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Special forces of Bangladesh

And Mujib murdered by who ? by Army personals , JRB was one of the reasons for getting murdered

yup..that I know.but that doesn't point replacing army was the reason.JRB was acting more like secret police than an army.and it was created in 1972.so,Mujib had enough time to replace Army if needed.but yes,that time,Army was largely neglected.
yup..that I know.but that doesn't point replacing army was the reason.JRB was acting more like secret police than an army.and it was created in 1972.so,Mujib had enough time to replace Army if needed.but yes,that time,Army was largely neglected.

war finished on 16th december 1971, so obviously it took time to form JRB in 1972, and BTW all Bangladeshis knows that Mujib never liked army
@GR!FF!N more info

Rift with Military Forces

The number of Jatiyo Rokkhi Bahini personnel increased to 30 thousand by 1975. This large force was armed to teeth. They were given automatic weapons, steel helmets, jeeps, trucks etc.[3]

They had complete uniform with leather boots and a complete table of organization.

On the other hand Bangladesh Army, which was formed through a war against an army of occupation with some true patriots in 21 November 1971, found themselves as an orphan.

While the Jatiyo Rokkhi Bahini was being enlarged, Bangladesh Army was just watching that. There was no T.O.E. (Table of Organization and Establishment).

Military personnel did not have sufficient arms. Most of them had no uniforms, boots, helmets etc. In winter they had to guard the border in slippers.[3]

Major General Manzoor, a freedom fighter who escaped from Pakistan, defying the Army to join the liberation war said Mascarenhas that sometimes military personnel were killed by National Defence Force (JRB) blaming them as collaborators.[3]

All these discrimination created rift between the two forces.
@GR!FF!N JRB formed by RAW, so now you get the picture why we think India is against our armed forces :)
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i agree, but they were the main founders, even they are considered as founders of Bangladesh Navy

might be..but that shows that India wasn't against raising an special force,nor against Bangladesh Army.sometimes I wonder why accuse when you(not you,but some BD members) don't have the proof..It was Mujib who tried to build an dictator ruled country out of BD and failed.its due to his and his successors whose inability was the reason behind an poor army and even poorer special forces.

war finished on 16th december 1971, so obviously it took time to form JRB in 1972, and BTW all Bangladeshis knows that Mujib never liked army

no dictator love his army when they have much better equipped "Gestapo"..and always they dislike army as Army has the power to overthrow dictators even when they throttle civil unrest with secret police..no wonder JRB would've caused dissatisfaction into Army just like Gestapo and SS did in Nazi Germany.
@GR!FF!N JRB formed by RAW, so now you get the picture why we think India is against our armed forces :)

ooppsssss.....I've overlooked it... :ashamed: but what is the source that it was formed by RAW???or is that your RAWAMI League theory in work??? :azn: you know what,The first thing Mujib did after he was released from Pakistan is he created an one party rule.though he tried to forge a strong relationship with India,Indian Govt barely keep touch with Mujib due to several atrocities on his part.do you know why India govt is still trying to forge a good relation with BD??because India left after you got independence and didn't try that hard to forge a better tie,until recently..so,involvement of RAW in JRB is just as funny as you've got..
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ooppsssss.....I've overlooked it... :ashamed: but what is the source that it was formed by RAW???or is that your RAWAMI League theory in work??? :azn: you know what,The first thing Mujib did after he was released from Pakistan is he created an one party rule.though he tried to forge a strong relationship with India,Indian Govt barely keep touch with Mujib due to several atrocities on his part.do you know why India govt is still trying to forge a good relation with BD??because India left after you got independence and didn't try that hard to forge a better tie,until recently..so,involvement of RAW in JRB is just as funny as you've got..

same source .. why did not check the source:-

Indian link

Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini was actively deployed just after the Indian Army left Bangladesh on 17 March.

The force was trained and brought up by Major General Sujan Singh Uban from Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
same source .. why did not check the source:-

Indian link

Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini was actively deployed just after the Indian Army left Bangladesh on 17 March.

The force was trained and brought up by Major General Sujan Singh Uban from Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

and that source of info was this....... মুক্তিযুদ্ধের পূর্বাপর : কথোপকথন-এ কে খন্দকার ||ROKOMARI.COM||

no offence,but those parts were taken from 2 books..any govt or reliable source on that????

we've placed hundreds of tanks and APCs in BD during war..we were not there to take few Type-59s or whatever you had.

