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Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

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Man, how you came to this conclusion?

He has been appointed sole Spokesperson of whole Chinese race ...

Frankly I deal with Chinese people everyday ....They are largely simple,peaceful , friendly people....
It's only here at PDF I have seen so much of racial abuse

So far I conducted myself well Unfortunately ...I too have been 'reactive' and have said some nonsense...things ....

I wholeheartedly apologise to all Chinese friends ....I have no intention to belittle anybody racially ...

But at the same time I will not tolerate nonsense and will give fitting reply ....but will watch my words ...

Uncapble of steal and not willing to steal are two thing but I beleive Indians are honest citizens of this world, just keep continuing. ;)

Nobody is completely honest ...yet we know which country is constantly involved with Espionage !!!
Uncapble of steal and not willing to steal are two thing but I beleive Indians are honest citizens of this world, just keep continuing. ;)

When we make deals with the west, we buy weapons legally. But these deals are under law from MTCR and NPT, though we are not signatory of it but sellers are. That's why some critical technology, like crystal blade and Cryogenic was not available to us. So we made it at home. Similar way Indian scientists knew the basic nuclear weapon design and upgraded it.

You are not allowed to buy weapons from west, that's why you steal.
When Russia cut off China's oil route, then China cant develop anymore. Just like u cant live and do anything when u have No food to eat:pop:

Other than their Submarine force, the Russian Navy is pitiful.
This analogy was the crux of your argument. Do you see any problem in that? Have some shame, even if you don't have the intellect.
Analogy you used shows that who is " slimy" .....see now you are trying to wriggle out of your previous arguments....so now you agree at least that Russia initiated China in nuclear know how or in your word ...tutored .....Do you agree ....or you Donot ? . Give straight and simple answer in...... Yes or no....then I will move ahead....to answer you further ! Is that clear ....( Don't judge my intellect ....I had glimpse of your glaring stupidities since yesterday )

The atomic bomb prototype that was promised by the Russia was never delivered to China. China build the atomic bomb and later the thermonuclear/hydrogen bomb entirely by her own effort. This is the UNDISPUTED facts.

CHina missile program had more similarity with the Americans' than early Russia's. The Father of China Space Program, Qian Xuesen, was the CO-FOUNDED of Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California before he returned to China

Mr-I-Know-it-all, don't stick your nose where it doesn't mean belong. Clearly, your intellect is that of a 16 year old
Russians suddenly stopped all cooperation with China and pulled back all their experts.left hundreds if not thousands of half finished projects in China in which China had already commited huge resources and money at a time when China didnt have much.that's an utterly betrayal and China was the one left to suffer. many of those half finished facilities had to be torn down, cause China didn't know what to do with them.the tremendous waste of the wealth on those huge but never finished projects was one of the direct causes of China's big famine.so even to PRC,Russia did more damage than help.
Russians suddenly stopped all cooperation with China and pulled back all their experts.left hundreds if not thousands of half finished projects in China in which China had already commited huge resources and money at a time when China didnt have much.that's an utterly betrayal and China was the one left to suffer. many of those half finished facilities had to be torn down, cause China didn't know what to do with them.the tremendous waste of the wealth on those huge but never finished projects was one of the direct causes of China's big famine.so even to PRC,Russia did more damage than help.

Yet OP want us to be immensely grateful to Russia.
Yet OP want us to be immensely grateful to Russia.

If I promise you to help you to build a car,and you yourself do not even know how to make a bike,you must be very happy,right?and what if after you put all you have in this and I suddenly go away while the car is only one third finished and leave you to your own device? what would you do with this"car"? maybe now you will think more about where to find your next meal,cause you've got nothing left.
after being cut off from the outside the world for nearly40 years, enduring the technology embargo from both the East and the West,China is one of the very few if any countries who can proudly claim that we achieved most of our scientific and technological accomplishments by ourselves.
If I promise you to help you to build a car,and you yourself do not even know how to make a bike,you must be very happy,right?and what if after you put all you have in this and I suddenly go away while the car is only one third finished and leave you to your own device? what would you do with this"car"? maybe now you will think more about where to find your next meal,cause you've got nothing left.

Not to mention, the tragic event of Great Leap Forward that came shortly after Sino-Soviet split. We don't even have enough food to eat, and Soviet made us paid off all the debts, which we did. Money talks bullshit walks. And @Indo-guy said we should be grateful to Russia. And it is easy to just complete the remaining 2/3 a car. This is how our argument started. And he said you are on his side :hitwall:
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after being cut off from the outside the world for nearly40 years, enduring the technology embargo from both the East and the West,China is one of the very few if any countries who can proudly claim that we achieved most of our scientific and technological accomplishments by ourselves.

