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Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

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They did give R-2 rockets to China ....which was converted into missile as well as rockets .

Remember China tested first rocket in 1960 itself ....You are not correct Soviets had made giant strides in 1960 s in space they had mansy firsts in Space .....

I do not deny Chinese indigenous efforts continued even after Soviet co-operation

But Back then in 1960s china was poor ,starving, third world country...had no wherewithal to test rockets so fact just within 10 years ....

First Chinese rocket tested was actually Soviet made ....there is enough proof for that ...

It is without doubt that Soviet did help China.

I think because the Soviet is under a lot of pressure from the western side in Europe with the Berlin blockade/airlift and all, that they want to open the eastern front to take off the pressure. Hence the Korean War.

In returns for China involvement in the Korean War, Soviet is helping to build up China to put pressure on US in the eastern pacific front. No doubt this would help relieve pressure in the European front and buy Soviet precious time.

China get uranium extraction and enrichment technology and also the R2 rocket which is just an improved German's V2 rocket from WWII era. China also get a lot of other help that is essential for China to start to build on her own indigenous industries.

Obviously China would not have build their own nuclear bomb without the uranium technologies that Soviet gave. Uranium as we all know is the essential material for nuclear bomb. But the atomic bomb prototype that was promised was repeated delay and was never delivered to China. China build the atomic bomb and later the thermonuclear/hydrogen bomb entirely by her own effort. And I think anyone in the world would agree those are no mean feats.

And in comparison I would say Soviet help in rocket/missile technology is less. Because in late 50s the technology is fairly new in the world. Soviet only has the Sputnik in 1957, I doubt they would give China much at the short period before the Soviet/China split.

And for the people that doubt Mao contribution to China, I think they should watch this documentary - 大国崛起

They did give R-2 rockets to China ....which was converted into missile as well as rockets .

Remember China tested first rocket in 1960 itself ....You are not correct Soviets had made giant strides in 1960 s in space they had mansy firsts in Space .....

I do not deny Chinese indigenous efforts continued even after Soviet co-operation

But Back then in 1960s china was poor ,starving, third world country...had no wherewithal to test rockets so fact just within 10 years ....

First Chinese rocket tested in 1960 was actually Soviet made ....there is enough proof for that ...
Here u go again, attempting to pit my countryman against me. @beijingwalker made his stand clear, didn't he?
Are you not slimy? hell yes.

No you made him change is stance ....

I remember he wrote ...I don't care ...I don't read previous posts ....

But you coaxed him again and again ....because you felt embarrssed ....He later corrected saying I meant Soviet helped establish PRC and not ROC....
the argument I have foiled before ....
I don't care who is pitted where ...and who cides whom ....

All statements I made I have backed ...

You kept me calling slimy , dodgy , liars , without honesty, without integrity even when I very politely and respectfully continued to address you ...Dear !
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But the atomic bomb prototype that was promised was repeated delay and was never delivered to China. China build the atomic bomb and later the thermonuclear/hydrogen bomb entirely by her own effort. And I think anyone in the world would agree those are no mean feats.

And in comparison I would say Soviet help in rocket/missile technology is less. Because in late 50s the technology is fairly new in the world. Soviet only has the Sputnik in 1957, I doubt they would give China much at the short period before the Soviet/China split.

Thanks for your illuminating post. According to @Indo-guy, there would be no nuclear program and ICBM without the Russia's help.
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If so, why you guys did several more tests in the 80's or 90's?? Yet no therma nuclear?

Create separate thread for Indian thermo Nuclear capability....If you have any guts !!!

I will reply you there ....I knew you will go for it .

talk of Russian contribution to Chinese Nuclear, Missile , Space technology here .

Don't derail this thread ....

Have some honesty, you just couldn't make the jump from nuclear to therma nuclear.

Do some research before posting such questions and making yourself Laughing stock ...

India does have thermonuclear capability ...whatever we have is indigenous ...not stolen....copied

Create separate thread for Indian thermo-nuclear capability ...
If you want to discuss that ..
Thanks for your illuminating post. According to @Indo-guy, there would be no nuclear program and ICBM without the Russia's help.

Chinese efficiency in Cherry- picking selective portions that suits them is well known
...go through all links carefully , study them well and then come here to argue....
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They did give R-2 rockets to China ....which was converted into missile as well as rockets .

