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South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) is NOT an integral part of India

Your posts contain too much information. I can't handle reading that much at once, makes my eyes tired. They seem well referenced though. I don't think this problem will be solved without either actual or implied military force.

  1. Thank you for being candid. It is appreciated, and thank you again.
  2. How long do you recommend that my posts be?
  3. I agree it is a difficult situation. I don't agree, however, that only armed force or the threat of armed force will resolve the matter.
He asking you if we/you/I/him should discuss this more or is this thread beyond saving.

I think.

Well, yes. In a sense, yes. After gpit posted his very interesting but challenging thesis, only two exchanges were of any value. Is he/are you interested in reading why I believe that the facts prove him to be wrong? based on administrativbe history, ethnicity, culture and historical developments in that area?

I really would like to know.
wud like Chinese here to tell what r ur plans for arunachal/south tibet? do u really want it or using only to get aksai cin?

Indians shud tell why they r more intrested in putting more n more army in my state n not roads n development? we want roads not military man

i live there thats y
wud like Chinese here to tell what r ur plans for arunachal/south tibet? do u really want it or using only to get aksai cin?

Indians shud tell why they r more intrested in putting more n more army in my state n not roads n development? we want roads not military man

i live there thats y

China is not going to take arunachal/south tibet by force. What China wants eventuall is a negotiated settlement that China and India can live with.
China is not going to take arunachal/south tibet by force. What China wants eventuall is a negotiated settlement that China and India can live with.
do i understand correcly u said tht to china AP/south tibet is negotiable? in other words u will b satisfied if india give u a piece right? meaning u r saying ap/south tibet is not really cihina right?
do i understand correcly u said tht to china AP/south tibet is negotiable? in other words u will b satisfied if india give u a piece right? meaning u r saying ap/south tibet is not really cihina right?

I think the aborigines lived in AP are genetically close to Southeast Asians, even many Indians don't feel any affiliation with them. They were perhaps treating as low caste by the Hindu caste system.

YouTube - Arunachalee marriage party

I think these people are Tibeto-Burman which are the brothers to Burmese people, and cousins to the Chinese people.
I think the aborigines lived in AP are genetically close to Southeast Asians, even many Indians don't feel any affiliation with them. They were perhaps treating as low caste by the Hindu caste system.

They are not low caste. But in your history Manchus looks down on the Hans, Hans at one point looks down on the nomads up north. Mongols did the the same to Hans. And know they are all in your nation. It doesn't matter know,.

I think these people are Tibeto-Burman which are the brothers to Burmese people, and cousins to the Chinese people.

And we are all the same species in the end. Like this matter.

China should work with Pakistan to solve this solution n others(Kashmir,sir creek and siachin) in a way india understands.

I think Aghans and Indians should work together and get Pashtunistan and others, in a way Pakistan understands.
You are right. It is not 1962 anymore! This time, China is far far more powerful. With our new PLAAF bases in Tibet, we'll rain destruction on New Delhi on day 1 of the war.

It's clear to anyone that India needs to fuel aggression against its neighbors to distract from internal problems.

Adjusted for inflation and population growth, India's living standards have been indeed decreasing for the majority since 1990, with only the tiny IT and financial elite gaining. the suicidal crash growth-inflation regime of Dr. Singh and the equally suicidal military provocations are signs of a desperate government eager to escape what appears to be an inevitable revolution.

But AP had never been under the rule of a country called India untill in last 50+ years.

That's perhaps because India, as a single country, was formed since the time you refer to...

and for the records, its not the whole of Arunachal that falls under the so called south tibet thingy... It's only a part of west Arunachal (Tawang and its adjoining areas) that the chinese claims as a part of Tibet.

So people, who do not even have the general knowledge of the actual dispute, should refrain from tall claims and starting more flame threads.. This goes for some particular Indian posters too.. (I would not take names here)..

I believe all these neighbourly disputes can be solved eventually with discussion and negotiation. And it should be solved as a priority. If I am a land owner, I would not like to live with a boundary dispute with my neighbours.. The status quo attitute somehow does not apeal to, at least, me.
Adjusted for inflation and population growth, India's living standards have been indeed decreasing for the majority since 1990, with only the tiny IT and financial elite gaining. the suicidal crash growth-inflation regime of Dr. Singh and the equally suicidal military provocations are signs of a desperate government eager to escape what appears to be an inevitable revolution.