Absolutely, from 60's onwards. We were on our own, our ICBM and therm nuclear were our own accomplishment. Sino-Soviet relation didn't normalize until Jia Zemin's era in late 90's.
In December 1949, Mao Zedong traveled to Moscow, for his first trip abroad. Three months earlier, perched high above a crowd of thousands in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, Mao had announced the founding of the People's Republic of China. The nascent country was yet unformed, and Mao thought it important to ensure that New China would stand on the right side of history: the Communist side. In this, Mao needed Joseph Stalin's blessing and Soviet help.
Back then, China was in ruins after years of war, first with Japan, then with itself: it had little industry and infrastructure, even less science and technology; it had no navy, no air force but unspeakable poverty and rampant disease. Russia, though still recovering from wartime losses, had a modern industry, atomic weapons, and the ambitions of a superpower.
Mao wanted a treaty of alliance that would give China "face" on the international stage but also provide security guarantees against the United States, economic aid to rebuild and modernize the ruined Chinese economy, and military assistance to "liberate" Taiwan. According to Mao's interpreter, present at the meeting, he told Stalin he wanted something that "looked good but also tasted delicious." Stalin was non-committal. He feared that closer relations with Mao could jeopardize Moscow's postwar gains in the Far East and quite possibly lead to a U.S. intervention.
After the opening of the Russian archives in the early 1990s, the Cold War International History Project at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars (CWIHP) obtained declassified documents on the meetings between Mao and Stalin, publishing them in translation, with scholarly commentary, in successive issues of the CWIHP Bulletin to shed light, for the first time, on the making of the Sino-Soviet Alliance. Not all documents were declassified, and key evidence remains locked away in inaccessible archival vaults in Moscow as well as Beijing. This week, CWIHP has published additional documents on the Mao-Stalin cat-and-mouse game, and on the ups and downs of Sino-Soviet relations in the following years. These documents offer an interesting look behind the curtains of foreign policy decision making in China and Russia and provide clues for understanding where the Sino-Russian relationship is headed
When Stalin Met Mao: Digital Archive

Soviet Russia's Contribution to Chinese Nuclear Programme

Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives

Soviet Russia’s contribution to China’s nuclear programme from 1954-1957
Soviets helped China build research reactor and cyclotron in China , co-operatvie uranius mining and processing , eastblishment of Eastern atomic energy institute

Nuclear weapon programme - 1957-1960
Soviets assisted China in establishment of Uranium enrichment , plutonium processing , warhead design and production and missile technology

The Soviets provided the Chinese with a nuclear reactor, a cyclotron and fissionable material. (Lewiss and Xue, 41)

Soviet Russia helped to establish Uranium processing plant , Plutonium Enrichment plant.
Besides Soviets also established East Atomic Energy Institute to help train Chinses scientists , technicians
These accords also included a geological survey for uranium in exchange for the Chinese supplying raw materials to the Soviets.
In the initial stages of the nuclear project Chinese scientists and planners stressed the need for the “vigorous assistance” of the Soviets. (Ibid., 48)

The Soviets, according to Davis and Xue, felt compelled to give the Chinese more than they were comfortable in doing, because their position among socialist countries was deteriorating. (Ibid., 62)

Chinese scientists of the Communist period were much more deliberate at acquiring as much as they could from the Soviets before the 1960 Sino-Soviet split.

The following Sino-soviet split period would be one of counterproductive populist science and general decline that would last until Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978.

Sino-Soviet Scientific Collaboration B Y K E V I N H O China Files .. ( Washington University Press)

So based on Secret , Diplomatic USSR archives and PRC FM archives it’s clear that From 1954 till 1960 over 6 years Soviet Russia extened all assiatnce in form of men ,materials , machines as well as expertise .
Under agreement between USSR and PRC , USSR was also to give prototype nukeT to China .This plan of which didn’t materilaise. China was solely to be blamed for this. Reasons for this was attitude of PRC . USSR was suddenly taken aback by Chinese aggressive posture towards Taiwan ...as a result of which Soviets withdraw all assistance to PRC.
However by that time all vital information such as warhead design and blue prints had already been passed on to China.

Yet it took Chinese scientists almost 4 years just to 'assemble' nuke.

Soviet assistance ended in 1960 , China tested its first nuke in 1964 based of Soviet war head design given to China way back in 1960.

So by all means Soviet Russia played immense role in China's Nuclear programmer .

It was the first and the most and the largest and blatant instance of Nuclear proliferation underwhich Soviet Russia virtually gave all nuclear know how to China
you already had enough building blocks given by soviets before 1960. Not a big deal, if you take 7 years more to test the TN weapon.

USSR didn't give us the strategic technology such as the ICBM, while Sino-Soviet relationship had already deteriorated since the late 1950s, and i doubt USSR had the ICBM technology back in this time.

No doubt that USSR had helped us, but they didn't help us to become a superpower, since they were expecting China to remain as their little pawn.

USSR didn't expect and predict that China could go that far in the future.
IF a newly founded dirt poor country back in early 1950's can learn how to make a nuclear bomb in just 3 years,by now,every city on this planet should have had their own nuclear stockpiles...what a joke..
Not to mention, the tragic event of Great Leap Forward that came shortly after Sino-Soviet split. We don't even have enough food to eat, and Soviet made us paid off all the debts, which we did. Money talks bullshit walks. And @Indo-guy said we should be grateful to Russia. And it is easy to just complete the remaining 2/3 a car. This is how our argument started. And he said you are on his side :hitwall:
Soviets did not conduct Great Leap forward ...It was Mao himself....( Premier of PRC ) .

I think you do not know history of PRC . It was Mao who conducted Great Leap Forward and not Soviets ...
Don't blame it on Soviets or Sino-Soviets split just because it came after Sino-soviet split .

IF a newly founded dirt poor country back in early 1950's can learn how to make a nuclear bomb in just 3 years,by now,every city on this planet should have had their own nuclear stockpiles...what a joke..

exactly that's my point ....
It was simply impossible for China to build nukes on own. Without Soviet assistance it was just impossible .
Indeed it would be joke ....
Now you have started to agree with me ....Tell Fattyacids that you agree with me in this instance ....
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Soviets did not conduct Great Leap forward ...It was Mao himself....( Premier of PRC ) .

I think you do not know history of PRC . It was Mao who conducted Great Leap Forward and not Soviets ...
Don't blame it on Soviets or Sino-Soviets split just because it came after Sino-soviet split .

Because China got blackmailed by both USA and USSR, and Brezhnev even threatened to nuke China back in stone age.

The Great Leap Forward wasn't Mao's choice, China had to develop the nuclear weapon by its own.
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