British Government were in no hurry to solve this issue so quickly. Had he been little more patient and gave Mr.Radcliff enough time to analyse and study his job,the extent of bloodshed could have been avoided.
I would say Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a visionary with great foresight!! Whatever he predicted about Pakistan proved to be true.
Indeed but they wont.why?because with the increase of muslim population getting closer to 30% in india.the hindu nationalist will push for a seperate hindu majority country as it is impossible to live among the muslims without accepting there demand when the reach 1/3rd of the population of your country..

It is impossible for a muslim to be a minority and a patriotic aswell except for certain sects of shia and other non muslims claiming to be muslims like ahmadia's,druze etc

While the indians might be going all gaga over that No indian muslims are secular and this and that.but remind me this when the reach a point (atleast 25-30%) of india population.than the other religious community will start getting the heat.

I agree the Indian Shia muslim might be as much patriotic as the hindus indians are.and they may remain so forever.but for sunni muslim i cant say so.Because all i know is that sunni muslims unlike shia never bow to anyone and has the capability to accept anything on force despite being minority

By 2100, Muslim pop is India is said to reach 18% of the total pop. So, you need to wait at least a couple of centuries for your dream to come true. God knows what will happen in 200 years. As time goes people change and religion may not be a factor by then.. WHO KNOWS.

For now, enjoy your wet dreams.
By 2100, Muslim pop is India is said to reach 18% of the total pop. So, you need to wait at least a couple of centuries for your dream to come true. God knows what will happen in 200 years. As time goes people change and religion may not be a factor by then.. WHO KNOWS.

For now, enjoy your wet dreams.

Any source to support your claim.

Hindus getting converted into Islam in thousands each day
followed by higher birth rate.while Hindus growth rate is all set to stall and rather go into decreasing

I see this happening before 2050
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