Bull$hit you are ignorant of the fact and basing your opinion on assumptions !!..I doubt you can prove any of them?
Bull$hit you are ignorant of the fact and basing your opinion on assumptions !!..I doubt you can prove any of them?

delta(standard of living) = delta(GDP) - (inflation + delta population)

inflation in india: The inflation rate in India was last reported at 9.47 percent in December of 2010. From 1969 until 2010, the average inflation rate in India was 7.99 percent reaching an historical high of 34.68 percent in September of 1974 and a record low of -11.31 percent in May of 1976.

India Inflation Rate

I'll use the lower number to make India look better.

Population growth: 1.3% annual change - 2009

World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google public data

GDP growth: I'll use the 8.9% figure for Q2 2010.

By the formula, living standards = 8.9 - (7.99+1.3) = -0.39%

the average living standard of indians has decreased. if we use all 2010 numbers, the level of decrease is even more frightening.
In India, the rich people get richer and the poor people get poorer.

Your country is still in bad shape even you got many people as rich as Bill Gates.
delta(standard of living) = delta(GDP) - (inflation + delta population)

inflation in india: The inflation rate in India was last reported at 9.47 percent in December of 2010. From 1969 until 2010, the average inflation rate in India was 7.99 percent reaching an historical high of 34.68 percent in September of 1974 and a record low of -11.31 percent in May of 1976.

India Inflation Rate

I'll use the lower number to make India look better.

Population growth: 1.3% annual change - 2009

World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google public data

GDP growth: I'll use the 8.9% figure for Q2 2010.

By the formula, living standards = 8.9 - (7.99+1.3) = -0.39%

the average living standard of indians has decreased. if we use all 2010 numbers, the level of decrease is even more frightening.


The GDP growth rates are real (not Nominal rates) i.e adjusted for inflation = Inflation is already taken into account

So it's 8.9-1.3=7.6


The 10.97 per cent nominal GDP growth rate include about seven per cent real GDP growth and about 4 per cent inflation. …

In India, the rich people get richer and the poor people get poorer.

You country is still in bad shape even you got many people as rich as Bill Gates.

China wealth disparity is way worse than India

There is something called the GINI coefficient which measures income distribution
Gini coefficient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China's coefficent .40
India's coefficent .35

(Higher numbers mean more inequality)
That's perhaps because India, as a single country, was formed since the time you refer to...

and for the records, its not the whole of Arunachal that falls under the so called south tibet thingy... It's only a part of west Arunachal (Tawang and its adjoining areas) that the chinese claims as a part of Tibet.

So people, who do not even have the general knowledge of the actual dispute, should refrain from tall claims and starting more flame threads.. This goes for some particular Indian posters too.. (I would not take names here)..

I believe all these neighbourly disputes can be solved eventually with discussion and negotiation. And it should be solved as a priority. If I am a land owner, I would not like to live with a boundary dispute with my neighbours.. The status quo attitute somehow does not apeal to, at least, me.

China has resolved all but six territorial disputes, South Tibet with India and those uninhibited islands off of Taiwan with Japan amongst them. The others all done very peacefully and in every case China conceded the bigger portion of the territory. Many to much smaller countries that China could easily sequester in one manner or another if chosen to do so. Just 3.5% of disputed area from Tajikistan, 22% from Kazakhstan and 32% from Kyrgyzstan. Some of these have been going on for well over 100 years before the PRC. In 17 out of 23 disputes China offered substantial compromises to resolve the disputes. China’s stance has been very liberal in reaching resolution as shown. Many of these countries were formal suzerainties of China that had had longstanding relationships in peace, as is the case with India.

As far as the ’62 War, India’s legacy includes 300+ years of Colonialism where India lost sovereignty as a nation and Indians were “Subjects” of a much smaller and belligerent ruler; if 1962 was the only time India had ever lost a war then one might understand the grudge; so get over it. India should take heed and sit down with China in earnest as the other countries have done and reach a peaceful agreement. Both countries have much greater challenges ahead to deal with, hopefully in cooperation together.
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