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Southwestern Iran Scorched As Temperature Hits Over 52°C

Jul 13, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

52.2 degrees Celsius. :crazy:

Talk about being fried alive. Climate change is real. Which makes regional cooperation even more important rather than silly infighting.
52.2 degrees Celsius. :crazy:

Talk about being fried alive. Climate change is real. Which makes regional cooperation even more important rather than silly infighting.

Not only climate change is real, but we are going to be the most effected one of it despite the fact that it was west, USA and China which contributed to majority of carbon and other greenhouse gases emissions.
52.2 degrees Celsius. :crazy:

Talk about being fried alive. Climate change is real. Which makes regional cooperation even more important rather than silly infighting.
52.2 is highest for last month (Khordad), those regions have seen higher temperature in summer

Not only climate change is real, but we are going to be the most effected one of it despite the fact that it was west, USA and China which contributed to majority of carbon and other greenhouse gases emissions.
on bright side , European decided to burn Coal , again
on bright side , European decided to burn Coal , again

Highest average temperature in Europe , Madrid Spain 31 degree Celsius.

Average temperature in Pakistan 38 degree celcius. 8 degree more. You know the difference of eight degree ? Life will be almost impossible if world average temperature rise by 2-3 degree celcius.

Highest temperature recorded in Pakistan , turbat 53.7 degree. 2017.
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Highest average temperature in Europe , Madrid Spain 31 degree Celsius.

Average temperature in Pakistan 38 degree celcius. 8 degree more. You know the difference of eight degree ? Life will be almost impossible if world average temperature rise by 2-3 degree celcius.

Highest average temperature recorded in Pakistan , turbat 53.7 degree. 2017.
Damn things like this makes you wanna move to a cold country somewhere in Europe or America's

Although northern pakistan is cold too
Damn things like this makes you wanna move to a cold country somewhere in Europe or America's

Although northern pakistan is cold too

Best bid is to move to Canada. Not only for us but for whole South Asia. That's why I am the promoter of the idea that Canada need to quickly allow immigration of atleast 50-65 million South Asians into their country. Through this they not only fulfill their desire of 100 million population, but they really help human civilization.

Also, half of the Canada is covered in ice throughout the year. As the global warming wreck the world, new lands will emerge I'm Canada. Canada need to cultivate and inhibit those lands. To be precise, as per estimates, Canadian land can sustain a population of a billion plus. They can atleast have 100 million (65 million of us). You see, this is the issue, white skin have dominated world resources, land, food, minerals, education etc... They are exploiting it while we are suffering.

On a lighter note, (and can be a possible solution for someone Hitler-minded) If Canada disagree, South Asia and middle East needs to make an alliance and invade and takeover Canada. Relocate it's 30% of population there. And then promote Bhai chara among natives, South Asians and Canadian. Just like these gori chamri did in Canadian and American lands
Damn things like this makes you wanna move to a cold country somewhere in Europe or America's

Although northern pakistan is cold too

The problem with changing weather is not just about how it feels on the skin. Consistently hot weather is detrimental to agriculture, leads to faster evaporation of surface water in lakes (which also means lesser water absorbed by ground water tables). I think the sun is eating us up faster than we predicted :o:
Although northern pakistan is cold too

Northern Pakistan also suffering from floods, land slides, etc. Not a good chocie..

You know Newzeland have a population density of 19/Km2 only. And 5 million population..it can easily sustain 5 million more
Not only climate change is real, but we are going to be the most effected one of it despite the fact that it was west, USA and China which contributed to majority of carbon and other greenhouse gases emissions.

Sad but true.

The three biggest polluters are USA, India and China especially with the last two becoming neo-rich in the last 15 years and enabling purchase of more than a billion personal vehicles ( cars and two-wheelers ) and this brought indications of climate change from not only glacier melting in the Himalayas but also in glacier melting in South America - half a world away from India and China. So the first step globally should be :
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The three biggest polluters are USA, India and China especially with the last two becoming neo-rich in the last 15 years and enabling purchase of more than a billion person vehicles ( cars and two-wheelers ) and this brought indications of climate change from not only glacier melting in the Himalayas but also in glacier melting in South America - half a world away from India and China. So the first step globally should be :

I am of the opinion too. In Pakistans case auto manufacturers have turned into a mafia just like any other industry. We should once and for all ban private vehicles, 4 wheelers etc. Instead built a huge factory of Buses, and EV 2-wheelers. If someone still want to buy a car, make him import it by paying 1000% import duty of the original price and annual fee of 100 thousand along with Huge penalties for traffic rules violations.

Nothing can force a private car owner to ditch it for public transport then a fine of 25,000 for wrong overtake.
Why would you hand over your travelling freedoms to the government? Citizens are not supposed to be the prisoners of their government.

If government offers you transport facility on every route, and don't forbid you from moving anywhere. Why would you consider yourself prisoner ?

This way you will even call government Bhatta-khor (extortionists) for taxing you.
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