At the time of surrender Eastern Command, PA had almost all its eqpt intact with loads of ammunition to keep fighting for months. Yahya and Niazi lot were such disgraceful characters. India not only took away all the military eqpt but even looted the cantonment toilets taking away commodes and all. When there was hue and cry in BD media, IA held a show trial of some officers where few BA officers went to testify. BD Defense Secretary Ghani, CGS Col Khaled Musharraf and others were in the BD team. The Indians were quite hostile and unhappy that BD should seek to transfer PA's eqpt to them. The Indian Defense Secretary was unduly coarse in his (un)welcome address. The visit resulted in the return of few field ambulance stuff like freezers,etc. Nothing lethal was returned. We need to thank our true friend China for what we have now.
At the time of surrender Eastern Command, PA had almost all its eqpt intact with loads of ammunition to keep fighting for months. Yahya and Niazi lot were such disgraceful characters. India not only took away all the military eqpt but even looted the cantonment toilets taking away commodes and all. When there was hue and cry in BD media, IA held a show trial of some officers where few BA officers went to testify. BD Defense Secretary Ghani, CGS Col Khaled Musharraf and others were in the BD team. The Indians were quite hostile and unhappy that BD should seek to transfer PA's eqpt to them. The Indian Defense Secretary was unduly coarse in his (un)welcome address. The visit resulted in the return of few field ambulance stuff like freezers,etc. Nothing lethal was returned. We need to thank our true friend China for what we have now.

again.....source????without source,I've to assume its you who've looted those parts and now blaming India/RAW.. :omghaha:
At the end of the day, none of these painstaking efforts mean anything when these forces can be controlled and directed by Indians through proxy of indian subservient regime. And more importantly when top brass willing to sell to highest bidder, cause and reason for existence of these forces brings more question.

But thanks to asad71 for sharing some historical truth on indian effort to undermine Bangladesh sovereignty.
1.When our Paracdos were raised India had raised immediate objection. They argued why would BD need a strategic outfit? Their fear: our SFs could train and lead NE FFs during war. Like PA SSG they could train these FFs in camps within BD and in FF held territories.

2. To counter through a soft power tactics, India is now arranging joint Indo-BD SFs joint exercises pushed through compliant political leadership in BD. India also gives us vacancies for courses in their Jungle Warfare School, Mizoram.

Setting up a Special Forces organisation is no easy task.

Since BD had to start from scratch, so did its Special Forces. From what is known, Bangladesh para-commando corps were officially formed way back in 1992. But the process started much earlier than that.

Arent National Security Intelligence, Special Branch and Directorate General of Forces Intelligence also some special forces.

They are intelligence, just like CIA and NSA. They are not special forces, but they do often closely collaborate.

I heard that BD military wanted to make its own tanks and India raised objection. Is it true ?

Let me ask you something: Can BD manufacture a car as of now? Not assemble, but actually manufacture?

At the time of surrender Eastern Command, PA had almost all its eqpt intact with loads of ammunition to keep fighting for months. Yahya and Niazi lot were such disgraceful characters. India not only took away all the military eqpt but even looted the cantonment toilets taking away commodes and all. When there was hue and cry in BD media, IA held a show trial of some officers where few BA officers went to testify. BD Defense Secretary Ghani, CGS Col Khaled Musharraf and others were in the BD team. The Indians were quite hostile and unhappy that BD should seek to transfer PA's eqpt to them. The Indian Defense Secretary was unduly coarse in his (un)welcome address. The visit resulted in the return of few field ambulance stuff like freezers,etc. Nothing lethal was returned. We need to thank our true friend China for what we have now.

We did manage to keep the surviving F-86's though.
Setting up a Special Forces organisation is no easy task.

Since BD had to start from scratch, so did its Special Forces. From what is known, Bangladesh para-commando corps were officially formed way back in 1992. But the process started much earlier than that.

They are intelligence, just like CIA and NSA. They are not special forces, but they do often closely collaborate.

Let me ask you something: Can BD manufacture a car as of now? Not assemble, but actually manufacture?

We did manage to keep the surviving F-86's though.

1. After liberation, 4 E Bengal was earmarked to develop as the core of commando group. The unit was commanded by Hyder, a PA SSG officer. Taher was an SSG officer. Khaled Musharraf was also trained by SSG but didn't serve with them. There were others, including one who was with Op Gibraltar. Having born out of war fought with the Doctrine of Traditional People's War, BA was always enthusiastic to have a potent SF.

2. Gandhara (now Progoti) owned by Gen Habibullah Khan Khatak, was the first plant in SA to roll out GM, USA cars, assembled of course. That was perhaps in 1962. When Indira came here on her first visit in 1972, Sheikh presented her with a posh Vauxhall Viva produced in this plant. Indian guests nearly fainted at this feat which they could not dream of at that time - what with all their Ambassador dabbas.We now assemble many Japanese brands. Initially we had exported some Pajero jeeps to Bhutan - till India had this stopped by underhand means.
What about ''Bangladesh Police Security and Protection Battalion (SPB) ''
@asad71 your posts are great. i highly suggest you to open a start and post unknown truths and REAL truth about some myths. Pretty sure alot of this generation youth and others will be interested in it except some bharotis and rawamis
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