Remember China tested first rocket in 1960 itself ....You are not correct Soviets had made giant strides in 1960 s in space they had mansy firsts in Space .....

I do not deny Chinese indigenous efforts continued even after Soviet co-operation

But Back then in 1960s china was poor ,starving, third world country...had no wherewithal to test rockets so fact just within 10 years ....

First Chinese rocket tested was actually Soviet made ....there is enough proof for that ...

They did give R-2 rockets to China ....which was converted into missile as well as rockets .

Remember China tested first rocket in 1960 itself ....You are not correct Soviets had made giant strides in 1960 s in space they had mansy firsts in Space .....

I do not deny Chinese indigenous efforts continued even after Soviet co-operation

But Back then in 1960s china was poor ,starving, third world country...had no wherewithal to test rockets so fact just within 10 years ....

First Chinese rocket tested in 1960 was actually Soviet made ....there is enough proof for that ...

So a tutor came to help a poor kid when he was in elementary school, but they parted way after a fight. The kid then went on to high school, university and got his Phd. Now you are telling me that everything that kid had achieved, he owed it to the tutor??????????? Oh and he has to be eternally grateful???????????

This analogy was the crux of your argument. Do you see any problem in that? Have some shame, even if you don't have the intellect.
When Russia cut off China's oil route, then China cant develop anymore. Just like u cant live and do anything when u have No food to eat:pop:

Worry more about your red river, if we decide to cut it off, 1/3 of your population will suffer from dehydration and your capital haoi will be nothing but desert land, smart a$$.
This analogy was the crux of your argument. Do you see any problem in that? Have some shame, even if you don't have the intellect.[/QUOTE]

Analogy you used shows that who is " slimy" .....see now you are trying to wriggle out of your previous arguments..

..so now you agree at least that Russia initiated China in nuclear know how or in your word ...tutored .....Do you agree ....or you Donot ? .

Give straight and simple answer in...... Yes or no....then I will move ahead....to answer you further !

Is that clear ....
( Don't judge my intellect ....I had glimpse of your glaring stupidities since yesterday )
Indians and Africans are considered inferior among Chinese.

Without Russia, India wouldn't even have a military.

Is this why you imported buddhism from India and started worshiping buddha, a Hindu Indian king?

You can deny it saying you are atheists but the reality is your hilarious commie regime allows pagan idolatry and worship of an Indian by the Chinese.

If you really want to prove yourself superior, then demolish all the gigantic buddha idols built in Hainan, Hunnan etc, and strictly ban idolatry all over China.

Look at USA, Europe, Canada, Australia... see whether they have built such idols and whether they worship idols!

Try building a gigantic buddha idol that you built in Hainan in Australia or Canada, let alone USA or Europe.... and see how your a$$es get whopped by actual superior human beings we have among us.

Pagan idol worshiping Chinese oppressed under the rule of commie clowns built idols everywhere and talk about superiority!

How many Churches and Mosques has your Govt built? Spending public money building massive idols and claiming yourselves superior to Africans!

Heck even Africans don't worship buddha!

Have some honesty, you just couldn't make the jump from nuclear to therma nuclear.

we did it in 74 simple fission test, then in 98 fusion test. Any problem? The weapon could have been readied in 1988 during operation Brasstacks which was to bombard Pakistani Nuclear facilities. But it was never done because our PM was not in favor of spoiling relation with Pakistan.
we did it in 74 simple fission test, then in 98 fusion test. Any problem? The weapon could have been readied in 1988 during operation Brasstacks which was to bombard Pakistani Nuclear facilities. But it was never done because our PM was not in favor of spoiling relation with Pakistan.

Somehow they feel thermo-nuclear weapon is something big that only their country achieved .

In contrast to China our thermonuclear programme was 100% indigenous .... We have never been even accused of military espionage

and everybody knows who is world leaders in Espionage = aka stealing !
Somehow they feel thermo-nuclear weapon is something big that only their country achieved .

In contrast to China our thermonuclear programme was 100% indigenous .... We have never been even accused of military espionage

and everybody knows who is world leaders in Espionage = aka stealing !

Uncapble of steal and not willing to steal are two thing but I beleive Indians are honest citizens of this world, just keep continuing. ;)
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